环境设置脚本prometheus-env.sh启动脚本prometheus.sh SPEC文件编写
prometheus-2.31.1.linux-amd64 |-- bin | |-- prometheus | `-- promtool |-- conf | `-- prometheus.yml |-- console_libraries | |-- menu.lib | `-- prom.lib |-- consoles | |-- index.html.example | |-- node-cpu.html | |-- node-disk.html | |-- node.html | |-- node-overview.html | |-- prometheus.html | `-- prometheus-overview.html |-- LICENSE |-- NOTICE `-- sbin |-- prometheus-env.sh `-- prometheus.sh
#!/bin/bash PROMETHEUS_LOG_DIR='/var/log/prometheus' PROMETHEUS_PID_DIR='/var/run/prometheus' PROMETHEUS_SERVER_PORT='9090' PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR='/var/lib/prometheus/data' PROMETHEUS_CONF='conf/prometheus.yml' PROMETHEUS_LIFECYCLE='30' PROMETHEUS_WEB_LIFECYCLE_ENABLE='true' PROMETHEUS_WEB_ADMINAPI_ENABLE='true'启动脚本prometheus.sh
#!/bin/bash # 额外增加一个prometheus-env.sh文件用来设定prometheus的变量 # 第一部分获取脚本的执行目录等信息 script_FILE=$0 cd $(dirname $script_FILE) script_FILE=$(basename $script_FILE) while [ -L "$script_FILE" ] do script_FILE=$(readlink $script_FILE) cd $(dirname $script_FILE) script_FILE=$(basename $script_FILE) done PHYS_DIR=$(pwd -P) script_DIR=$PHYS_DIR HOME_DIR=$(dirname $script_DIR) # 这里我们调用环境设置脚本,读入必要变量 source "${script_DIR}/prometheus-env.sh" # 使用方法的函数,不多解释,只是打印脚本使用方法和基本信息 usage(){ echo "The script is used to manage the Prometheus Server [start|stop|status|reload|restart|usage]" echo "Prometheus Version:v2.31.1" echo "Build by Lijiadong" exit 1 } # 检测Prometheus是否还在运行,在运行返回1,否则返回0 status(){ # 这里的方法是直接调用Prometheus的服务端口,如果能掉通,则任务Prometheus在运行,不过这不代表Prometheus是能够正常提供服务的,以后有时间会尝试增加这里的逻辑,更加完善 is_healthy=`curl -s http://localhost:9090/-/healthy` if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "Prometheus is not running" return 1 else # 如果服务正则运行,则刷新一下获取到的pid号 pid=`ps -ef|grep prometheus|grep -v grep |grep conf |awk '{print $2}'` echo "Prometheus is running" echo $pid > $PROMETHEUS_PID_DIR/prometheus.pid return 0 fi } # 启动函数 start(){ # 启动函数中,先调用status函数来确认Prometheus的状态,根据返回值决定是否需要启动 status if [ $? -eq "0" ];then echo "Service URL is http://localhost:${PROMETHEUS_SERVER_PORT},PID is ${pid}" else # 返回值为1时,代表Prometheus没有运行,接下来启动服务 echo "Start Prometheus Server..." # 在exec_opt中我进行了启动参数的拼接,目前允许用户更改默认配置文件路径、服务端口、数据目录、数据存储周期等。 # 如果手动关闭了管理api等参数,在此处也会进行判断,根据参数的true和false决定是否加入对应的启动参数 exec_opt=" --config.file=${PROMETHEUS_CONF} --web.listen-address=${PROMETHEUS_SERVER_PORT} --storage.tsdb.path=${PROMETHEUS_DATA_DIR} --storage.tsdb.retention.time=${PROMETHEUS_LIFECYCLE}d" if [ $PROMETHEUS_WEB_LIFECYCLE_ENABLE == "true" ];then exec_opt=$exec_opt" --web.enable-lifecycle" fi if [ $PROMETHEUS_WEB_ADMINAPI_ENABLE == "true" ];then exec_opt=$exec_opt" --web.enable-admin-api" fi # 运行参数设置完成后,我们检测日志目录是否存在,不存在则创建并授权,因为我这里是要以prometheus用户运行程序 cd ${HOME_DIR} if [ ! -d "${PROMETHEUS_LOG_DIR}" ];then mkdir -vp ${PROMETHEUS_LOG_DIR} chown prometheus:prometheus ${PROMETHEUS_LOG_DIR} fi # 我们在Prometheus的安装目录使用nohup执行命令,这样可以把日志定向到上面创建的日志目录; nohup ./bin/prometheus $exec_opt >> $PROMETHEUS_LOG_DIR/prometheus.run.log 2>&1 & pid=`ps -ef|grep prometheus|grep -v grep |grep conf |awk '{print $2}'` # 启动时,刷新pid到文件中 echo $pid > $PROMETHEUS_PID_DIR/prometheus.pid fi } #停止函数 stop(){ status if [ $? -eq "0" ];then echo "PID ${pid} will be killed" # 传递的信号为SIGINT,这样保证prometheus数据会保存不至于重启恢复太久,这里我没使用SIGKILL信号的原因就是保证Prometheus的优雅退出 kill -2 $pid else echo "Nothing to do." fi # 清空pid文件 true > /var/run/prometheus/prometheus.pid } #重启函数 restart(){ stop sleep 3 start } #重载函数 reload(){ # 重载 函数的目的就是重载刷新Prometheus配置文件 is_reload=`curl -s http://localhost:9090/-/reload` if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "Prometheus is not running" return 1 else echo "Prometheus configure has been reload" return 0 fi } # 根据用户给出的启动命令执行对应函数 case "$1" in "start") start ;; "stop") stop ;; "status") status ;; "restart") restart ;; "reload") reload ;; *) usage ;; esacSPEC文件编写
%global debug_package %{nil} Name: prometheus Version: 2.31.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Prometheus make by Lijiadong from source code. License: ASL 2.0 URL: https://prometheus.io Provides: prometheus Source0: source/prometheus-%{version}.linux-amd64.tar.gz #%{?systemd_requires} Requires(pre): shadow-utils # 默认安装位置,适配hdp的使用版本 Prefix: /usr/hdp/ %description Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true. %prep %setup -q -n prometheus-%{version}.linux-amd64 %build /bin/true %install #创建安装目录 mkdir -vp %{buildroot}%{prefix}/prometheus mkdir -vp %{buildroot}/var/log/prometheus #创建默认数据目录 mkdir -vp %{buildroot}/var/lib/prometheus mkdir -vp %{buildroot}/var/run/prometheus #安装系统命令prometheus和promtool install -D -m 755 prometheus %{buildroot}%{prefix}/prometheus install -D -m 755 promtool %{buildroot}%{prefix}/prometheus/promtool for dir in console_libraries consoles; do for file in ${dir}/*; do # 对所有文件授权644 install -D -m 644 ${file} %{buildroot}%{prefix}/prometheus/${file} done done #启动脚本赋权755 for file in sbin/*; do install -D -m 755 ${file} %{buildroot}%{prefix}/prometheus/${file} done install -D -m 644 conf/prometheus.yml %{buildroot}%{prefix}/prometheus/conf/prometheus.yml install -D -m 644 LICENSE %{buildroot}%{prefix}/prometheus install -D -m 644 NOTICE %{buildroot}%{prefix}/prometheus #添加用户和组 %pre getent group prometheus >/dev/null || groupadd -r prometheus getent passwd prometheus >/dev/null || useradd -g prometheus -d /home/prometheus -s /bin/bash -c "Prometheus services" prometheus exit 0 # 卸载后删除安装文件 %post if [ ! -d "/usr/hdp/current" ];then mkdir -vp /usr/hdp/current fi ln -s %{prefix}/prometheus /usr/hdp/current/prometheus %postun userdel -r prometheus rm -rf %{prefix}/prometheus rm -rf /var/lib/prometheus rm -rf /var/log/prometheus rm -rf /var/run/prometheus %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{prefix}/prometheus/prometheus %{prefix}/prometheus/promtool %config(noreplace) %{prefix}/prometheus/conf/prometheus.yml %{prefix}/prometheus/console_libraries %{prefix}/prometheus/consoles %{prefix}/prometheus/sbin %dir %attr(755, prometheus, prometheus)%{prefix}/prometheus %attr(755, prometheus, prometheus)%{prefix}/prometheus/* %dir %attr(755, prometheus, prometheus)/var/log/prometheus %dir %attr(755, prometheus, prometheus)/var/lib/prometheus %dir %attr(755, prometheus, prometheus)/var/run/prometheus