


Vray渲染器是一个3dsmax的高级全局照明渲染器,是专业渲染引擎公司Chaos Software公司设计完成的拥有“光线跟踪”和“全局照明”渲染器,用来代替Max原有的“线性扫描渲染器”。


可搭载软件:3ds Max、Maya、Sketchup、Rhino、Revit



Corona renderer是一款基于超写实照片效果的CPU渲染器,它可以通过插件的形式完整地集成在3dsmax中,它可以渲染出高质量的结果,已经有很多人开始将它使用在工作当中,相比之前无论从速度和质量都有很大的提升!


可搭载软件:3ds Max





渲云客户端是一款面向三维设计师的自助式云渲染工具,轻松调动海量服务器资源,快速完成渲染.,一步到位渲染更简单。在 3ds Max 制作过程中提交渲染文件即可, 客户端 *** 作更直观便捷,渲染简单高效!


一键提交:无缝对接3ds max,软件内一键提交,云端渲染






WCG = World Cyber Games, 世界电子竞技大赛(World Cyber Games,WCG),创立于2000年,是一个全球性的电子竞技赛事(或“电脑游戏文化节”)。该项赛事由韩国国际电子营销公司(Internation Cyber Marketing, ICM)主办,并由三星和微软(自2006年起)提供赞助。WCG大赛一直以 “beyond the game” 为口号,以推动电子竞技的全球发展为目标,旨在促进人们在网络时代的沟通、互动和交流,促进人类生活的和谐与愉快。 这场风起云涌的电子奥运会已经连续举办了九届,自 2001年首届World Cyber Games开赛之时,WCG的主办方就将其定位在全球性的电子竞技奥运盛会,是一个以奥林匹克运动会形式筹办的电子运动会,承担着沟通全球顶尖电子竞技运动选手,进行国际间交流的责任,成为新体育形式的开创者。经过几届WCG大赛的成功举办,三星电子杯WCG世界电子竞技大赛已经在中国得到众多肯定与支持。 第二届WCG在中国吸引了4200多名选手参加了全国的地区选拔赛,官方网站在短短的时间内访问量就超过了1000万人次。 第九届WCG于2009年11月11日至15日在中国成都隆重举行。65个国家和地区的600多名选手参与其中,而观看比赛的观众更是超过了历届的规模,受到了WCG官方的称赞。 WCG 2001 (第一届 WCG) 2001年12月5-9日 300,000美元 韩国汉城会展大厅 来自37个国家与地区的430名参赛者 雷神之锤III:雷神竞技场 (Quake III: Arena) FIFA 2001 帝国时代 II (Age of Empires II) 星际争霸®:母巢之战�6�4 (StarCraft®: Brood War�6�4) 虚幻�6�4竞技场 (Unreal�6�4 Tournament) 半条命�6�4:反恐精英 (Half-Life: Counter-Strike) WCG 2002 (第二届 WCG) 2002年10月28日-11月3日 300,000美元 韩国大田博览会科技园 来自45个国家与地区的462名参赛者 雷神之锤III:雷神竞技场 (Quake III: Arena) FIFA 2002 世界杯 (2002 FIFA World Cup) 帝国时代 II (Age of Empires II) 星际争霸®:母巢之战�6�4 (StarCraft®: Brood War�6�4) 虚幻�6�4竞技场 (Unreal�6�4 Tournament) 半条命�6�4:反恐精英 (Half-Life: Counter-Strike) WCG 2003 </B>(第三届 WCG) 2003年10月12-18日 350,000美元 韩国汉城奥林匹克公园 来自55个国家与地区的562名参赛者 魔兽争霸® III:混乱之治�6�4 (WarCraft® III: Reign of Chaos�6�4) FIFA 足球 2003�6�4 (FIFA Soccer 2003�6�4) 神话世纪 (Age of Mythology�6�4) 星际争霸®:母巢之战�6�4 (StarCraft®: Brood War�6�4) 虚幻�6�4竞技场 2003 (Unreal�6�4 Tournament 2003) 半条命�6�4:反恐精英 (Half-Life: Counter-Strike) 光晕�6�4 (Halo�6�4) WCG 2004 (第四届 WCG) 2004年10月6-10日 400,000美元 美国旧金山 来自60个国家与地区的近600名参赛者 反恐精英�6�4:零点行动Counter-Strike�6�4: Condition