Wafw00f 防火墙检测 tools2

Wafw00f 防火墙检测 tools2,第1张

Wafw00f 防火墙检测 tools2


网站防火墙测试工具 wafw00f分享,仅用于安全测试,涉及非授权使用自行承担法律责任

└─# wafw00f -h
Usage: wafw00f url1 [url2 [url3 … ]]
example: wafw00f http://www.victim.org/

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Enable verbosity, multiple -v options increase
-a, --findall Find all WAFs which match the signatures, do not stop testing on the first one
-r, --noredirect Do not follow redirections given by 3xx responses -t TEST, --test=TEST Test for one specific WAF
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
Write output to csv, json or text file depending on file extension. For stdout, specify - as filename.
-i INPUT, --input-file=INPUT
Read targets from a file. Input format can be csv, json or text. For csv and json, a url column name or
element is required. -l, --list List all WAFs that WAFW00F is able to detect
-p PROXY, --proxy=PROXY
Use an HTTP proxy to perform requests, examples: http://hostname:8080, socks5://hostname:1080,
-V, --version Print out the current version of WafW00f and exit.
Pass custom headers via a text file to overwrite the
default header set.
└─# wafw00f www.baidu.com

          (  W00f! )
           ,,    __            404 Hack Not Found
       |`-.__   / /                      __     __
       /"  _/  /_/                           / /
      *===*    /                           _/ /  405 Not Allowed
     /     )__//                              /
/|  /     /---`                        403 Forbidden
\/`    |                                 / _ 
`    /_\_              502 Bad Gateway  / /    500 Internal Error
  `_____``-`                             /_/   _

                    ~ WAFW00F : v2.1.0 ~
    The Web Application Firewall Fingerprinting Toolkit

[] Checking https://www.baidu.com
[+] Generic Detection results:
] The site https://www.baidu.com seems to be behind a WAF or some sort of security solution
[~] Reason: The server header is different when an attack is detected.
The server header for a normal response is “BWS/1.1”, while the server header a response to an attack is “Apache”,
[~] Number of requests: 7


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/5720616.html

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