- 1 问题背景
- 2 前言
- 3 回顾
- 4 更改缓冲区
- 5 更改缓冲区的配置
前面研究了InnoDB内存架构之Buffer Pool缓冲池,今天来研究更改缓冲区。
2 前言参考自:MySQL官方文档的InnoDB之更改缓冲区
3 回顾在本篇博客中,“更改缓冲区” 在绝大部分的情况下是一个名词,其由英文Change Buffer翻译过来。更改 在绝大部分情况下也是一个名词。
4 更改缓冲区InnoDB的架构如下图所示:
The change buffer is a special data structure that caches changes to secondary index pages when those pages are not in the buffer pool. The buffered changes, which may result from INSERT, UPDATe, or DELETE operations (DML), are merged later when the pages are loaded into the buffer pool by other read operations.
更改缓冲区是一个特殊的数据结构,当二级索引页不在缓冲池中时,它会将更改缓存到二级索引页中。由INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE等DML *** 作导致的缓冲更改,稍后会在其他读取 *** 作将页面加载到缓冲池中时合并。
secondary index
A type of InnoDB index that represents a subset of table columns. An InnoDB table can have zero, one, or many secondary indexes. (Contrast with the clustered index, which is required for each InnoDB table, and stores the data for all the table columns.)A secondary index can be used to satisfy queries that only require values from the indexed columns. For more complex queries, it can be used to identify the relevant rows in the table, which are then retrieved through lookups using the clustered index.
Creating and dropping secondary indexes has traditionally involved significant overhead from copying all the data in the InnoDB table. The fast index creation feature makes both CREATE INDEX and DROp INDEX statements much faster for InnoDB secondary indexes.
See Also clustered index, Fast Index Creation, index.
Unlike clustered indexes, secondary indexes are usually nonunique, and inserts into secondary indexes happen in a relatively random order. Similarly, deletes and updates may affect secondary index pages that are not adjacently located in an index tree. Merging cached changes at a later time, when affected pages are read into the buffer pool by other operations, avoids substantial random access I/O that would be required to read secondary index pages into the buffer pool from disk.
不像聚集索引,二级索引通常不是唯一的,并且以相对随机的顺序插入二级索引。类似地,删除和更新 *** 作可能会影响索引树中不相邻的二级索引页。稍后合并缓存的更改,被影响的页通过其他 *** 作被读进缓冲池,可以避免大量的随机IO访问(如果没有缓冲区,这将需要从磁盘读取二级索引页到缓冲池中)
总结:更改缓冲区的作用,笔者理解是避免直接从磁盘读取二级索引到缓冲池,这将会导致大量的随机IO访问 (为什么是大量的?为什么是随机的?为什么是IO?答:针对第一个问题,因为二级索引不是唯一的;针对第二个问题,因为二级索引是以随机的顺序插入的;针对第三个问题,因为二级索引存在磁盘上)。 将二级索引读进更改缓冲区,稍后合并缓存的更改,此时不需从磁盘读二级索引,而是从更改缓冲区直接读取到缓冲池,减少大量的随机IO访问。
Periodically, the purge operation that runs when the system is mostly idle, or during a slow shutdown, writes the updated index pages to disk. The purge operation can write disk blocks for a series of index values more efficiently than if each value were written to disk immediately.
当系统大部分空闲的时候、缓慢关闭期间运行的清除 *** 作,会定期地将更新的索引页写入到磁盘上。与将每个值立即写入磁盘相比,清除 *** 作可以更有效地为一系列索引值写入到磁盘。
Change buffer merging may take several hours when there are many affected rows and numerous secondary indexes to update. During this time, disk I/O is increased, which can cause a significant slowdown for disk-bound queries. Change buffer merging may also continue to occur after a transaction is committed, and even after a server shutdown and restart (see Section 15.21.3, “Forcing InnoDB Recovery” for more information).
In memory, the change buffer occupies part of the buffer pool. On disk, the change buffer is part of the system tablespace, where index changes are buffered when the database server is shut down.
Change buffering is not supported for a secondary index if the index contains a descending index column or if the primary key includes a descending index column.
5 更改缓冲区的配置有关的配置可详情见InnoDB的更改缓冲区