用visual basic设计一个简单的小程序,请大家帮帮我,这是老师布置的作业

用visual basic设计一个简单的小程序,请大家帮帮我,这是老师布置的作业,第1张

(保存时窗体文件名设置为“21 取学号中间4位frm”,工程文件名设置为“21 取学号中间4位vbp”)

这个要求你就自己写吧! 我只能给你上面的代码

数学方法 ,也就把上面的 200912345678 当成一个数

Dim val1 As Double

val1 = 200912345678#

val1 = Int(val1 / 10000) Mod 10000

msgbox val1


msgbox mid("200912345678",5,4)


下面这个行不行啊?是一个完整的程序 在窗口上画了一个石英钟

using System;

using SystemReflection;

using SystemWindowsForms;

using SystemRuntimeInteropServices;

using LPCTSTR = SystemString;

using ATOM = SystemUInt16;

using WORD = SystemUInt16;

using BYTE = SystemUInt16;

using DWORD = SystemUInt32;

using WPARAM = SystemUInt32;

using UINT = SystemUInt32;

using LRESULT = SystemInt32;

using LPARAM = SystemInt32;

using LPVOID = SystemInt32;

using HRESULT = SystemInt32;

using BOOL = SystemInt32;

using LPSIZE = SystemInt32;

using LPPOINT = SystemInt32;

using HWND = SystemIntPtr;

using HINSTANCE = SystemIntPtr;

using HICON = SystemIntPtr;

using HCURSOR = SystemIntPtr;

using HBRUSH = SystemIntPtr;

using HMENU = SystemIntPtr;

using HDC = SystemIntPtr;

using HGDIOBJ = SystemIntPtr;

namespace AnalogClock


class Program


static Int32 Main(String[] args)


ConsoleTitle = "Analog Clock";

ShowWindow(FindWindow(null, ConsoleTitle), SW_HIDE);

hInst = MarshalGetHINSTANCE(AssemblyGetExecutingAssembly()GetModules()[0]);

MSG msg;


if (1 > InitInstance(hInst, SW_SHOW)) return 0;

while (0 != GetMessage(out msg, HWNDZero, 0, 0))


TranslateMessage(out msg);

DispatchMessage(out msg);


return (Int32)msgwParam;


private static ATOM WindowRegister(HINSTANCE hInstance)


WndMainProc = new WNDPROC(WndProc);


wndcbClsExtra = 0;

wndcbSize = (UInt32)MarshalSizeOf(typeof(WNDCLASSEX));

wndcbWndExtra = 0;

wndhbrBackground = hbrWhite;

wndhCursor = CursorsArrowHandle;

wndhIcon = ResourceAppHandle;

wndhIconSm = ResourceAppHandle;

wndhInstance = hInstance;

wndlpfnWndProc = WndMainProc;

wndlpszClassName = "AnalogClock";

wndlpszMenuName = null;


return RegisterClassEx(ref wnd);


private static BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, UInt32 nCmdShow)


Int32 xScreen = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - 300) >> 1;

Int32 yScreen = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - 300) >> 1;

HWND hWndMain = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, "AnalogClock", "Analog Clock",


xScreen, yScreen, 300, 300, HWNDZero, HWNDZero, hInstance, 0);

if (HWNDZero == hWndMain) return FALSE;

ShowWindow(hWndMain, nCmdShow);


return TRUE;


private static LRESULT WndProc(HWND hWnd, UInt32 uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)


BOOL fChange;

HDC hdc;



switch (uMsg)



SetTimer(hWnd, ID_TIMER, 10, null);

GetLocalTime(out st);

stPrevious = st;


case WM_SIZE:

cxClient = LOWORD(lParam); cyClient = HIWORD(lParam);


case WM_TIMER:

GetLocalTime(out st);

fChange = stwHour != stPreviouswHour ||

stwMinute != stPreviouswMinute ||

stwSecond != stPreviouswSecond TRUE : FALSE;

hdc = GetDC(hWnd);


SelectObject(hdc, hpnWhite);

DrawHands(hdc, ref stPrevious, fChange);

SelectObject(hdc, hpnBlack);

DrawHands(hdc, ref st, TRUE);

ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc);

stPrevious = st;


case WM_PAINT:

hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, out ps);



DrawHands(hdc, ref stPrevious, TRUE);

EndPaint(hWnd, out ps);



KillTimer(hWnd, ID_TIMER);




return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);


return 0;


private static void SetIsotropic(HDC hdc)


SetMapMode(hdc, (Int32)MM_ISOTROPIC);

