import pygamepygame.mixer.init()pygame.init()# Maybe you can subclass the pygame.mixer.Sound and# add the methods below to it..class Fader(object): instances = [] def __init__(self, fname): super(Fader, self).__init__() assert isinstance(fname, basestring) self.sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(fname) self.increment = 0.01 # tweak for speed of effect!! self.next_vol = 1 # fade to 100 on start Fader.instances.append(self) def fade_to(self, new_vol): # you could change the increment here based on something.. self.next_vol = new_vol @classmethod def update(cls): for inst in cls.instances: curr_volume = inst.sound.get_volume() # print inst, curr_volume, inst.next_vol if inst.next_vol > curr_volume: inst.sound.set_volume(curr_volume + inst.increment) elif inst.next_vol < curr_volume: inst.sound.set_volume(curr_volume - inst.increment)sound1 = Fader("1.wav")sound2 = Fader("2.wav")sound1.sound.play()sound2.sound.play()sound2.sound.set_volume(0)# fading..sound1.fade_to(0)sound2.fade_to(1)while True: Fader.update() # a call that will update all the faders..