with cteOriginal as( select *, RANK() over (partition by [SortOrder] order by id asc) as [NonUniqueSortOrder] from ( select id, A as [value], 1 as [SortOrder] from #original where A is not null union all select id, B as [value], 2 as [SortOrder] from #original where B is not null union all select id, C as [value], 3 as [SortOrder] from #original where C is not null union all select id, D as [value], 4 as [SortOrder] from #original where D is not null ) as temp)select [value]from cteOriginalwhere id = (select MIN(tmp.id) from cteOriginal tmp where tmp.value = cteOriginal.value)order by ((([NonUniqueSortOrder] - 1) * 4) + [SortOrder])
with cteOriginal as( select *, RANK() over (partition by [column] order by id asc) as [NonUniqueSortOrder] from ( select id, A as [value], 'A' as [Column], 1 as [SortOrder] from #original where A is not null union all select id, B as [value], 'B' as [Column], 2 as [SortOrder] from #original where B is not null union all select id, C as [value], 'C' as [Column], 3 as [SortOrder] from #original where C is not null union all select id, D as [value], 'D' as [Column], 4 as [SortOrder] from #original where D is not null ) as temp)select [value]from cteOriginalorder by ((([NonUniqueSortOrder] - 1) * 4) + [SortOrder])
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