SetWindowExtEx(hdc, 1000, 1000, 0);

SetViewportExtEx(hdc, cxClient >> 1, -cyClient >> 1, 0);

SetViewportOrgEx(hdc, cxClient >> 1, cyClient >> 1, 0);


private static void RotatePoint(POINT[] pt, Int32 iNum, Int32 iAngle)


Int32 i;

POINT ptTemp;

for (i = 0; i < iNum; i++)


ptTempx = (Int32)(pt[i]x MathCos(TWOPI iAngle / 3600) +

pt[i]y MathSin(TWOPI iAngle / 3600));

ptTempy = (Int32)(pt[i]y MathCos(TWOPI iAngle / 3600) -

pt[i]x MathSin(TWOPI iAngle / 3600));

pt[i]x = ptTempx; pt[i]y = ptTempy;



private static void DrawClock(HDC hdc)


Int32 iAngle;

POINT[] pt = new POINT[3];

for (iAngle = 0; iAngle < 360; iAngle += 6)


pt[0]x = 0; pt[0]y = 900;

RotatePoint(pt, 1, iAngle);

pt[2]x = 0 < iAngle % 5 33 : 100; pt[2]y = pt[2]x;

pt[0]x -= pt[2]x >> 1; pt[0]y -= pt[2]y >> 1;

pt[1]x = pt[0]x + pt[2]x; pt[1]y = pt[0]y + pt[2]y;

SelectObject(hdc, hbrBlack);

Ellipse(hdc, pt[0]x, pt[0]y, pt[1]x, pt[1]y);



private static void DrawHands(HDC hdc, ref SYSTEMTIME pst, BOOL fChange)


Int32 i;

Int32[] iAngle = new Int32[4] {

(Int32)(3600 pstwHour / 120 + 300 pstwMinute / 600),

(Int32)(3600 pstwMinute / 600 + 60 pstwSecond / 60),

(Int32)(3600 pstwSecond / 600 + 60 pstwMilliseconds / 1000), 0 };

POINT[,] pt = new POINT[4, 5];

iAngle[3] = iAngle[2];

pt[0, 0]x = 0; pt[0, 0]y = -150;

pt[0, 1]x = 100; pt[0, 1]y = 0;

pt[0, 2]x = 0; pt[0, 2]y = 600;

pt[0, 3]x = -100; pt[0, 3]y = 0;

pt[0, 4]x = 0; pt[0, 4]y = -150;

pt[1, 0]x = 0; pt[1, 0]y = -200;

pt[1, 1]x = 50; pt[1, 1]y = 0;

pt[1, 2]x = 0; pt[1, 2]y = 800;

pt[1, 3]x = -50; pt[1, 3]y = 0;

pt[1, 4]x = 0; pt[1, 4]y = -200;

pt[2, 0]x = 0; pt[2, 0]y = -150;

pt[2, 1]x = 0; pt[2, 1]y = 0;

pt[2, 2]x = 0; pt[2, 2]y = 0;

pt[2, 3]x = 0; pt[2, 3]y = 0;

pt[2, 4]x = 0; pt[2, 4]y = 800;

pt[3, 0]x = -10; pt[3, 0]y = 0;

pt[3, 1]x = 0; pt[3, 1]y = -10;

pt[3, 2]x = 10; pt[3, 2]y = 0;

pt[3, 3]x = 0; pt[3, 3]y = 10;

pt[3, 4]x = -10; pt[3, 4]y = 0;

for (i = 0 < fChange 0 : 2; i < 4; i++)


POINT[] ptTmp = new POINT[5];

ptTmp[0] = pt[i, 0]; ptTmp[1] = pt[i, 1];

ptTmp[2] = pt[i, 2]; ptTmp[3] = pt[i, 3];

ptTmp[4] = pt[i, 4];

RotatePoint(ptTmp, 5, iAngle[i]);

Polyline(hdc, ptTmp, 5);



private static Int32 LOWORD(Int32 i) { return i & 0xFFFF; }

private static Int32 HIWORD(Int32 i) { return i >> 0x10; }

private static Int32 cxClient, cyClient;

private static HINSTANCE hInst;

private static SYSTEMTIME stPrevious;

private static WNDPROC WndMainProc;

private const UINT ID_TIMER = 1;

private const Double TWOPI = 2 MathPI;

private static HBRUSH hbrBlack = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);

private static HBRUSH hbrWhite = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);

private static HBRUSH hpnBlack = GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN);

private static HBRUSH hpnWhite = GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN);

private const Int32 TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0;

