“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ControlClass\4D36E970-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318” 里的0000,0001,0002中查找的DriverDesc,假如在0000找到,就在0000下面添加字符串变量,命名为“NetworkAddress”,值为要设置的MAC地址,例如:000102030504。
第2步: 在“NetworkAddress”的主键值下添加名为“default”的字符串,值写要设的MAC地址。
第3步:在“NetworkAddress”的主键下继续添加名为“ParamDesc”的字符串,其作用为指定“NetworkAddress”主键的描述,其值可为“MAC Address”,也可以随意设置。
在“设备管理器中”,右键点击需要修改MAC地址的网卡图标,并选择“属性/高级”选项卡。在“属性”区,就可以看到一个称作“Network Address”或其他相类似名字的的项目,例如“Locally Administrered Address”,总之点击它,在右侧“值”的下方,输入要指定的MAC地址值。要连续输入,不要在其间输入“-”。重新启动系统后设置就会生效了。
重启后你可以用“winipcfg”看看修改的结果。如果你想把网卡的 MAC 地址恢复原样,只要选择“ Network Address ”项右边的“没有显示”再重新启动即可。在 WIN2000 下面是选择“不存在”,不过不用重新启动了
一般MAC地址在网卡中是固定的,当然也有网络高手会想办法去修改自己的MAC地址。修改自己的MAC地址有两种方法,一种是硬件修改,另外一种是软件修改。硬件的方法就是直接对网卡进行 *** 作,修改保存在网卡的EPROM里面的MAC地址,通过网卡生产厂家提供的修改程序可以更改存储器里的地址。那么什么叫做EPROM呢?EPROM是电子学中一种存储器的专业术语,它是可擦写的,也就是说一张白纸你用钢笔写了一遍以后就不能再用橡皮擦去了,而EPROM这张白纸用铅笔写后可以再擦去,可以反复改变其中数据的存储器。当然软件修改的方法就相对来说要简单得多了,在Windows中,网卡的MAC保存在注册表中,实际使用也是从注册表中提取的,所以只要修改注册表就可以改变MAC。
Windows 2000/XP中的修改:同样打开注册表编辑器:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\4D36E970-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 中的0000,0001,0002中的DriverDesc,如果在0000找到,就在0000下面添加字符串变量,命名为“NetworkAddress”,值为要设置的MAC地址,例如:000102030405
完成上述 *** 作后重启就好了。一般网卡发出的包的源MAC地址并不是网卡本身写上去的,而是应用程序提供的,只是在通常的实现中,应用程序先从网卡上得到MAC地址,每次发送的时候都用这个MAC作为源MAC而已,而注册表中的MAC地址是在Windows安装的时候从网卡中读入的,只要你的 *** 作系统不重新安装应该没有问题
另一种修改MAC的方法:打开本地连接的属性,在“常规”里面,有一个“配置”,然后点“高级”,选“network address”,选中“值”,在里面填写数据。这个数据你最好到开始-运行-cmd,输入IPCONFIG /ALL 察看,如:00-1D-7D-77-45-83,找到你的那个值,去掉-,修改最后1个数,填进去就行了。
修改IP地址的方法:开始-运行-cmd,输入IPCONFIG /ALL 察看,将里面的信息纪录下来,到本地连接的属性里面-Internet协议TCP/IP-属性,点使用下面IP地址,然后把你纪录的写进去就行了,但也要把如19216813,后面的改一位数字,比如改成19216814,网关就不要改了。
本人觉得不管要修改IP还是MAC,首先,你都要找到一个可用的,没有被锁定限制的MAC和对应的IP。只要局域网内不存在相同的MAC和IP地址,那么就不会有地址冲突,就可以很好的使用。Chinese telecoms
Not so phoney [v1] war
A ban on using American components puts ZTE in peril
TALK of restricting the use of Chinese telecoms equipment in the West is growingThis week the curbs went the other way, when America banned its companies from selling hardware and software for seven years to one of China’s state-owned tech champions, ZTE On April 16th America’s Department of Commerce(商务部)said that China’s second-largest telecoms firm had trampled on a settlement reached in March 2017 over ZTE’s illegal shipments since 2010 of American-made technology—telecommunications(通信)equipment to Iran, and routers, servers and microproces- sors to North Korea—in known violation of trade sanctions
The one at risk of being crippled by an embargo is now ZTE In 2016 UBS, a bank, estimated that 80-90% of its products re- lied on American parts Jean Baptiste Su of Atherton Research, an American technol- ogy-research outfit, described the ban as “devastating” for ZTE, especially the loss of chips made by America’s Qualcomm used in about 70% of ZTE’s smartphones Al- though ZTE makes most of its money from its telecoms-equipment business, nearly a third of its revenues come from phones
Switching to other suppliers (and it must seek out those with zero parts sourced from America) would require handset redesigns to match new specifica- tions that would take years to bring to mar- ket, says Mr Su The software restrictions
are just as bruising ZTE’s phones use the Android operating system developed by Google, which under the ban may no lon- ger be able to license its apps to ZTE It does not have its own operating system As The Economist went to press, ZTE’s shares had been suspended from trading in Shenzhen and Hong Kong for three days
