public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // load the dictionary into a set for fast lookups Set<String> dictionary = new HashSet<String>(); Scanner filescan = new Scanner(new File("dictionary.txt")); while (filescan.hasNext()) { dictionary.add(filescan.nextLine().toLowerCase()); } // scan for input Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter a string: "); String input = scan.next().toLowerCase(); System.out.println(); // place to store list of results, each result is a list of strings List<List<String>> results = new ArrayList<>(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // start the search, pass empty stack to represent words found so far search(input, dictionary, new Stack<String>(), results); time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; // list the results found for (List<String> result : results) { for (String word : result) { System.out.print(word + " "); } System.out.println("(" + result.size() + " words)"); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Took " + time + "ms");}public static void search(String input, Set<String> dictionary, Stack<String> words, List<List<String>> results) { for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { // take the first i characters of the input and see if it is a word String substring = input.substring(0, i + 1); if (dictionary.contains(substring)) { // the beginning of the input matches a word, store on stack words.push(substring); if (i == input.length() - 1) { // there's no input left, copy the words stack to results results.add(new ArrayList<String>(words)); } else { // there's more input left, search the remaining part search(input.substring(i + 1), dictionary, words, results); } // pop the matched word back off so we can move onto the next i words.pop(); } }}
Enter a string: amana man (2 words)am an (2 words)Took 0ms
Enter a string: thequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogthe quick brown fox jump ed over the lazy dog (10 words)the quick brown fox jump ed overt he lazy dog (10 words)the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog (9 words)the quick brown fox jumped overt he lazy dog (9 words)Took 1ms