

代码改为:Private Sub Form_Click()Dim a, b, c, d As StringDim sum, aver As Longa = Val(InputBox("请输入第一个数"))

b = InputBox("请输入第二个数")

c = InputBox("请输入第三个数")

d = InputBox("请输入第四个数")

sum = a + b + c + d

aver = sum / 4

Print "所输入的4个数字分别是"; a, b, c, d

Print "4个数字的和为"; sum

Print "4个数字的平均值为"; averEnd Sub VB60下调试通过。


Dim a(1 To 9) As Boolean

Dim win As Boolean, begin As Boolean, haveload As Boolean, start As BooleanPrivate Sub Command1_Click()

start = True: begin = False

For i = 1 To 9

a(i) = False

Next i


End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()

a(9) = True

Label1(0)Visible = False

MeHeight = 4400

MeWidth = 4000

Scale (0, 0)-(3, 33)

If haveload = False Then

haveload = True: start = True

Command1Top = 3: Command1Left = 2

Command1Width = 1: Command1Height = 03

Command1Caption = "开始"

For i = 1 To 9

Load Label1(i)

Next i

End If

For i = 1 To 9

Label1(i)Height = 1

Label1(i)Width = 1

Label1(i)Visible = True

Label1(i)Top = (i - 1) \ 3

Label1(i)Left = (i - 1) Mod 3

Label1(i)Caption = Str(i)

Label1(i)BackColor = QBColor(i)

Label1(i)FontBold = True

Label1(i)FontSize = 40

Next i

Label1(9)Caption = "": Label1(9)BackColor = vbWhite


For i = 1 To 500

r% = Int(9 Rnd) + 1

Call Label1_Click(r)

Next i

begin = True

End SubPrivate Sub Label1_Click(index As Integer)

Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer

If start = True Then

If a(index) = False Then

x1 = (index - 1) Mod 3: y1 = (index - 1) \ 3

If x1 - 1 > -02 Then

If a(x1 + y1 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + y1 3, index)

End If

If x1 + 1 < 22 Then

If a(x1 + y1 3 + 2) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + y1 3 + 2, index)

End If

If y1 - 1 > -02 Then

If a(x1 + 1 + (y1 - 1) 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + (y1 - 1) 3 + 1, index)

End If

If y1 + 1 < 22 Then

If a(x1 + 1 + (y1 + 1) 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + 1 + (y1 + 1) 3, index)

End If

End If

win = True

For i = 1 To 8

If Val(Label1(i)Caption) <> i Then win = False

Next i

If win = True And begin = True Then MsgBox ("恭喜你成功了"): begin = False: start = False

End If

End Sub

Sub yidong(x, index)

Label1(0)Caption = Label1(index)Caption

Label1(index)Caption = Label1(x)Caption

Label1(x)Caption = Label1(0)Caption

a(index) = True: a(x) = False

Label1(0)BackColor = Label1(index)BackColor

Label1(index)BackColor = Label1(x)BackColor

Label1(x)BackColor = Label1(0)BackColor

End Sub

Private Sub form_click()


m = 10

n = 1

Print Int(Rnd (m - n - 1) + n + 1)

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1Enabled = True

Timer1Interval = 1000

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()


Print Format(Now, "long date") & " " & Time

End Sub


Dim MoveStep As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Timer1Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

MoveStep = 100

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If Picture1Left + Picture1Width + 30 > Form1Width Then

MoveStep = -100

End If

If Picture1Left < 0 Then

MoveStep = 100

End If

Picture1Left = Picture1Left + MoveStep

End Sub


Private xx(1 To 5) As String

Private i As Integer, f As Integer

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

If KeyCode = 112 Then

f = MsgBox("你按了F1,继续吗?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "提示")

If f = vbYes Then

Timer1Enabled = True


Call Form_KeyDown(113, 0)

End If

ElseIf KeyCode = 113 Then

MsgBox "你按了F2键,结束应用程序!"


End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

xx(1) = "aaaaaaaaaa"

xx(2) = "bbbbbbbbbb"

xx(3) = "cccccccccc"

xx(4) = "dddddddddd"

xx(5) = "请按F1、F2"

i = 1

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Label1Caption = xx(i)

If xx(i) = "请按F1、F2" Then

Timer1Enabled = False

Call Form_KeyDown(112, 0)

End If

i = i + 1

If i > 5 Then i = 1

End Sub

你也可以手动按F1、F2 效果一样!



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/9328210.html

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