private const UINT

WS_OVERLAPPED = 0x00000000, WS_BORDER = 0x00800000, WS_DLGFRAME = 0x00400000,

WS_SYSMENU = 0x00080000, WS_THICKFRAME = 0x00040000, WS_MINIMIZEBOX = 0x00020000,




private const UINT WM_CREATE = 0x0001, WM_DESTROY = 0x0002,

WM_SIZE = 0x0005, WM_PAINT = 0x000F, WM_TIMER = 0x0113;

private const UINT WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x00000008;

private const UINT CS_VREDRAW = 0x0001, CS_HREDRAW = 0x0002;

private const UINT SW_HIDE = 0, SW_SHOW = 5;

private const UINT MM_ISOTROPIC = 7;

private const Int32 SM_CXSCREEN = 0, SM_CYSCREEN = 1;

private const Int32 WHITE_BRUSH = 0, BLACK_BRUSH = 4, WHITE_PEN = 6, BLACK_PEN = 7;


private struct MSG


public HWND hwnd;

public UINT message;

public UINT wParam;

public LPARAM lParam;

public UINT time;

public POINT pt;



private struct WNDCLASSEX


public UInt32 cbSize;

public UInt32 style;

public WNDPROC lpfnWndProc;

public Int32 cbClsExtra;

public Int32 cbWndExtra;

public HINSTANCE hInstance;

public HICON hIcon;

public HCURSOR hCursor;

public HBRUSH hbrBackground;

public String lpszMenuName;

public String lpszClassName;

public HICON hIconSm;



private struct SYSTEMTIME


public WORD wYear;

public WORD wMonth;

public WORD wDayOfWeek;

public WORD wDay;

public WORD wHour;

public WORD wMinute;

public WORD wSecond;

public WORD wMilliseconds;



private struct PAINTSTRUCT


public HDC hdc;

public BOOL fErase;

public RECT rcPaint;

public BOOL fRestore;

public BOOL fIncUpdate;

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedTypeByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]

public BYTE[] rgbReserved;



private struct RECT


public Int32 left;

public Int32 top;

public Int32 right;

public Int32 bottom;



private struct POINT


public Int32 x;

public Int32 y;



private struct SIZE


public Int32 cx;

public Int32 cy;


private delegate Int32 WNDPROC(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

private delegate void TIMERPROC(IntPtr hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT idEvent, UINT dwTime);


private static extern BOOL GetMessage(

out MSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax);


private static extern BOOL TranslateMessage(out MSG lpMsg);


private static extern Int32 DispatchMessage(out MSG lpMsg);


private static extern ATOM RegisterClassEx(ref WNDCLASSEX lpwcx);


private static extern BOOL ShowWindow(HWND hWnd, UInt32 nCmdShow);


private static extern BOOL UpdateWindow(HWND hWnd);


private static extern HWND CreateWindowEx(

DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName,

DWORD dwStyle, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 nWidth, Int32 nHeight,

HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam);


private static extern LRESULT DefWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UInt32 Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);


private static extern Int32 GetSystemMetrics(Int32 nIndex);


private static extern UInt32 SetTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT idTimer, UINT uTimeout, TIMERPROC tmprc);


private static extern BOOL KillTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT uIDEvent);


private static extern HDC GetDC(HWND hWnd);


private static extern HRESULT ReleaseDC(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC);


private static extern HDC BeginPaint(HWND hwnd, out PAINTSTRUCT lpPaint);


private static extern BOOL EndPaint(HWND hwnd, out PAINTSTRUCT lpPaint);


private static extern void PostQuitMessage(Int32 nExitCode);


private static extern HWND FindWindow(LPCTSTR lpClassName, LPCTSTR lpWindowName);


private static extern HGDIOBJ GetStockObject(Int32 fnObject);


private static extern Int32 SetMapMode(HDC hdc, Int32 fnMapMode);


private static extern BOOL SetWindowExtEx(HDC hdc, Int32 nXExtent, Int32 nYExtent, LPSIZE lpSize);


private static extern BOOL SetViewportExtEx(HDC hdc, Int32 nXExtent, Int32 nYExtent, LPSIZE lpSize);


private static extern BOOL SetViewportOrgEx(HDC hdc, Int32 X, Int32 Y, LPPOINT lpPoint);


private static extern HGDIOBJ SelectObject(HDC hdc, HGDIOBJ hgdiobj);


private static extern BOOL DeleteObject(HGDIOBJ hObject);


private static extern BOOL Ellipse(

HDC hdc, Int32 nLeftRect, Int32 nTopRect, Int32 nRightRect, Int32 nBottomRect);


private static extern BOOL Polyline(HDC hdc, POINT[] lppt, Int32 cPoints);


private static extern void GetLocalTime(out SYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime);



