首先,这是一些存储在我的模板文件“ dog_fleas.tpl”中的HTML的示例:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/js/admin/mycms.js"></script><div> <div id="flea-blurb" tpl="/templates/dog_fleas.tpl" contenteditable="true"> <h1>My Dog Has Fleas</h1> <p>This text is editable via the CMS!</p> </div> <p>This text is not editable</p></div>
$(document).ready(function() { CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true; $("div[contenteditable='true']" ).each(function( index ) { var content_id = $(this).attr('id'); var tpl = $(this).attr('tpl'); CKEDITOR.inline( content_id, { on: { blur: function( event ) { var data = event.editor.getData(); var request = jQuery.ajax({ url: "/admin/cms-pages/inline-update", type: "POST", data: { content : data, content_id : content_id, tpl : tpl }, dataType: "html" }); } } } ); });});
- 它将所有具有contenteditable =“ true”属性的div标记转换为内联可编辑。
- 内容编辑后(模糊),可编辑元素ID,tpl文件名和已编辑内容通过ajax调用发送到服务器。
在服务器端,这是我的PHP代码。我使用的是框架,因此我的$ this-> _ POST()函数可能看起来有点不寻常,但希望您能明白:
// Get the posted parameters $new_content = $this->_POST('content'); $content_id = $this->_POST('content_id'); $tpl_filename = $this->_POST('tpl'); // Get the contents of the .tpl file to edit $file_contents = file_get_contents(APPPATH . 'views' . $tpl_filename); // create revision as a backup in case of emergency $revised_filename = str_replace('/', '.', $tpl_filename); $revised_filename = ltrim ($revised_filename, '.'); file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'views/templates/revisions/' . $revised_filename . '.' . time(), $file_contents); // Prepare to match the DIV tag // Credit to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5355452/using-a-regular-expression-to-match-a-div-block-having-a-specific-id $re = '% # Match a DIV element having id="content". <divb # Start of outer DIV start tag. [^>]*? # Lazily match up to id attrib. bids*+=s*+ # id attribute name and = (['"]?+) # : Optional quote delimiter. b' . $content_id . 'b # specific ID to be matched. (?(1)1)# If open quote, match same closing quote [^>]*+> # remaining outer DIV start tag. ( # : DIV contents. (may be called recursively!) (?: # Non-capture group for DIV contents alternatives. # DIV contents option 1: All non-DIV, non-comment stuff... [^<]++ # One or more non-tag, non-comment characters. # DIV contents option 2: Start of a non-DIV tag... | < # Match a "<", but only if it (?! # is not the beginning of either /?divb # a DIV start or end tag, | !-- # or an HTML comment. ) # Ok, that < was not a DIV or comment. # DIV contents Option 3: an HTML comment. | <!--.*?--> # A non-SGML compliant HTML comment. # DIV contents Option 4: a nested DIV element! | <divb[^>]*+> # Inner DIV element start tag. (?2)# Recurse group 2 as a nested subroutine. </divs*> # Inner DIV element end tag. )*+ # Zero or more of these contents alternatives. ) # End 2$: DIV contents. </divs*> # Outer DIV end tag. %isx'; if (preg_match($re, $file_contents, $matches)) { $content_to_replace = $matches[0]; $replacement_content = $content_to_replace; // Replace the inner content of $replacement_content with $new_content $replacement_content = preg_replace('/(<div(?:.*?)>)(?:.*)(</div>)/msi',"" . $new_content . "", $replacement_content); // Now replace the content_to_replace with $replacement content in the HTML $new_file_contents = str_replace($content_to_replace, $replacement_content, $file_contents); // write out the new .tpl file file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'views' . $tpl_filename, $new_file_contents); }