Zero FIFA 足球 2004�6�4 (FIFA Soccer 2004�6�4) 极品飞车�6�4:地下任务(Need For Speed�6�4: Underground) 星际争霸®:母巢之战�6�4 (StarCraft®: Brood War�6�4) 虚幻�6�4竞技场 2004 (Unreal�6�4 Tournament 2004) 魔兽争霸® III:冰封王座�6�4 (WarCraft® III: Frozen Throne�6�4) 光晕�6�4 (Halo�6�4) 互联网络街头赛车 2® (Project Gotham Racing 2®) WCG 2005 </B>(第五届 WCG) 2005年10月16-20日 新加坡 来自63个国家与地区的近698名参赛者 反恐精英�6�4:零点行动Counter-Strike�6�4: Condition Zero FIFA 足球 2005�6�4 (FIFA Soccer 2005�6�4) 极品飞车�6�4:地下任务(Need For Speed�6�4: Underground) 星际争霸®:母巢之战�6�4 (StarCraft®: Brood War�6�4) 虚幻�6�4竞技场 2005 (Unreal�6�4 Tournament 2005) 魔兽争霸® III:冰封王座�6�4 (WarCraft® III: Frozen Throne�6�4) WCG 2006 </B>(第六届 WCG) 2006年10月16-22日 意大利 蒙扎 来自70个国家与地区的近805名参赛者 反恐精英�6�4:Half-Life: Counter-Strike 1.6 FIFA 足球 2006�6�4 (FIFA Soccer 2006�6�4) 极品飞车�6�4:Most Wanted 星际争霸®:母巢之战�6�4 (StarCraft®: Brood War�6�4) 魔兽争霸® III:冰封王座�6�4 (WarCraft® III: Frozen Throne�6�4) Dead or Alive 4 (Xbox 360) Project Gotham Racing 3 (Xbox 360) WCG 2007 </B>(第七届 WCG) 2007年10月1-8日 美国 来自75个国家与地区的近千名参赛者 WCG 2008 2008年是中国体育竞技“奥运年”,在这包涵寓意的一年,NeoTV作为WCG中国区的承办方,不断的丰富大赛内容,增添新的内涵,为WCG2008中国区的比赛设计了多层相扣的新颖元素。在不断提升大赛竞技质量的同时,为广大电竞爱好者准备了覆盖全年的比赛盛宴,同样也为游戏产业相关的各行赞助厂商创造性的加入多种新颖的推广形式,使得WCG2008成为一个富有竞技内涵的衔接玩家与厂商的纽带。 NeoTV在我国电竞娱乐及游戏圈内打造着最精彩的互动娱乐节目。其以“新奇,新秀,新玩”的电子竞技赛事为内容,互动娱乐节目为形式建立友好的公众传播面,向大众传递具有时代气息前沿文化的同时,为各大厂商的市场渗透提供一个全新理念的传播通路。 作为这项赛事的全球冠名赞助商,三星电子同时还是2008 年奥林匹克运动会无线解决方案的官方赞助商,并在去年签定协议每年向2008北京奥组委提供100万人民币的捐赠用于支持北京奥组委的工作。可以看出三星电子在推动全球体育事业与文化娱乐产业前进发展上坚定不移的决心。现在,游戏已经成为一种世界范围内的通用语言,游戏产业是21世纪数码科技产业的重要组成部分,PC Game深受青少年的喜爱,拥有庞大的追随群体,online Game借助IT、网络技术正在成为最受欢迎的高智力运动,WCG这种市场化运作和规范、健康的比赛形式,必然会带动电子体育运动的进一步发展。三星电子会像支持奥运会、中国体育事业一样全力以赴支持中国电子竞技运动,推动电子竞技运动在国内的普及与发展。 WCG 2009 2009WCG中国年,2009也是中国本土电竞彻底完成换血的一年

原文:Scott H.Young


Chaos theory  is an investigation into mathematical and physical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. The simulated three-pendulum systems above only differ in the tiniest way from each other, yet, after a few seconds, they are all wildly divergent in their movements.