America had dangled the threat of this sort of ban (known as a denial of export privileges) last year but shelved it whenZTE confessed to wrongdoing and paid $890m in penalties As part of the deal ZTEpledged to discipline senior staff But al- though it fired four people, it was found to have neither reprimanded nor cut bonuses to 35 others, as promised That seems in- credibly foolhardy According to the De- partment of Commerce, ZTE admitted it had submitted false statements but said it had no intention of misleading the govern- ment The department decried “a pattern of deception” and “repeated violations”
ZTE stood out as the only Chinese hand- set-maker to have cracked the American market; half of its phones are sold there It is the country’s fourth-largest seller of smartphones, with a 12% share—despite its inclusion in a report from America’s House Intelligence Committee in 2012 that urged domestic telecoms firms purchasing net- working equipment to shun its products over espionage worries (The report also targeted Huawei, ZTE’s larger Chinese ri- val, which, because of deeper concerns over its possible ties to the Chinese govern- ment, has struggled to make inroads since)
Although the sanctions row predates the administration of President Donald Trump, it will make an example of ZTE, reckons Mr Su, as tensions mount between America and China over trade disputes and technological dominance Since the start of the year a bill has been proposed in America’s Congress to block the govern- ment from using telecoms equipment made by Huawei and ZTE; and Mr Trump has halted the takeover of Qualcomm by Broadcom, a rival chipmaker, on national- security grounds, for fear it would give Chi- na the edge in setting standards for 5G, a wireless technology
A parallel salvo this week, by the Feder- al Communications Commission, was all of a piece America’s telecoms regulator voted unanimously to move forward with a plan to stop federal subsidies to domestic carriers who use suppliers that are consid- ered to be a risk to American national secu- rity It pointed in particular to congressio- nal scrutiny of Huawei and ZTE
Edison Lee of Jefferies, an investment bank, thinks that ZTE has a shot at negotiat- ing the ban away, but that if it fails it will hope to involve the Chinese government in a mediation process Even if ZTE’s fate becomes a bargaining chip in a trade dis- pute, a resolution may take many months Until then the firm will at best limp on
[v1] 虚假的,冒牌货
-phoney 虚假的;冒牌货
a phoney story 一个虚构的故事
①Uncountable 危险:at one's peril 自冒风险;
②Countable 危害: the perils of smoking 吸烟的危害
Atransitive verb 控制,限制:to curb one's temper克制脾气
Bnoun 控制: a curb on [something]对某事物的控制
-trampled 踩,侵犯
●telecommunications(通信) equipment
●routers 路由器
●servers 服务器
●microproces eRedG4(易道系统集成与应用开发平台)是一个开放源代码的、面向企业计算环境下异构系统集成与行业应用快速二次开发的平台。它包括:基础类库、业务模型框架、富浏览器端开发框架、富桌面端开发框架、权限参考模型、平台代码生成器六大组成部分你是说已经充了钱然后因为某些原因点了取消交易? 干等肯定不给退,去客服反馈这个问题吧。 sup(防)portsteampow(度娘)eredc(吞)om 用中文申诉的话也可以,只是客服那边懂中文的不多,你得多等一段时间。engineered by的中文翻译
engineered by
This boom has been engineered by the Chancellor for short-term political
The first wireless remote was a marvel, introduced by zenith Radio
Corporation in 1956 and engineered by Robert Adler
世界上第一支无线遥控器是由齐尼斯无线电公司(Zenith Radio Corporation)于1956年生产的,由罗伯特•阿德勒设计制造。