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笔记 | 远程调试手机微信内置浏览器步骤
2022-05-18 15:41:15阅读 15K评论 2
在日常的 开发、 调试 过程中,总会遇到各种针对移动端的适配问题。
这里引用 Chrome 官方
Remote debug Android devices - Chrome Developers
Remote debug live content on an Android device from your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer This tutorial teaches you how to:
Set up your Android device for remote debugging, and discover it from your development machine
Inspect and debug live content on your Android device from your development machine
Screencast content from your Android device onto a DevTools instance on your development machine
Step 1: Discover your Android device
The workflow below works for most users See Troubleshooting: DevTools is not detecting the Android device for more help
Open the Developer Options screen on your Android See Configure On-Device Developer Options
在手机上面打开 开发者调试功能 (自行百度)(大多数手机为连点设备号即可进入)
Select Enable USB Debugging
在 开发者调试功能 内,选择 启用 USB 调试
On your development machine, open Chrome
使用数据线连接电脑,并在电脑上打开 Chrome
Go to chrome://inspect#devices
在上文打开的 Chrome 中,打开地址 :chrome://inspect#devices
若 Edge 浏览器,可打开 edge://inspect/#devices
Make sure that the Discover USB devices checkbox is enabled
勾选 Discover USB devices 复选框(如下图)
Connect your Android device directly to your development machine using a USB cable Your Android device may ask you to confirm that you trust this computer The first time you do this, you usually see that DevTools has detected an offline device If you see the model name of your Android device, then DevTools has successfully established the connection to your device Continue to Step 2
使用 USB 电缆将您的 Android 设备直接连接到您的开发机器。
您的 Android 设备可能会要求您确认您信任这台计算机。
第一次执行此 *** 作时,您通常会看到 DevTools 检测到脱机设备。
如果您看到 Android 设备的型号名称,则 DevTools 已成功建立与您设备的连接。 继续第 2 步。
If your device is showing up as Offline, accept the Allow USB Debugging permission prompt on your Android device
如果您的设备显示为离线,请在您的 Android 设备上接受允许 USB 调试权限提示。(如下图)
常见报错见 Remote debug Android devices - Chrome Developers
值得注意的是,连接模式改成 PTP 也许会起作用。
Step 2: Debug content on your Android device from your development machine
在你的 Android 设备调试内容
Open Chrome on your Android device
在你的手机上打开 Chrome
In the chrome://inspect/#devices, you see your Android device’s model name, followed by its serial number Below that, you can see the version of Chrome that’s running on the device, with the version number in parentheses Each open Chrome tab gets its own section You can interact with that tab from this section If there are any apps using WebView, you see a section for each of those apps, too In Figure 5 there are no tabs or WebViews open