<Style Type="Text/CSS">








Font-Family:Comic Sans MS,Arial,Verdana;










<Input Type="Button" title="Click here to play again" Name="beurten" Width="164px" Class="knopje" Value="Player 1" onClick="wie = 'Player 1'; initieer()">

<Table CellPadding="0" CellSpacing="0" Border="0">

<Script Language="JavaScript">


for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {

if (i % 3 == 1) {documentwrite('<Tr>');}

documentwrite('<Td><Input Type="Button" Name="' + i + '" Value=" " Class="blokje" onClick="wijzig(thisform,this)"></Td>');

if (i % 3 == 0) {documentwrite('</Tr>');}





<Input Type="CheckBox" title="Click here to change from 2 players or computergame" Name="automaat" Value="2 players" Id="autmat" onClick="if (thisvalue == 'Computer') {thisvalue = '2 players'; auto = 0} else {thisvalue = 'Computer'; auto = 1}; wie = 'Player 1'; initieer();"><Label For="autmat">与电脑对玩?</Label>

<Table CellPadding="0" CellSpacing="0" Border="1">

<Tr BgColor="Silver">

<Td Align="Center"> 玩家 1 胜</Td>

<Td Align="Center"> 玩家 2 胜</Td>

<Td Align="Center"> 平局 </Td>


<Tr BgColor="Silver">

<Td Align="Center"><Input Style="BackGround-Color:Transparent;Border:Solid 0px;Text-Align:Center" Type="Text" Size="3" ReadOnly title="Player 1" Name="speler1" Value="0"></Td>

<Td Align="Center"><Input Style="BackGround-Color:Transparent;Border:Solid 0px;Text-Align:Center" Type="Text" Size="3" ReadOnly title="Player 2" Name="speler2" Value="0"></Td>

<Td Align="Center"><Input Style="BackGround-Color:Transparent;Border:Solid 0px;Text-Align:Center" Type="Text" Size="3" ReadOnly title="Remise" Name="remise" Value="0"></Td>





<Script Language="JavaScript">


timerID = xtal = ytal = ztal = auto = 0;

wie = 'Player 1';

function initieer(){


cel = new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

aanv = new Array(); strat = verd = leeg = aanv;

beurt = wissel = 1; wint = keren = 0;

documentforms[0]speler1value = xtal;

documentforms[0]speler2value = ytal;

documentforms[0]remisevalue = ztal;

if (wie != 'Start') {

for (i in cel) {

cel[i] = 0; if (i > 0) {documentforms[0]elements[i]value = ''};



documentforms[0]beurtenvalue = wie;


function zetten() {


if (aanv[0] > 0) {

slag = aanv[Mathfloor(Mathrandom() 10) % aanvlength]

} else if (verd[0] > 0) {

slag = verd[Mathfloor(Mathrandom() 10) % verdlength];

} else if (strat[0] > 0) {

slag = strat[Mathfloor(Mathrandom() 10) % stratlength];

} else {

slag = leeg[Mathfloor(Mathrandom() 10) % leeglength];


if (beurt == 0 && slag > 0) {documentforms[0]elements[slag]click()};


function win() {

if ( cel[1] + cel[2] + cel[3] == 3 ||

cel[4] + cel[5] + cel[6] == 3 ||

cel[7] + cel[8] + cel[9] == 3 ||

cel[1] + cel[4] + cel[7] == 3 ||

cel[2] + cel[5] + cel[8] == 3 ||

cel[3] + cel[6] + cel[9] == 3 ||

cel[1] + cel[5] + cel[9] == 3 ||

cel[3] + cel[5] + cel[7] == 3

) {

if (confirm("玩家一: 你赢了一局 !!\n还想要继续玩吗"))


wint = 1;

xtal++; wie = 'Player 1'; timerID = setTimeout('initieer()',800)

} else {

xtal++; wie = 'Start'; timerID = setTimeout('initieer()',800)



if ( cel[1] + cel[2] + cel[3] == 30 ||

cel[4] + cel[5] + cel[6] == 30 ||

cel[7] + cel[8] + cel[9] == 30 ||

cel[1] + cel[4] + cel[7] == 30 ||

cel[2] + cel[5] + cel[8] == 30 ||

cel[3] + cel[6] + cel[9] == 30 ||

cel[1] + cel[5] + cel[9] == 30 ||

cel[3] + cel[5] + cel[7] == 30

) {

if (confirm(((auto == 1) ('电脑赢啦!!!') : ('玩家二: 你赢了一局 !!')) + "!\n还想要继续玩吗")) {

ytal++; wie = 'Player 1'; timerID = setTimeout('initieer()',800)

