- 数据汇总层:进行轻度聚合,不跨主题域,提升公共指标的复用性。
(1)DWS层数据对于DWD层进行轻度汇总,比如sum或count *** 作。
2、DWS层数据处理 2.1、进行轻度聚合形成宽表模型- 根据不同维度组成多个宽表。
3、DWS实例(用户全量表) 绪论- 需求:统计小说用户全量表,日更新
create table ods.ods_ios_di( p_date string ,etl_time string ,server_ip string ,log_time string ,guid string ,search_words string ,age String ,city String ,phone string ,appid string ,msgid string ,httpcode string ,httpcontent string ,msg string ) partitioned by (`pt` string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';3.1、创建Hive目标表
create table dws.dws_novel_guid( guid string ) partitioned by (`pt` string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
- 数据源:hive::dws
- sql类型:非查询
- 上线后进入画布
insert overwrite table dws.dws_novel_guid partition (pt=${pt}) select if(t2.guid is not null,t2.guid,t1.guid) as guid from ( select guid from ods.ods_ios_di where pt = ${pt} group by guid ) t1 full join (select guid from dws_novel_guid where pt = ${pt}-1 group by guid ) on t1.guid = t2.guid
- 数据源:hive::dws
- sql类型:非查询
- 自定义参数: p t 、 {pt} 、 pt、{pt_one}
- 前置SQL
alter table dws.dws_novel_guid drop if exists partition(pt=${pt}) alter table dws.dws_novel_guid add if not exists partition (pt=${pt})
- 上线后进入画布
- 进入画布,运行数据链路的补充节点(前置任务已跑多日)
- 补数,跑一周数据后进行对数
- 串行执行:资源不足时使用
- 并行执行:资源充足时使用
- 每天凌晨6点调度前一天数据
- 失败策略:结束
- 通知策略:失败发
- 需求:统计每个人的小说阅读pv,是否新用户
create table dwd.dwd_ios_di( p_date string ,etl_time string ,server_ip string ,log_time string ,guid string ,search_words string ,age String ,city String ,phone string ,appid string ,msgid string ,httpcode string ,httpcontent string ,msg string ) partitioned by (`pt` string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';4.1、创建Hive表
CREATE TABLE dws.dws_npvel_guid_pv_di( p_date string COMMENT '分区日期', platform string COMMENT '手机平台', version string COMMENT '手机版本', read_pv string COMMENT '小说pv', channel_id string COMMENT '小说渠道', top_channel string COMMENT '一级渠道名称', second_channel string COMMENT '二级渠道名称', thrid_channel string COMMENT '三级渠道名称', is_new string COMMENT '是否新用户', ) partitioned by (`pt` string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
- 数据源:hive::dws
- sql类型:非查询
- 上线后进入画布
insert overwrite table dws.dws_npvel_guid_pv_di partition (pt=${pt}) select ${pt} as p_date ,t1.guid as guid ,if(split(t1.phone,'-')[0] in ('小米','华为'),'android','ios') as platform ,nvl(split(t1.phone,'-')[0],'未知') as version ,sum(guid_novel_pv) as guid_novel_pv ,channel_id as channel_id ,top_channel_name ,second_channel_name ,thrid_channel_name ,case when t2.guid is not null then 1 else 0 end as is_new case when guid is not null then 1 else 0 end as is is_new from ( guid ,sum(guid_pv) as guid_novel_pv ,phone ,appid as channel_id ,split(appid,'_')[0] as top_channel ,split(appid,'_')[1] as second_channel ,split(appid,'_')[2] as thrid_channel from dwd.dwd_ios_di where pt = ${pt} and appid in ('1_2_3_4','2_3_4_5','3_4_5_6','4_5_6_7') group by guid,phone,appid,split(appid,'_')[0],split(appid,'_')[1],split(appid,'_')[2] ) t1 full join ( select guid --小用户全量表 from dws.dwd_novel_guid where pt=${pt_one} and guid RLIKE '^[4-9A-Z]{24}$' ) t2 on t1.guid = t2.guid left join ( -- 渠道维表 select top_channel,top_channel_name,second_channel,second_channel_name, thrid_channel,thrid_channel_name from dim.dim_novel_channel_di where pt = ${pt} ) t3 on t1.top_channel = t3.top_channel and t1.second_channel = t3.second_channel and t1.thrid_channel = t3.thrid_channel
- 数据源:hive::dws
- sql类型:非查询
- 自定义参数: p t 、 {pt} 、 pt、{pt_one}
- 前置SQL
alter table dws.dws_npvel_guid_pv_di drop if exists partition(pt=${pt}) alter table dws.dws_npvel_guid_pv_di add if not exists partition (pt=${pt})
- 添加维表依赖,依赖于T-1的数据
- 添加全量表依赖,注意全量表依赖于T-2的数据
- 配置起始任务组件,方便运行调试任务流
- 上线后进入画布
- 进入画布,运行数据链路的起始节点
- 补数,跑一周数据后进行对数
- 串行执行:资源不足时使用
- 并行执行:资源充足时使用
- 每天凌晨6点调度前一天数据
- 失败策略:结束
- 通知策略:失败发