# Impala和Inceptor的区别
# 1、Impala建表时存储方式是parquet,Inceptor建表时的存储方式是ORC
# Impala建表: drop table if exists dsc_bas.t_bjhg_dymx; create table dsc_bas.t_bjhg_dymx ( `khh` string comment '客户号', `jys` string comment '交易所', `gdh` string comment '股东号', `xwdm` string comment '席位号', `zyq` string comment '质押券', `dysl` decimal(22,2) comment '质押数量', `zt` string comment '状态', `cjrq` int comment '成交日期', `cjbh` string comment '成交编号', `sjlx` string comment '数据类型', `yyb` string comment '营业部' )comment '报价回购_抵押明细' clustered by (khh) sorted by (khh asc) into 4 buckets stored as parquet; # Inceptor建表: drop table if exists dsc_bas.t_bjhg_dymx; create table dsc_bas.t_bjhg_dymx ( `khh` string comment '客户号', `jys` string comment '交易所', `gdh` string comment '股东号', `xwdm` string comment '席位号', `zyq` string comment '质押券', `dysl` decimal(22,2) comment '质押数量', `zt` string comment '状态', `cjrq` int comment '成交日期', `cjbh` string comment '成交编号', `sjlx` string comment '数据类型', `yyb` string comment '营业部' )comment '报价回购_抵押明细' clustered by (khh) sorted by (khh asc) into 4 buckets stored as ORC;
# insert overwrite时,Inceptor需要加上关键字table,Impala不需要
Impala插入数据: insert overwrite dsc_cfg.t_zqdm (jys,jyzt,bz,gt_zqlb) select udfs.f_get_etl_tran_dicval (dsc_cfg,t_zqdm,jys,1,1,a.jys) as jys, cast(jyzt as string) as jyzt, udfs.f_get_etl_tran_dicval(dsc_cfg,t_zqdm,bz,1,1,a.bz) as bz, zqlb as gt_zqlb from src_aboss.tzqdm a; Inceptor插入数据: insert overwrite table dsc_cfg.t_zqdm (jys,jyzt,bz,gt_zqlb) select udfs.f_get_etl_tran_dicval (dsc_cfg,t_zqdm,jys,1,1,a.jys) as jys, cast(jyzt as string) as jyzt, udfs.f_get_etl_tran_dicval(dsc_cfg,t_zqdm,bz,1,1,a.bz) as bz, zqlb as gt_zqlb from src_aboss.tzqdm a;
Inceptor中不需要udfs.前缀,单个查询时需要指定from system.dual
Impala使用udf函数: select udfs.f_get_jyr_date(20180102,-1); Inceptor使用udf函数: select .f_get_jyr_date(20180102,-1) from system.dual;
Inceptor在脚本中传递变量通过-hivevar name=value,Impala通过-var=“name=value”
Impala: impala-shell -i -l -udingdian -- ldap_password_cmd="echo -n dingdian_123" -- auth_creds_ok_in_clear -f p_stat_kh_yjfl.sql -- var="RQ=20180731" SQL:${VAR:RQ} Inceptor: beeline -u jdbc:hive2:// -n dingdian -p 123456 -f p_tran_zqhq_his.sql --hivevar rq=20180628 SQL:${hivevar:rq}
插入分区时:Inceptor中partition 需要紧跟在表名后面,之后再指定列名,而Impala则是表名后面跟列名,再跟partition
Impala: insert overwrite table dsc_bas.t_zqhq_his(jys) partition (rq=${var:rq}) select udfs.f_get_etl_tran_dicval('dsc_bas','t_zqhq_his','jys',1,1,a.jys) as jys from src_aboss.tzqhq a where a.rq=${VAR:RQ}; Inceptor: insert overwrite table dsc_bas.t_zqhq_his partition (rq=${hivevar:rq}) (jys) select udfs.f_get_etl_tran_dicval('dsc_bas','t_zqhq_his','jys',1,1,a.jys) as jys from src_aboss.tzqhq a where a.rq=${hivevar:RQ};
Impala 用insert后接with..as中间可以写字段名,也可以省略,而Inceptor用insert后接with..as 中间不可以写字段名
impala: insert into table temp.tmp_stat_nonekh_zb_yyb_fwkhs_01(u_id,sjdw,sjz,zbdm,zbz,ys_id,cj) with temp_yyb_fwkhs_R as (select....) select .... Inceptor: insert into table temp.tmp_stat_nonekh_zb_yyb_fwkhs_01 with temp_yyb_fwkhs_R as (select....) select ....