digest 词根 gest

digest 词根 gest,第1张

digest 词根 gest

digest  /ˈdaɪdʒest/:

  • to change food that you have just eaten into substances that your body can use; or to understand new information, especially when there is  a lot of it or it is difficult to understand.
  • a short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from a book, report. (读者文摘  reader digest)

词根  ger gest 同源异形根。

 to carry

belligerent  /bəˈlɪdʒərənt/ : bell 战争,ger 运送,-ent 的,  从事战争的

  • belligerent countries 交战国
  • eager to be at war 好战的 a belligerent nation

suggest : sug(-sub)在下面 gest 送, 从下面呈上to bring up for consideration

  • 建议  暗示 introduce indirectly propose

gesture :-ure 动作  an act carry information

  • 手势

gestation: -ation 表行为状况,the condition of carrying young inside the body

  • 怀孕期

ingest: -in (into 入) to carry food into the body

  • 咽入 吸收, swallow absorb

congest : con(-com)=together 一起, to carry together

  • 堆积,使拥挤 heap up, cause to be crowded
  • the street  are often congested on sundays.

from 《english roots and how to use them to decipher their derivatives》


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/588970.html

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