打开 chrome://inspect/#devices ,等待一会儿就看见设备了。
In the Open tab with url text box, enter a URL and then click Open The page opens in a new tab on your Android device
Click Inspect next to the URL that you just opened A new DevTools instance opens The version of Chrome running on your Android device determines the version of DevTools that opens on your development machine So, if your Android device is running a very old version of Chrome, the DevTools instance may look very different than what you’re used to
点击 Inspect,然后开始调试就行了。
参考链接:x5核心无法打开,安装内核提示“内核下载失败115→115”,请问有相同情况吗? | 微信开放社区 (qqcom)
在手机微信内部打开 (此为移动端微信内置域名)
>听斑 tīngbān
[macula acustica] 耳内的两个感觉性毛细胞的小区,位于 (1)∶球囊内(2)∶椭圆囊内,它们被其上有碳酸钙结晶或结石的胶状物覆盖,与平衡感觉有关
2 听便 tīngbiàn
[as one pleases] 听凭自便
3 听不懂 tīng bu dǒng
[unversed] 显示无知、不熟习的
4 听不清 tīng bu qīng
[can’t hear well;can’t catch] 不能清楚地听见
5 听差 tīngchāi
[servant;office attendant;manservant] 旧指在机关或富人家里做杂活的男仆
6 听窗 tīngchuāng
[overhear outside bridal chamber] 听房
7 听从 tīngcóng
[obey;listen to;accept;heed;comply with] 接受并服从
8 听错 tīngcuò
[mishear] 没听对
9 听懂 tīngdǒng
(1) [understand]∶听明白——用法广泛,从感觉上的物质行为或很偶然的考虑,直至对内在的本质,基本理论或重要意义的完全而深刻的认识
(2) [take]∶领会
10 听断 tīngduàn
[hear and decide;preside at lawsuit and give judgment] 听取陈述而作裁断也指听讼狱而加以裁决
11 听而不闻 tīng’érbùwén
[hear but pay no attention;turn a deaf ear to;listen but not hear] 看上去在听,实际上没听见形容心不在焉,神不专注
12 听房 tīngfáng
[overhear outside bridal chamber] 流行于一些地区的民俗,在新房外面偷听新婚夫妇的言谈动静也说“听窗”
13 听候 tīnghòu
[wait for a decision] 遵命等候
14 听话 tīnghuà
[obedient;tractable] 听从上级或长辈的话;愿意服从
15 听话儿 tīnghuàr
[wait for a reply] 等候别人给以回答
16 听会 tīnghuì
[attend meeting] 到会场听发言、讲演等
17 听见风就是雨 tīngjiàn fēng jiùshì yǔ
[chime in with others] 比喻随声附和,或因轻信而夸大事实
18 听讲 tīngjiǎng
[listen to a talk or a lecture;attend a lecture;sit in on a class] 听人讲授;上课
19 听觉 tīngjué
[sense of hearing;anditory sensation] 脊椎动物具有的与声音感觉有关的特殊官能之一,机械振动波通过哺乳动物耳内的感受器传递,或在较低等的脊椎动物中通过听壶这种相应的知觉感受器传递人类在正常情况下可以听到频率为16至27000赫的声音,声能转换成冲动后,由听神经传导至听觉中枢而感受到
20 听课 tīngkè
(1) [visit (或sit in on )a class]∶听一堂课
(2) [attend a lecture]∶听一个讲演
(3) [listen to teachers]∶听老师讲课
21 听来 tīnglái
[sound] 构成或传达某种印象,听话人感到有某种含意
22 听力 tīnglì
(1) [audition;hearing]∶辨别声音的能力
(2) [aural comprehension]∶听觉的理解力
23 听命 tīngmìng
(1) [take orders from;be at one’s command]∶听从命令;听从上级或长辈的话
