


您可以检查以下内容。我试图 复制 该问题,并可以 确认 错误

ERROR: NameError("name 'event' is not defined")

根据您的示例我自己的表* ,我使用了DynamoDb流中的 模拟 INSERT :


{  "Records": [    {      "eventID": "b8b993cf16d1aacb61b40411b39e0b1f",      "eventName": "INSERT",      "eventVersion": "1.1",      "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb",      "awsRegion": "us-east-1",      "dynamodb": {        "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1595922821.0,        "Keys": {          "id": { "N": "1"          }        },        "NewImage": {          "last_name": { "S": "V"          },          "id": { "N": "1"          },          "age": { "S": "2"          }        },        "SequenceNumber": "25200000000020406897812",        "SizeBytes": 22,        "StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"      },      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:11111:table/newtable/stream/2020-07-28T06:59:38.569"    },    {      "eventID": "e5d5bec988945c06ffc879cf16b89bf7",      "eventName": "INSERT",      "eventVersion": "1.1",      "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb",      "awsRegion": "us-east-1",      "dynamodb": {        "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1595922821.0,        "Keys": {          "id": { "N": "9"          }        },        "NewImage": {          "last_name": { "S": "ADD"          },          "id": { "N": "9"          },          "age": { "S": "95"          }        },        "SequenceNumber": "25300000000020406897813",        "SizeBytes": 25,        "StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"      },      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:11111:table/newtable/stream/2020-07-28T06:59:38.569"    },    {      "eventID": "f1a7c9736253b5ef28ced38ed5ff645b",      "eventName": "INSERT",      "eventVersion": "1.1",      "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb",      "awsRegion": "us-east-1",      "dynamodb": {        "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1595922821.0,        "Keys": {          "id": { "N": "2"          }        },        "NewImage": {          "last_name": { "S": "JJ"          },          "id": { "N": "2"          },          "age": { "S": "7"          }        },        "SequenceNumber": "25400000000020406897819",        "SizeBytes": 23,        "StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"      },      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:11111:table/newtable/stream/2020-07-28T06:59:38.569"    },    {      "eventID": "bfcbad9dc19883e4172e6dc25e66637b",      "eventName": "INSERT",      "eventVersion": "1.1",      "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb",      "awsRegion": "us-east-1",      "dynamodb": {        "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1595922821.0,        "Keys": {          "id": { "N": "10"          }        },        "NewImage": {          "last_name": { "S": "ADD"          },          "id": { "N": "10"          },          "age": { "S": "95"          }        },        "SequenceNumber": "25500000000020406897820",        "SizeBytes": 25,        "StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"      },      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:11111:table/newtable/stream/2020-07-28T06:59:38.569"    }  ]}



{  "Records": [    {      "eventID": "4e4629c88aa00e366c89a293d9c82d54",      "eventName": "MODIFY",      "eventVersion": "1.1",      "eventSource": "aws:dynamodb",      "awsRegion": "us-east-1",      "dynamodb": {        "ApproximateCreationDateTime": 1595924589.0,        "Keys": {          "id": { "N": "2"          }        },        "NewImage": {          "last_name": { "S": "zhgdhfgdh"          },          "id": { "N": "2"          },          "age": { "S": "7"          }        },        "OldImage": {          "last_name": { "S": "JJ"          },          "id": { "N": "2"          },          "age": { "S": "7"          }        },        "SequenceNumber": "25600000000020408264140",        "SizeBytes": 49,        "StreamViewType": "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"      },      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:34234:table/newtable/stream/2020-07-28T06:59:38.569"    }  ]}

