需要相关文件的,请访问我的 github仓库,指路。拜托顺手点个小 star 。
def separate_csv(file): """ 将评论按照正向或者负向分别写入两个文件 """ a = 1 with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if a < 4002: a += 1 continue with open("comments_0.csv", "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f2: wirter = csv.writer(f2) wirter.writerow(row) a += 1 a = 1 with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if a == 1: a += 1 continue with open("comments_1.csv", "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f2: wirter = csv.writer(f2) wirter.writerow(row) a += 1 if a > 4001: break
def jieba_get_high_frequency_words(): """ 用jieba分词分别提取出正向和负向的高频词 """ col_name = [ 'ID', 'comment' ] csvpd = pd.read_csv("comments_1.csv", names=col_name)['comment'] data = ''.join(csvpd) with open("high_frequency_word_1.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f: csvwriter = csv.writer(f) i = 1 for keyword, weight in textrank(data, topK=50, withWeight=True): csvwriter.writerow([i, keyword]) i += 1 csvpd = pd.read_csv("comments_0.csv", names=col_name)['comment'] data = ''.join(csvpd) with open("high_frequency_word_0.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f: csvwriter = csv.writer(f) i = 1 for keyword, weight in textrank(data, topK=50, withWeight=True): csvwriter.writerow([i, keyword]) i += 1
def make_seed_words(): """ 从提取出来的高频词中选取一些种子词,写入txt文件,用去情感分析 """ with open('seed_words.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('好吃' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('速度快' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('好评' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('喜欢' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('实惠' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('回购' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('准时' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('满意' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('没有' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('不会' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('取消' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('垃圾' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('送错' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('客服' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n')
def get_thesaurus(file): """ 将所有的评论都写入一个txt文件,用于后面的情感分析 """ csvpd = pd.read_csv(file)['review'] data = 'n'.join(csvpd) f = open('comments.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') f.write(data) f.close()
最后就是最重要的情感分析。这里我找了github上一个大佬写好的库。具体参考链接。按照他说的 *** 作,配置好文件就行了。
sopmier = ChineseSoPmi(inputtext_file='comments.txt', seedword_txtfile='seed_words.txt', pos_candi_txt_file='pos_candi.txt', neg_candi_txtfile='neg_candi.txt')结果展示:
完整代码展示:import pandas as pd from jieba.analyse import * import jieba import csv from wordexpansion import ChineseSoPmi file = "review.csv" def separate_csv(file): """ 将评论按照正向或者负向分别写入两个文件 """ a = 1 with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if a < 4002: a += 1 continue with open("comments_0.csv", "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f2: wirter = csv.writer(f2) wirter.writerow(row) a += 1 a = 1 with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if a == 1: a += 1 continue with open("comments_1.csv", "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f2: wirter = csv.writer(f2) wirter.writerow(row) a += 1 if a > 4001: break def jieba_get_high_frequency_words(): """ 用jieba分词分别提取出正向和负向的高频词 """ col_name = [ 'ID', 'comment' ] csvpd = pd.read_csv("comments_1.csv", names=col_name)['comment'] data = ''.join(csvpd) with open("high_frequency_word_1.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f: csvwriter = csv.writer(f) i = 1 for keyword, weight in textrank(data, topK=50, withWeight=True): csvwriter.writerow([i, keyword]) i += 1 csvpd = pd.read_csv("comments_0.csv", names=col_name)['comment'] data = ''.join(csvpd) with open("high_frequency_word_0.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as f: csvwriter = csv.writer(f) i = 1 for keyword, weight in textrank(data, topK=50, withWeight=True): csvwriter.writerow([i, keyword]) i += 1 def get_thesaurus(file): """ 将所有的评论都写入一个txt文件,用于后面的情感分析 """ csvpd = pd.read_csv(file)['review'] data = 'n'.join(csvpd) f = open('comments.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') f.write(data) f.close() def make_seed_words(): """ 从提取出来的高频词中选取一些种子词,写入txt文件,用去情感分析 """ with open('seed_words.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('好吃' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('速度快' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('好评' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('喜欢' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('实惠' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('回购' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('准时' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('满意' + 't' + 'pos' + 'n') f.write('没有' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('不会' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('取消' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('垃圾' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('送错' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') f.write('客服' + 't' + 'neg' + 'n') sopmier = ChineseSoPmi(inputtext_file='comments.txt', seedword_txtfile='seed_words.txt', pos_candi_txt_file='pos_candi.txt', neg_candi_txtfile='neg_candi.txt') if __name__ == '__main__': separate_csv(file) jieba_get_high_frequency_words() get_thesaurus(file) make_seed_words() sopmier.sopmi()