(2) [resign oneself to one’s fate;let things take their own course]∶听天由命;听其自然
24 听凭 tīngpíng
[allow;let] 听任;任凭
25 听其言观其行 tīng qí yán guān qí xíng
[listen to what a person says and watch what he does;take note of sb's words but judge him by his deeds] 听一个人说什么,又看他做什么,常有“不仅要听他说的,更重要的是看其做的如何”的含义
26 听其自然 tīngqízìrán
[let things take their own course;leave enough alone;let matters stand;take the world as one finds it] 任凭事情发展,不作任何努力
27 听墙根,听墙根儿 tīng qiánggēn,tīng qiánggēnr
[eavesdrop;overhear] 在暗处偷听别人谈话
28 听取 tīngqǔ
[listen to;hear] 接受;听[意见、反映、汇报等]
29 听任 tīngrèn
[allow;let] 随其发展,不加干预
30 听审 tīngshěn
[wait for a trial] 等待审判
31 听事 tīngshì
(1) [manage affairs]∶处理政事
(2) [hall;office;court-room]∶大厅(多指官署中的)也作“厅事”
听事前仅容旋马——宋· 司马光《训俭示康》
32 听书 tīngshū
[listen to storytelling] 听说书人说书
33 听说 tīngshuō
[hear;understand;be told;get wind of] 听人所说
34 听讼 tīngsòng
[preside at lawsuit;hearing;try a case;administer justice] 听理诉讼;审案
35 听随 tīngsuí
[obey;allow] 顺从;听凭;随便怎么都可以
36 听天由命 tīngtiān-yóumìng
[resign oneself to one's fate;submit to the will of Heaven;give hostage to fortune;trust to luck] 听其自然发展天成,忽视或放弃人本身的能动作用
37 听筒 tīngtǒng
(1) [headphone;earphone;earpiece]∶耳机
(2) [telephone receiver]∶电话机中一种使电的脉动或变化的电流转换成声音的装置
(3) [stethoscope]∶听诊器
38 听闻 tīngwén
(1) [hear]∶听的活动
(2) [what one has heard]∶指听到的内容
39 听戏 tīngxì
[go to the opera] 欣赏、观看戏剧表演
40 听写 tīngxiě
[dictation] 语文教学方法之一,由教师发音或朗读,学生不参考其它资料,凭记忆笔录,用来训练学生听和写的能力
41 听信 tīngxìn
(1) [wait for information]∶等候信息
(2) [believe;believe what one has heard]∶听而相信
42 听阈 tīngyù
[threshold of audibillty] 在试验的特定部分中能引起听感的特定信号的最小有效声压值;阈值可用相当于00002微巴或1微巴的分贝数来表示
43 听者 tīngzhě
[auditioning] 特指听众之一
44 听诊 tīngzhěn
[auscultate;auscultation] 用听诊法检查;听取器官(如肺或心脏)内发出的声音作为诊断和治疗的辅助的行为,此项检查可由使用听诊器或直接贴耳于身体而进行
45 听政 tīngzhèng
[administer the affairs of State;hold court] 坐朝处理政务;主持国政
46 听之任之 tīngzhī-rènzhī
[let sbhave his own way;leave things as they are;let matters drift] 听任不管让它自由发展
47 听众 tīngzhòng
[audience;listeners] 听讲演、音乐或广播的人
48 听子 tīngzi
[tin;can] 〈方〉∶装食品、饮料、香烟等的筒子或罐子,一般用铁皮制成,也有合金的或塑料的
意思: 信任;信托;相信;委托
1、A good marriage is based on trust
2、In his will he created trusts for his children
n 信任;把握;信心;知心话
adj 骗得信任的
The servant enjoyed his master's confidence
意思:n 依赖;信赖;上瘾
We have firm dependence upon the will of God
gotrust id plugin是一款功能强大的小说阅读插件的软件,gotrust id plugin这款软件能够统一所有小说网站的阅读样式,极大的提升用户看书的体验感,插件还支持自动修正拼音和错字,段落调整,自动下一页,自动获取标题,内容,上一页,目录页链接等等。高二学生平时要养成书写规范的习惯,对大小写、标点符号和词距等一定要一丝不苟,力求规范化、整齐美观。这样才能有高分,以下是我给大家整理的 高二英语 课本基础的知识点归纳,希望能助你一臂之力!
