numpy.gradient可以对函数进行求导,在设置edge_order=1时其逆 *** 作可以由以下代码实现。改写自stackoverflow的回答。该程序仅适用于一维导数且dx为常数的情况,但是可以指定axis:
import numpy as np def integrate(dydx, y0, dx=1, axis=0): ''' Inverse of numpy.gradient, only for 1d, evenly spaced x and edge_order=1. dydx: array_like, (N1, N2, ..., N_axis, ...), output of gradient y0: array_like, (N1, N2, ...), the initial value, one dimension less than dydx dx: float, the dx used in np.gradient axis: int, the axis used in np.gradient return: ndarray, the same as the data before np.gradient ''' dydx = np.asarray(dydx) dydx = np.moveaxis(dydx, axis, 0) y1 = np.append(dydx[:1]*0., dydx[1:-1:2].cumsum(axis=0), axis=0) y2 = dydx[::2].cumsum(axis=0) - dydx[:1] / 2 y1 = np.expand_dims(y1, 1) y2 = np.expand_dims(y2, 1) y3 = np.hstack([y1, y2]) y3 = y3.reshape(-1, *y1.shape[2:]) out = y0 + 2 * y3[:dydx.shape[0]] * dx out = np.moveaxis(out, 0, axis) return out if __name__ == '__main__': y = np.random.rand(2, 10, 3) dydx = np.gradient(y, 0.143, edge_order=1, axis=1) y1 = integrate(dydx, y[:,0,:], 0.143, axis=1) print(y) print(y1) print('=============') print(np.abs(y1-y).max())