我的世界 基岩版:官方服务器配置与使用

我的世界 基岩版:官方服务器配置与使用,第1张

You can issue commands to the server by typing in the console The following commands are available < > means a parameter is required, [ ] means it's optional and | denotes different allowed values Strings can be enclosed in double quotes, ", if they contain spaces

Command syntax Description
kick <player name or xuid> <reason> Immediately kicks a player The reason will be shown on the kicked players screen
stop Shuts down the server gracefully
save <hold | resume | query> Used to make atomic backups while the server is running See the backup section for more information
whitelist <on | off | list | reload>
on and off turns the whitelist on and off Note that this does not change the value in the serverproperties file!

list prints the current whitelist used by the server

reload makes the server reload the whitelist from the file

See the Whitelist section for more information

whitelist <add | remove> <name> Adds or removes a player from the whitelist file The name parameter should be the Xbox Gamertag of the player you want to add or remove You don't need to specify a XUID here, it will be resolved the first time the player connects

See the Whitelist section for more information
permissions <list | reload>
list prints the current used operator list

reload makes the server reload the operator list from the ops file

See the Permissions section for more information

op <player>
Promote a player to operator This will also persist in permissionsjson if the player is authenticated to XBL If permissionsjson is missing it will be created If the player is not connected to XBL, the player is promoted for the current server session and it will not be persisted on disk Defualt server permission level will be assigned to the player after a server restart

deop <player>
Demote a player to member This will also persist in permissionsjson if the player is authenticated to XBL If permissionsjson is missing it will be created

changesetting <setting> <value> Changes a server setting without having to restart the server Currently only two settings are supported to be changed, allow-cheats (true or false) and difficulty (0, peaceful, 1, easy, 2, normal, 3 or hard) They do not modify the value that's specified in serverproperties
The server supports taking backups of the world files while the server is running It's not particularly friendly for taking manual backups, but works better when automated The backup (from the servers perspective) consists of three commands

Command Description
save hold This will ask the server to prepare for a backup It’s asynchronous and will return immediately
save query After calling save hold you should call this command repeatedly to see if the preparation has finished When it returns a success it will return a file list (with lengths for each file) of the files you need to copy The server will not pause while this is happening, so some files can be modified while the backup is taking place As long as you only copy the files in the given file list and truncate the copied files to the specified lengths, then the backup should be valid
save resume When you’re finished with copying the files you should call this to tell the server that it’s okay to remove old files again




mc 20人服务器配置



计算型c6实例是企业级独享云服务器,CPU处理器采用25 GHz主频的Intel ® Xeon ® Platinum 8269CY(Cascade Lake),睿频32 GHz,计算性能稳定,并且支持开启或关闭超线程配置。









玩家们可以自由选择游戏模式 [生存、创造、冒险、极限 (仅Java版) 和旁观模式(仅Java版) ]。在各种模式中体验不一样的有趣玩法,在生存模式中享受打怪、冒险等多种乐趣,在创造模式下享受当创世神的乐趣。该游戏以玩家在三维空间中自由地创造和破坏不同种类的方块为主题。







flash小游戏是一种通过Flash软件和 Flash 编程语言Flash ActionScript 制作而成的SWF格式小游戏,只是能上网打开网页15到30秒即可玩,也可以下载游戏文件到本地然后再安装个flash播放器打开即玩。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/13262299.html

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