1 consist of = be made up of 由……组成 (没有进行时)
eg The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
=Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the UK
2 区别:
separate from (把联合在一起或靠近的人或物分离出来)
divideinto 把…分开 (把整体分为若干部分)
eg The teacher divided the class into two groups
The Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan from Fujian
3 debate about sth
eg They debate about the proposal for three days
debate /argue/ quarrel
4 clarify: vt/vi (cause sth to )become clear or easier to understand 澄清;阐明;清楚;明了
eg I hope what I say will clarify the situation
Can you clarify the question
5 be linked to = be connected to /be joined to 连接
习惯用语★ link A to B 将A和B连接起来
6 refer to
eg When he said “some students”, do you think he was referring to us
2) 参考;查阅;询问
eg If you don't understand a word you may refer to your dictionaries
Please refer to the last page of the book for answers
3) 关系到;关乎
eg What I have to say refers to all of you
This rule refers to everyone
reference: n 参考 eg reference books 参考书
7 to one's surprise (prep)
“to one's + 名词” 表 “令某人……”
常见的名词有 “delight, disappointment, enjoyment, astonishment 等
eg I discovered, to my horror, that the goods were entirely unfit for sale
To John's great relief they reached the house at last
8 found themselves united peacefully
“find +宾语+宾补( adj; adv; v-ing; pp; 介词 短语 ;不定式)”
eg A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen
You'll find him easy to get along with
They found themselves trapped by the bush fire
When I woke up, I found myself in hospital
I called on him yesterday, but I found him out
9 get sth done =have sth done 使某事被做……
eg I'll just get these dishes washed and then I'll come
get + n + to do
get + n + doing
You'll get her to agree
I'll get the car going
get done: 用于意想不到、突然或偶然发生,意为“被……”
eg Be careful when you cross this very busy street
10 break away (from sb / sth) 脱离;破除…
eg It is not easy for him to break away from bad habits
The man broke away from his guards
break down (会谈)破裂,失败;(汽车等)出故障;(人的健康状况)变得恶劣;(情感)失控
eg His car broke down on the way to work this morning
His health broke down under the pressure of work
He broke down and wept when he heard the news
Talks between the two countries have completely broken down
break in 闯入;打岔
break off 中断,折断
break into 闯入
break out 爆发;发生
break up 驱散;分散,拆散
11 as well as 不仅…而且;既…又…
eg He is a teacher as well as a writer
The children as well as their father were seen playing football in the street
12 convenience: n方便;便利(convenient: adj )
eg We bought this house for its convenience
13 attraction: (attract: v)
1) 吸引;引力(不可数 n) eg attraction of gravitation 重力
2) 吸引人的东西;喜闻乐见的东西;精彩节目(可数 n)
He can't resist the attraction of the sea on a hot day
A big city offers many and varied attractions
What are the principle attractions this evening
14 influence
1) v 对…产生影响 eg What influence you to choose a career in teaching
2)可数n 产生影响的人或事 eg He is one of the good influences in the school
3) (不可数n) 影响 eg A teacher has great influence over his pupils
