我很喜欢一句战国时期李斯的一句话:泰山不让土壤,故能成其大河海不择细流,故能成其深。中文翻译的意思就是泰山不让土壤,所以能成就它的高大;河海不择细流,所以能成就他的深。格局远大,我们不拘小节,总有好的成果。黑暗,只留给孤独的人 幸福,只留给等待的人。
所以正式基于社交关系,我们通过朋友分享的芬香的购物链接,或者我们登陆芬香微信小程序发生线上交易行为, 就是我们社交电商购物行为。
As we all know, the word waiting has different meanings in different moods. For example, Tao Guang Yang Hui said that it is forbearance, patience, continuous effort, not to argue, but to do their own thing, persist in the right thing, and work hard, there will always be success. Regardless of external comments, do it yourself. Therefore, our great Chinese culture is indeed vast and profound. With a good mentality, we have a good quality of life. When we live, we need to know how to cherish time, how to be a good person, and to be a person who benefits the world. I like a word from Li Si during the Warring States Period: Taishan does not allow soil, so it can become largerivers and seas do not choose a trickle, so they can become deep. The Chinese translation means that Taishan does not allow soil, so it can achieve its heightthe river and sea do not choose a trickle, so they can achieve his depth. The pattern is big, we are not small, and always have good results. Darkness is left only to lonely people. Happiness is left only to those who wait. When we do business, we choose the right track, which also depends on the speed of our results. The old saying is good, the trend is coming, it is difficult to fail. Therefore, to seize the opportunity, we must have a good circle and a good guide. The great poet of the Song Dynasty, Su Lin's "The Broken Sentence" first acquired the moon near the water tower, and the sunny flowers and trees were easy for spring. Interpretation in vernacular: the building near the water's edge (because there is no tree cover), you can see the projection of the moon firstand the flowers and trees that are facing the sun, (the light is naturally better, so the germination is early), it is most likely to form spring scene. Today we talk about social e-commerce that is particularly hot this year. With the popularization of mobile Internet technology and the update and iteration of 5G communication technology, the Internet has made our lives very convenient. In an era of rapid change, social e-commerce is indeed a good opportunity. Fenxiang social e-commerce has become a rapidly emerging industry. Then we must ask, what is the fragrance e-commerce?
Have you bought anything at JD? Fenxiang social e-commerce is that we receive coupons on the Fenxiang platform, save money on shopping, and the shopping venue is still in JD. It is just that what we buy is more affordable.
So officially based on social relationships, we use the Fragrant Shopping link shared by friends, or we log into the Fragrant WeChat Mini Program to have online transactions, which is our social e-commerce shopping behavior.
社群经济的崛起极大地改变了现有的商业模式,微商、“网红”、社交电商等新兴模式使社群的地位更加凸显。坐拥百万社群用户的“网红”,其产生的商业价值抵得上一家中小型企业,而拥有精准社群用户的企业,则能轻松占据市场,赢得可观利润。因此,如何获得天量用户,玩好社群经济,对创业者、微商从业者重要。 《社群营销与运营实战手册 电商引流 用户运营 活动策划 内容运营 品-牌塑造》基于社群的玩法与规则,强化实 *** 性,通过好玩的图文形式,详细讲解了用户吸引、用户留存、用户参与感打造、社群构建、群主魅力人格塑造,以及社群商业模式的落地方法,内容更多干货,形式更加直观形象,能帮助更多创业者、社交电商从业者、企业等抓住社群粉丝经济机遇,轻松营销,快速盈利!
吴智银 自媒体人,培训师,21天微商 *** 盘手特训营发起人,大学生创业导师,中国互联网女神大赛评委,乐嘉老师学生 ,上海交通大学EMBA总裁班特聘导师,触电会VIP明星会员。专注于微商教育培训,擅长精准引流 、占位布局、培训体系搭建、社群营销、一对一成交、团队打造、性格色彩诊断等。