I’ve grown to prefer the word “chaos” to the more commonly used term “luck”. People talk about luck a lot. We argue about whether someone’s success was an inevitable consequence of their skill and decisions, or whether they were just lucky. But we also talk about luck in superstitious terms, as if it was something someone possessed (“He’s just lucky.”) or that could ebb and flow with the tides of fortunes (“He’s just had a streak of bad luck.”).


Chaos, on the other hand, is a more mathematically precise concept. A system is more chaotic if small changes to its state can create wildly different outcomes. Compare the above system to the solar system. The fact that the sun rises each morning from the horizon may seem a banal fact, but it depends on the lack of chaos in our solar system. Adding a second sun creates a three-body system which, to this day, physicists do not have a way of precisely predicting the orbits.

在另一个方面,混沌,是一个精确的数学概念。 如果一个细微行为导致了巨大差异,那么这个系统会更混乱 。我们拿这个系统和太阳系来做对比。太阳从地平线上升起,这似乎是一个再寻常不过的事实,但这在太阳系里是一个混沌现象。直到今天,对于添加了另外恒星的三体系统来说,物理学家们都没有能精准预测轨道的方案。(译者注:三体问题是天体力学中的基本模型,即探究三个质量、初始位置和初始速度都为任意的可视为质点的天体, 在相互之间万有引力的作用下的运动规律 。 它们有无数种可能的运动轨迹 。最简单的例子就是太阳系中太阳,地球和月球的运动。)

Just as you can consider the amount of chaos in physical system, you can also think of the amount of chaos in different pursuits in life. The more chaotic the pursuit, the more likely small changes can result in completely different outcomes years later.

就像你考虑物理系统中的混乱数量一样,你也可以去思考生活中,不同追求里所存在的混沌。 越是混沌,那些微小的变化也越容易在几年后产生巨大的不同 。

Although an absolute measurement of chaos is probably impossible, you can compare different pursuits by how chaotic they might be.

尽管我们不可能做到绝对精确的测量混沌本身,但你却可以 通过比较混沌 的不同来对比不同追求的结果。

Consider two professions: becoming an actor and becoming a doctor. Both are prestigious professions. Both require a lot of hard work without much reward in the beginning, but have the potential for big payoffs.


However, acting is a much more chaotic profession than medicine. Landing the right audition can give you a name, which puts you up for bigger and bigger parts. But just as you rise, you can also fall. A bad movie or changing public tastes have also made many famous stars disappear in an equally short time.


Medicine is not chaotic. Although there will be marginal doctors who just get over the cutoff point for getting into medical school or landing a top residency, most are firmly within whatever category they eventually end up.


If you considered only a cruder metric, such as success rates, however, you might totally miss this picture. Most would-be actors and doctors fail to eventually reach success in their profession. But they may fail for different reasons. Would-be doctors fail because the profession is difficult and long, and so creates a high-dropout rate, not because it is inherently chaotic. Would-be actors may fail or succeed because small events create feedback loops causing wildly different fortunes.


For two hundred years since Newton, physicists had a problem: Mercury. The closest planet to the sun hada strange orbit that precessed. According to Newtonian physics, this wasn’t possible. The object would always have a fixed orbit around the sun, not one that wobbled around.


Physicists struggled against the problem of Mercury for years. Some suggested there must be a phantom planet, Vulcan, even closer to the sun, which was kicking Mercury’s orbit around.


Eventually, however, the true answer emerged: Newtonian physics is wrong. Albert Einstein introduced general relativity and its warped spacetime curvature. The new equations correctly predicted the precession and Mercury’s orbit was finally understood.


In Mercury’s case, physicists could safely rule out chaos because its precession was so orderly. However, in life, we often don’t get to observe the exact same conditions again and again to see the patterns. We only live once, so everything we experience is, in a certain sense, experienced for the first time.

针对水星问题,物理学家们可以准确的排除混乱,因为他们找到了规律。而在生活中, 我们没办法以相同的条件 去一遍一遍的观察来找到规律。人,只能活一辈子。所以在某种意义上来讲, 我们经历过的每一件事,都是我们的第一次体验 。

As a result, the randomness we perceive in life always has a mixture of two possible components. The first is chaos. This is the amount that the system would be unpredictable, even if we had a near perfect understanding. The second is based on our own ignorance of the system, the amount it defies our expectations because we don’t really understand how it works.