point upset ignore calm down cheat list share a series of crazy purpose dare thunder entire(~ly) trust according to power suffer recover suitcase situation disagree be concerned about walk the dog set down face to face be/get tired of get along with fall in love make a list communicate with
1)add vt/vi加;添加;增添
add up合计 加起来,但在口语中有时用于否定句,表示“莫名其妙,不说明问题”。
add up to 总计共达,所有一切都说明,总而言之。
add sth(to sth)把……加到……里去。
add to 增加,扩建。
add 表示“继续说,补充说”。
2)cheat v 欺骗;作弊 n 骗子;作弊者;骗人的事
cheat sb of sth cheat sth out of sb 从某人处欺诈某物
cheat on/at/in 作弊,欺诈
3)list v 将事物列于表上;编事物的目录 n 名单;目录;一览表
make a list of 造表,列……表
take…off the list 从表上去掉……
stand first on the list 居首位,列前茅
as listed above 如上所列
share in 分享,分担,共用
share sth with sb 和某人共用/共享某事物
share out 分配,分发;得到股息,升股息
share(n)in/of 一分,部分
4)trust vi/vt 信任,信赖;依赖
trust in 相信,信任,信仰
trust to 依靠(运气等),依赖
trust that… 希望,想
5)suffer vt/vi 遭受,受到,蒙受;受痛苦,受折磨,受惩罚,受损伤
suffer from 受……伤害;患……病痛
注意:suffer 和 suffer from 都不能用于被动语态
6)calm vt/vi/adj 使平静;使镇定。平静的,镇静的,沉着的。
calm down 平静下来,镇定下来
be concerned about 担心,关心
as/so far as…be concerned 关于,至于,就某人而言
have no concern for 毫不关心
concern oneself in/with/about sth 忙于,从事;关心,关切
have a concern in 和……有厉害关系
be concerned in/with 参与,与……有关
8)separate v/adj 分开,和……分手;单独的,分开的,不同的
separate…from 使……和……分离
lose one’s reason 失去理智,发狂
by reason of 由于
bring sb to reason 说服某人理智些
within reason 合理
without reason 不合理
listen to reason 听从道理
reason sb into/out of sth 以理说服某人做/不做某事
beyond /out of one’s power 力所不及的,不能胜任的
=not within one’s power
in power 当权的,握有政权的
come into power掌权,得势
form / make a habit of doing=make it a habit to do sth 养成做某事的习惯
be in the habit of 有……的习惯
fall/get into a habit of 沾染(养成)……习惯
break(off)a habit=get out a habit 戒除一种习惯
form good habits 养成良好的习
out of habit 出于习惯
12)according to为介词短语,后跟名词,代词,不能很从句,表示“根据;按照;试……而定”。
according to其后引出的信息应来自别人或者别处,不能来自说话者自己。
according to其后不能跟opinion,view等名词。
according as 相当于连词,后跟从句,意为“正像,根据,按照,如果”。
13)join in
区别join;join in;take part in;attend
join 参加某个组织或者团体(党派,军队等),并且成为其中的一员。
join in 参加正在进行着的活动,如游戏,讨论, 辩论 ,谈话等。
take part in 参加会议或者群众性的活动,并且在其中法会一定的作用。
attend 参加会议、仪式、婚礼、葬礼、上课、上学、听 报告 等。重在强调“参与”的动作,不强调参加者的作用。
I dare say…我敢打赌说……
15)go through 经历;经受;通过考试;经过;审阅;检查
go with 伴随,与……协调 go up 上升;建起;上涨 go over检查,审查;复习,重温
go out 熄灭;公布;播出 go ahead 进行,进展;(with)赞同 go into从事,参加(某一行业);调查
16)get along with 同……相处;进展
get away 离开;逃避 get back 回来;拿回 get down 拿下;写下 get in 进入;收获
get down to 开始认真做…… get on/off 上/下车 get over 克服;战胜 get across 被理解
get through 完成;通过;接通电话 get up 起床 get it 明白,理解;猜中
18)no longer=not…any longer 表示不再继续或者再现过去某一时刻发生或存在而一直延续的动作/状态时,常用于过去时、现在时或者将来时的 句子 中。
no more=not…any more 表示再也不重复过去反复发生的动作时,常用于过去时或者将来时的句子中。
When he saw the toy,the baby cried no longer当看到玩具时,那婴儿不再哭了。
Now she wasn’t afraid any more现在她再也不害怕了。
19)①settle down to 决心去做……,专心去做…… settle on/upon 决定……,选定……
②have trouble with 使伤脑筋,苦恼;跟某人闹别扭
ask for trouble 自讨苦吃 be in trouble 在困境中,有纠纷 get sb into trouble 陷入困境
make trouble 惹麻烦 put sb to trouble 麻烦某人 take the trouble to do 费力做