} else {

ytal++; wie = 'Start'; timerID = setTimeout('initieer()',800)




function wisselen(beurt){

if (wissel == 1) {

if (beurt == 0) {

beurt = 1;

wie = "Player " + 1


else {

if (auto == 0) {beurt = 0;

wie = "Player " + 2} else {beurt = 0; wie = "Computer";}


if (keren == 9

) {

if (confirm("打平了!!!\n\n还想要继续玩吗")) {

ztal++; wie = 'Player 1'; timerID = setTimeout('initieer()',800)} else

{ztal++; wie = 'Start'; timerID = setTimeout('initieer()',800)};



else {

beurt = beurt;


wissel = 1;



function wijziging(klik) {

plek = cel[klik]; geklikt = klik;

if (plek == 0){

if (beurt == 0){

xo = "O";

plek = 10;

} else {

xo = "X";

plek = 1;


cel[klik] = plek; keren++;


else {

if (plek == 10){

xo = "O";}

if (plek == 1){

xo = "X";}

wissel = 0




function verdedig() {leeg = new Array(); verd = new Array();

for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { oud = cel[i]; cel[i] = 1;

if ( (cel[1] + cel[2] + cel[3] == 3 ||

cel[4] + cel[5] + cel[6] == 3 ||

cel[7] + cel[8] + cel[9] == 3 ||

cel[1] + cel[4] + cel[7] == 3 ||

cel[2] + cel[5] + cel[8] == 3 ||

cel[3] + cel[6] + cel[9] == 3 ||

cel[1] + cel[5] + cel[9] == 3 ||

cel[3] + cel[5] + cel[7] == 3) && oud == 0

) { verd[verdlength] = i}

cel[i] = oud;

if (cel[i] == 0) {

if (keren != 1) {leeg[leeglength] = i} else

if (cel[5] == 0) {leeg[0] = 5; leeg[1] = 10 - geklikt} else

if (i % 2 != 0) {leeg[leeglength] = i}




function aanval() {aanv = new Array();

for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { oud = cel[i]; cel[i] = 10;

if ( (cel[1] + cel[2] + cel[3] == 30 ||

cel[4] + cel[5] + cel[6] == 30 ||

cel[7] + cel[8] + cel[9] == 30 ||

cel[1] + cel[4] + cel[7] == 30 ||

cel[2] + cel[5] + cel[8] == 30 ||

cel[3] + cel[6] + cel[9] == 30 ||

cel[1] + cel[5] + cel[9] == 30 ||

cel[3] + cel[5] + cel[7] == 30) && oud == 0

) { aanv[aanvlength] = i}

cel[i] = oud;



function strategie() {strat = new Array();

for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { oud = cel[i]; cel[i] = 10;

if ( (cel[1] + cel[2] + cel[3] == 20 ||

cel[4] + cel[5] + cel[6] == 20 ||

cel[7] + cel[8] + cel[9] == 20 ||

cel[1] + cel[4] + cel[7] == 20 ||

cel[2] + cel[5] + cel[8] == 20 ||

cel[3] + cel[6] + cel[9] == 20 ||

cel[1] + cel[5] + cel[9] == 20 ||

cel[3] + cel[5] + cel[7] == 20) && oud == 0

) {

if (keren != 3) {strat[stratlength] = i} else if (i % 2 != 0) {strat[stratlength] = i}


cel[i] = oud;



function wijzig(form,element){


elementvalue = xo;

beurt = wisselen(beurt);

formbeurtenvalue = wie;

verdedig(); aanval(); strategie(); win();

if (auto == 0 || wint == 1) {return} else {

timerID = setTimeout('zetten()',600)







以上就是关于用visual basic设计一个简单的小程序,请大家帮帮我,这是老师布置的作业全部的内容,包括:用visual basic设计一个简单的小程序,请大家帮帮我,这是老师布置的作业、求c#小程序一段,要交作业滴,最好有界面,有算法滴,有的给个现成的就行,给的追加高分,拜托了、求一个java小程序(要是那种小型游戏程序)等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/10625706.html

打赏 微信扫一扫 微信扫一扫 支付宝扫一扫 支付宝扫一扫
上一篇 2023-05-10
下一篇 2023-05-10



