import random import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt WALKABLE = 'walkable' PARENT = 'parent' VISITED = 'visited' def my_graph(): M = 7 N = 9 G = nx.grid_2d_graph(m=M, n=N) pos = nx.spring_layout(G, iterations=100) nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=pos, # labels=labels, #labels = dict(((i, j), 'Phil') for i, j in G.nodes()) font_size=8, font_color='white', node_color='green', node_size=500, width=1) START = (1, 1) # (2, 2) GOAL = (M - 1 - 1, N - 1 - 1) # 0,随机生成障碍物点 # 1,精心挑选的障碍物构成陷阱 obstacle_mode = 0 road_closed_nodes = [] if obstacle_mode == 0: obstacle = 20 # 障碍物(断点、不可达点)数量 road_closed_nodes = obstacle_nodes(G, START, GOAL, obstacle, M, N) elif obstacle_mode == 1: road_closed_nodes = dummy_nodes(G) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos, nodelist=road_closed_nodes, node_size=500, node_color="red", node_shape="x", # alpha=0.3, label='x' ) bfs(G, START, GOAL) path = find_path_by_parent(G, START, GOAL) print('path', path) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( G, pos, nodelist=path, node_size=400, node_color="red", node_shape='o', # alpha=0.3, # label='NO' ) # nx.draw_networkx_nodes( # G, pos, # nodelist=path, # node_size=100, # node_color="yellow", # node_shape='*', # # alpha=0.3, # # label='NO' # ) path_edges = [] for i in range(len(path)): if (i + 1) == len(path): break path_edges.append((path[i], path[i + 1])) print('path_edges', path_edges) # 把path着色加粗重新描边 nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=path_edges, width=8, alpha=0.5, edge_color="r") plt.axis('off') plt.show() # 广度优先遍历搜索路径 def bfs(G, START, GOAL): for n in G.nodes(): G.nodes[n][VISITED] = False print('G.nodes(data=True)', G.nodes(data=True)) # 记录搜索路径 search_path = [] open_list = [START] while True: if len(open_list) == 0: break print('-----') print('open_list', open_list) node = open_list[0] # 左边最头部含有上一轮父层次的节点 G.nodes[node][VISITED] = True search_path.append(node) print('search_path', len(search_path), search_path) print('选择', node) for n in nx.neighbors(G, node): try: walkable = G.nodes[n][WALKABLE] except: walkable = True visited = G.nodes[n][VISITED] # 如果节点已经在队列里面,则不予重复添加。 if (not visited) and walkable and (n not in open_list): open_list.append(n) G.nodes[n][PARENT] = node print('d出', node) del (open_list[0]) print('open_list', open_list) print('nodes', G.nodes(data=True)) if node == GOAL: print('到达->', GOAL) break def find_path_by_parent(G, START, GOAL): t = GOAL path = [t] is_find = False while not is_find: for n in G.nodes(data=True): if n[0] == t: print('parent', n) parent = n[1][PARENT] path.append(parent) if parent == START: is_find = True break t = parent list.reverse(path) return path # 障碍物点 def obstacle_nodes(G, START, GOAL, obstacle, M, N): road_closed_nodes = [] for i in range(obstacle): n = (random.randint(0, M - 1), random.randint(0, N - 1)) if n == START or n == GOAL: continue if n in road_closed_nodes: continue G.nodes[n][WALKABLE] = False road_closed_nodes.append(n) return road_closed_nodes def dummy_nodes(G): fun_nodes = [] n0 = (1, 2) G.nodes[n0][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n0) n1 = (1, 3) G.nodes[n1][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n1) n2 = (1, 4) G.nodes[n2][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n2) n3 = (1, 5) G.nodes[n3][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n3) n4 = (1, 6) G.nodes[n4][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n4) n5 = (2, 6) G.nodes[n5][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n5) n6 = (3, 6) G.nodes[n6][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n6) n7 = (4, 6) G.nodes[n7][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n7) n8 = (5, 6) G.nodes[n8][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n8) n9 = (5, 5) G.nodes[n9][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n9) n10 = (5, 4) G.nodes[n10][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n10) n11 = (5, 3) G.nodes[n11][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n11) n12 = (5, 2) G.nodes[n12][WALKABLE] = False fun_nodes.append(n12) return fun_nodes if __name__ == '__main__': my_graph()
现在特别的为了挑战算法的智商水平,故意为算法制造一些陷阱出来。具体的实验方法,是做一个凹形的墙,把这个凹形的墙正对着出发点,看看算法的表现,重点考察算法是否能机智的绕过这堵墙, 找到终点。
START = (2, 2)
obstacle_mode = 1