④直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。⑤如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to, had better, used to)和已经是过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。
1 defend against保卫…以免受
2intruduce sb tosb 向某人介绍某人
3kiss sb on somepart亲吻某人的某个部位
4in defence 防御,保障
5together with 与某人一起
6be likely to 很可能…;有希望…
7reach one’s hand out to sth 把手伸出来取某物
8on the contrary 相反
9nod at sb 向某人点头
10greet sbwith/by 通过…向某人问候
11express one’s feelings表达某人的感情
12 in general 总的来说;通常
13at a job fair 在求职会上
14be nervousabout 对…感到紧张
15 at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在
16 lose face丢脸
17turn one’s back to 背对;背弃
18turn one’s head away 把头转过去
19be willing to 渴望… , 愿意…
20 look upsetabout sth 对 感到沮丧
1 I saw several young people enter thewaiting area looking around curiously
2 The firstperson to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smithfrom Britain第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的茱莉亚史密斯。
3 She steppedback appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defense
4 Not allcultures greet each other the same way, Nor are they comfortable in the sameway with
touching ordistance between people
各种 文化 背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距的程度也不尽相同。
5 We can often bewrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each otheras well as we do
1preference n偏爱;优先eg:Wine or beerwhich is your preference要葡萄酒还是啤酒你比较喜欢哪一样
I have a preference for French films我更喜欢法国。
相关链接:prefer吨更喜欢preferable adj更好一些(和to连用) preferably ado是用法拓展have a preference for偏爱…… show/gire(a)preference for偏爱……
have a preference of sthto/over,宁要某物而不要另一物
in preference to优先于……;喜爱甚于……特别提醒;prefer是preference的动词形式,其搭配为:
prefer sth/doing sthto sth/doing sth喜欢……而不喜欢
prefer to do…rather than do…宁愿干……而不愿干……
2design v&n设计;打算给……用 eg:
He is designing a house f6r his frl’end他正给他的朋友设计房子。
The road was not designed for heavy lrucks这公路不是为重型卡车设计的。
用法拓展:design…f0 r…为某人设计……
be dem。gned for/to do…目的是……,打算给……用 一
by design故意地 have designs on/against…对……别有用心特别提醒:design当“目的是……;打算给……用”讲时,多用于被动结构。
3belong vi属于;是……成员 eg:She belongs to this school她是这个学校的成员。 China belongs to the third world中国属于第三世界。
相关键接;belongings n(复)所有物,财产用法拓展:belong to sb属于某人的特别提醒:
(1)belong to后面接名词的普通格不接所有格:后接代词时用宾格,不用名词性物主代词。
(2)beIong to没有被动语态,不用于进行时态。
4impress vt铭刻,给……极深印象;使感动eg: What impressed me is the beauty of the scenery there使我印象深刻的是那儿美丽的风景。 The book tmpressed a lot of people那本书在很多人心中留下深刻印象。 My father impressed on me the importaflce of work父亲要我铭记工作的重要性。
相关链接:impression n印象,感觉impressive adj给人留下深刻印象的用法拓展:impress sthon sth在……上印……tmpress sthwith sth用……印…
be impressed by/at/with被深深打动 be impressed on曲使某人铭记… make a…impression on…对……留下…印象
5despitpe prep不管,不顾;任凭eg:
He came to the meeting despite his serious illness
He is very active despite his age他年纪虽大却很活跃。
用法拓展:despile=in spite of尽管though(althougll)尽管虽然特别提醒:①despitein spite of但比in spite of更正式。②despite(in spite of) 是介词后接名词(动名词代词)而though、although是连词连接句子。
③as con)引导一个让步状语从句句子须部分倒装。④whik conj“尽管”引导一个让步状语从句。