In practice, it’s not possible to cleanly separate which systems are chaotic and which are merely poorly understood. However, it’s still useful to understand the existence of these two different sources of randomness.


When approaching any problem in life where outcomes are highly divergent, there’s always two possible mistakes that can be made.


The first is to overestimate the possibility of knowledge. By assuming that the system can be understood, but it is actually dominated by chaos, you may be gambling more than you realize. People who make this mistake may be convinced they’ve found the secret of success, but they’re really fooling themselves.

第一个便是 高估了知识的可能性 。我们可以用一个假设来理解生活,但事实上它是由混沌来主导的。你的投机可能大过于你本身的认知,通常犯了这种错误的人会觉得他们找到了成功的方法,但这可能只是一厢情愿。

The second error is to overestimate the role of chaos. By assuming that the system is inherently unpredictable, you may forego the possibility of mastery.

第二个误区是 高估了混沌的作用 。假设这个体系本质上是不可预测的,你可能会因此放弃掌握它的可能性。

In my own life, I’ve seen this error with people new to blogging. Many people believe the field is inherently chaotic, depending on “going viral” and getting a lucky bit of publicity. The truth, however, is far more mundane. Most new bloggers I’ve met have obviously different levels of quality, consistency and work-ethic, which leads predictably to different outcomes, given enough time. Blogging success may be both rare and difficult, but I believe it’s less chaotic than many pundits would suggest.


One of my goals is to try to calibrate my expectations of chaos versus ignorance in different domains. Is my failure to predict because of inherent unpredictability or a lack of understanding?


This is difficult to do, but I’ve found there’s a few heuristics that can make the process easier:


1.Theoretical justifications. I bias towards believing success in picking individual stocks is mostly chaos. I say this, not out of any first-hand experience, but because the efficient market hypothesis strikes me as being a reasonable theory. As such, I’m not interested in learning the skill of picking stocks, and have opted to invest in index funds instead.


我倾向于相信---那些在 个股股票中的成功,通常也是混乱(混沌)的结果 。我这么说,并不是因为我自己经历过。而是因为“有效市场”的假说一直在警醒我。 (译者注:有效市场假说认为,在一个充满信息交流和信息竞争的社会里,一个特定的信息能够在股票市场上迅速被投资者知晓。随后,股票市场的竞争会驱使股票价格充分且及时地反映该组信息,从而使得该组信息所进行的交易不存在非正常报酬,而只能赚取风险调整的平均 市场报酬率 )因此,我对学习如何选股的技巧并不感兴趣,而是选择去投资指数型基金。

2.Existence of expertise. Look at the predictions of the best people. How often are they correct? If even the best don’t predict well, that doesn’t bode well for me. However, if successful predictions are common, it might demonstrate that there’s an understanding that exists which I don’t possess.


去看看那些最厉害的人 ,他们的预测是否会经常正确呢?如果连那些顶尖的人预测起来也不是那么准确的话,对我来说可能并不是好消息。但相反,如果成功的预测是很常见的,那倒是说明,有一种我还不具备的理解存在。

3.Diminishing randomness. Another heuristic is to see how your experience of randomness is decreasing over time. If I’ve gone from 0/10 to 2/10 on a level of mastery from newbie to expert, and my ease at predicting success has gone up substantially, I’m more inclined to believe this trend will continue.


另一种探索型的方法是让你了解: 感受随时间递减的随机性 。如果从新手到专家的过程中,我的熟练度已经从0 / 10升到了2 / 10,而我对成功预测的把握也越来越高。我会更倾向于相信这种趋势还会持续下去。

Randomness, whether from ignorance or chaos, is not ultimately avoidable. But by better calibrating your understanding between the two, you can see where investments in learning more are worthwhile and where it is probably a waste of time.

随机性,无论是从无知还是混乱来说,最终都是难以避免的。 但是,通过更好地修正对两者之间的理解,你就能知道,在学习的过程中,投资到哪些地方会更值得,而哪些地方则可能是在浪费时间。


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/7914662.html

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