我可以 确认 的lambda函数的修改代码现在 不会产生错误

import boto3import jsonimport refrom requests_aws4auth import AWS4Authfrom elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, RequestsHttpConnectionsession = boto3.session.Session()credentials = session.get_credentials()s3 = session.resource('s3')awsauth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key,       credentials.secret_key,       session.region_name, 'es',       session_token=credentials.token)es = Elasticsearch(    ['https://vpc-test-dmamain-452frn764ggb4a.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com'],    use_ssl=True,    verify_certs=True,    http_auth=awsauth,    connection_class=RequestsHttpConnection)reserved_fields = ["uid", "_id", "_type", "_source", "_all", "_parent", "_fieldnames", "_routing", "_index", "_size",        "_timestamp", "_ttl"]def lambda_handler(event, context):    print(event)    #dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')    # Loop over the DynamoDB Stream records    for record in event['Records']:        if record['eventName'] == "INSERT": insert_document(event, es, record)        elif record['eventName'] == "REMOVE": remove_document(event, es, record)        elif record['eventName'] == "MODIFY": modify_document(event, es, record)# Process MODIFY eventsdef modify_document(event, es, record):    table = getTable(record)    print("Dynamo Table: " + table)    docId = docid(event, event)    print("KEY")    print(docId)    # Unmarshal the DynamoDB JSON to a normal JSON    doc = json.dumps(document(event))    print("Updated document:")    print(doc)    # We reindex the whole document as ES accepts partial docs    es.index(index=table,  body=doc,  id=docId,  doc_type=table,  refresh=True)    print("Successly modified - Index: " , table , " - document ID: " , docId)def remove_document(event, es, record):    table = getTable(record)    print("Dynamo Table: " + table)    docId = docid(event, event)    print("Deleting document ID: ", docId)    es.delete(index=table,   id=docId,   doc_type=table,   refresh=True)    print("Successly removed - Index: ", table, " - document ID: " , docId)# Process INSERT eventsdef insert_document(event, es, record):    table = getTable(record)    print("Dynamo Table: " + table)    # Create index if missing    if es.indices.exists(table) == False:        print("Create missing index: " + table)        es.indices.create(table,    body='{"settings": { "index.mapping.coerce": true } }')        print("Index created: " + table)    # Unmarshal the DynamoDB JSON to a normal JSON    doc = json.dumps(document(event))    print("New document to Index:")    print(doc)    newId = docid(event, record)    es.index(index=table,  body=doc,  id=newId,  doc_type=table,  refresh=True)    print("Successly inserted - Index: " , table + " - document ID: " , newId)def getTable(record):    p = re.compile('arn:aws:dynamodb:.*?:.*?:table/([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)/.+')    m = p.match(record['eventSourceARN'])    if m is None:        raise Exception("Table not found in SourceARN")    return m.group(1).lower()def document(event):    result = []    for r in event['Records']:        tmp = {}        for k, v in r['dynamodb']['NewImage'].items(): if "S" in v.keys() or "BOOL" in v.keys():     tmp[k] = v.get('S', v.get('BOOL', False)) elif 'NULL' in v:     tmp[k] = None        result.append(tmp)        for i in result: return idef docid(event, record):    result = []    for r in event['Records']:        tmp = {}        for k, v in r['dynamodb']['Keys'].items(): if "S" in v.keys() or "BOOL" in v.keys():     tmp[k] = v.get('S', v.get('BOOL', False)) elif 'NULL' in v:     tmp[k] = None        result.append(tmp)    for newId in result:        return newId



Dynamo Table: newtableNew document to Index:{"last_name": "V", "age": "2"}Successly inserted - Index:  newtable - document ID:  {}Dynamo Table: newtableNew document to Index:{"last_name": "V", "age": "2"}Successly inserted - Index:  newtable - document ID:  {}Dynamo Table: newtableNew document to Index:{"last_name": "V", "age": "2"}Successly inserted - Index:  newtable - document ID:  {}Dynamo Table: newtableNew document to Index:{"last_name": "V", "age": "2"}Successly inserted - Index:  newtable - document ID:  {}Example output from lambda from MODIFY event:


{    "last_name": "zhgdhfgdh",    "age": "7"}Successly modified - Index:  newtable  - document ID:  {}



 document ID:  {}


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/5616878.html

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