6taste vt尝……味道 vi尝起来吃起来 n情趣。鉴赏力eg;
can you taste anything strange in this soup你尝得出这汤有什么怪味吗
The soup tastes delicious这汤很可口。
The girl has a taste for music这女孩对音乐感兴趣。
相关链接:tasty adj美味的,可口的 a tasty meaI一顿美餐用法拓展:have a taste for对……喜欢 to one's taste按口味合口味特别提醒;taste作系动词用后面须接形容词作表语;无被动语态和进行时态。
7fill up with用……装满 eg:
Birds fill up the spaces between the branehes of their nests with soft materials
相关链接:fuIl“adj充满的用法拓展:fill…with…用……装满……一be filled with be fuIl of装满……fill in…填入填空
特别提醒:be filled with用……装满be fuIl of装满……,这两个短语中特别注意介词,不要用混。
8set一aside把……置于一旁留出,拨出 eg:
Ive set aside some money for this journey我为这趟旅行存了一些钱。
Let's set aslde our personal feelings我们先暂时抛开个人情感。
用法拓展:put aside节省(钱,时间)储存……备用
step aslde避开退让站到一边take aside把……叫到一边
9I can't stand”我不能忍受……eg:she can't startd the pam她无法忍受那种痛苦。
we can't stand being made fun of我们无法忍受被别人嘲弄。
用法拓展:can't stand+n /pron 不能忍受……can't stand+doing不能忍受……特别提醒:stand当”承受忍受”讲通常用于否定句和疑问句,不可用于进行时,后接名词、代词或动名词。
10with+0+0C with的复合结构 eg:
with the door open he sIept Iast m’ght昨天晚上他开着门睡觉。
With the boy leadmg the waywe had no difficulty finding his house
用法拓展:with+宾语+形容词 with+宾语十副词with+宾语一介词短语with十宾语+现在分词 with十宾语+过去分词 with十宾语+不定式
特别提醒:with后面的宾语和宾补之间若是主动关系,用doing或to do;若是被动关系则用done。
(1)create指“有目的地把原材料制成新产品”;也指“创造出原来不存在或与众不同的事物”。 eg:
We've created a new building out of an old ruin我们从旧废墟上创建了一幢新楼。
(2)invent指“通过想像,研究,劳动,创造出前所未有的东西”,尤指“科技上的发明创造”。 eg:
Edison invented the light bulb爱迪生发明了电灯泡。
(3)make是最常用词,指“用劳动创造、生产、形成或组成”某事物。 eg:
AIl kinds of machine tools are made in this factory这家工厂制造各种机床。
(4)produce指“通过劳动加工而生产产品”,尤指“工农业产品”。 eg:
We must produce more food for ourselves and import less我们必须增产食品,减少进口。
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I don’t wanna let the chance slip away我不希望错失任何机会Why is my freedom taken away 为何要夺走我的自由?
Reason as against emotion 与情感相对的理性
I’ve gotta deal with extreme frustration我要克服这要压垮我的沮丧
All my efforts will never be in vain 我的一切努力都不会成为徒劳
Endless desire, like a haunting refrain无尽的欲望仿佛萦绕在我的心头
Such a pain, the ideal versus the real 那些理想与现实带来的痛苦
There is a way To change the world 将会发现一条改变世界的道路
Just count on me 只需相信我
So what if I sing off-key, who cares 就算我的歌声五音不全,可谁又会在意呢?
Not good at drawing, no big deal 纵使不善于描绘色彩也无妨
Let me go for my one true belief 让我带着我唯一的信念前进吧
Overcome myself (Overcome yourself) 战胜我自己(战胜你自身)
“A Whole New World God Only Knows”“一个只有神知道的全新世界”
I’ll always be on your side(I know you’re hurting inside) 我会一直站在你身旁(我知道你正承受着种种苦痛)
To be a knight To be a light For you 我愿成为你的骑士,为你点亮一路光明
We’ll be shining bright我们必将光辉璀璨
No more fears No more tears 不再害怕,别再流泪
Everything will work out 一切终将成为现实
That’s“God only knows” 这便是“唯有神知晓”
Don’t get me wrong 请你不要误会
This is not real love but 尽管这不是现实中的爱恋
I’ll do anything for you 但我仍愿意为你做任何事
Whatever happens in my life, 无论我遇上什么
turn the page and come of age (Remember, no one can judge me) 我也会翻开下一页,成为大人物(别忘了,没人可以审判我)
Every end leads to a new beginning 每一个终焉都昭示着一个新的开始
of the next stage 引领我们走向下一个舞台
Try to make my life complete, trust myself 试着让自己的人生更加完整,相信自己
Be strong and do my best 变得更强 竭尽全力
Don’t look back, carry on 别再回头 大胆向前
The ideal, (The real,)将理想(将现实)
find a way out 全部完美攻略
“A Whole New World God Only Knows” “一个只有神知道的全新世界”
Here’s the thing I’ve realized (Deep sadness you can’t disguise)这是我所意识到的事情(纵使深深地悲伤已无从隐藏)
Keep the goal in sight 也不要迷失目标
So turn the tide For you 让形势因你而动
We can get over 我们定能度过这难关
One more try One more time 再试一次 再来一次
Everything has a reason 万事皆有因
That’s“God only knows” 这正是“只有神明白”
Don’t let me down 别让我失望
This is not real love but 尽管这不是真实的爱恋
I’ll never leave you alone 我也绝不会让你独自一人
Whatever happens in your life, 无论你遇到了什么
look for the silver lining(You know, some things are meant to be) 都要试着去寻找希望(你心知肚明,一切皆早已注定)
Even if you feel things are 即便你感到…
too much to bear, the sun’s shining…难以担负,太阳也会为你绽放耀眼光芒
Try to find the answer to all our dreams试着去寻找能让我们美梦成真的答案吧
Believe and do your best相信自己 竭尽全力
Not too late, start over 现在还不算晚,即刻启程吧
Be yourself…Be happy…It’s your life… 做你自己 保持快乐 这是你的人生
“God only knows”“唯有神知晓”
Find your love…Find your way… For your life… 发现你的爱 找到你的路 皆为你一生
回答于 2016-12-02
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[00:-0400]God only knows[00:-0300]歌:ELISA[00:-0200]作词:西田恵美 编曲:前口渉[00:-0100]TVアニメ「神のみぞ知るセカイ」OP[00:0000]第一幕 Chapter1作曲:MCE[00:0042]What I\'m seeingIs it real 我所看到的,是现实?[00:0943]What I\'m feelingIs it real 我所感到的,是现实?[00:1558]What I\'m doingIs it real 我所在做的,那是现实?[00:2116][00:2159]There is no regrets,satisfy my curiosities 没有遗憾,一切都只为喂饱好奇的心[00:2753]There is a new world waiting,explore my possibilities 新世界在等待,等待发掘我的可能[00:3352]There is no guarantee,just improve my abilities<Go ahead with your own life -> 没有什么担保,只能提高我的力量 [00:3948]There is a choice to make,setting the right priorities<Is there any hope in your sight> 前方有着选项,选出你的最爱 [00:4559]<You will always be the one,so feel the power 你永远是那唯一,能感觉到哪力量,[00:5443]And you should know the sun comes up - For you> 要知道太阳会为你而升起[00:5830]There is no regrets,satisfy my curiosities 没有遗憾,一切都只为喂饱好奇的心[01:0434]There is a new world waiting,explore my possibilities 新世界在等待,等待发掘我的可能[01:1035]There is no guarantee,just improve my abilities 没有什么担保,只能提高我的力量[01:1637]There is a choice to make,setting the right priorities 前方有着选项,选出你的最爱[01:2351][01:2847]第二幕 Chapter2作曲:前口渉[01:2947][01:4010]<What is the best you can do How can you do> [01:5218]I was sitting and thinking the other day<What is the best you can do How can you do> 我独坐想起另一天[01:5817]If I fail,I won\'t throw my passion away<What is the best you can do How can you do> 就算失败我的激情也不褪色[02:0403]Just \'cause giving up is not the only way 因为放弃不会是唯一的路[02:0989]No matter how it\'s gonna be,I\'ll try it anyway 不管怎样我总会尝试[02:1931][02:2152]第三幕 Chapter3作曲:前口渉/木村香真良[02:2252][02:3298]Love is such a sweet illusion (Let\'s come together) 爱是如此甜蜜的幻想(一起来)[02:3864]Can\'t seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever) 貌似我的妄想也无法刹车(到永远)[02:4434]What a ridiculous situation(Another matter) 多么荒谬的情况 (是另一个破事啦)[02:4992]But I can\'t deny,I\'m faced with a tricky temptation 但我无从拒绝,我面对的这个古灵精怪的诱惑[02:5531]