public class StringTest {\x0d\ public static void main(String[] args) {\x0d\ //定义一个测试字符串\x0d\ String testStr = "this is a test string";\x0d\ \x0d\ //将该字符串按空格分解成单词数组\x0d\ String[] words = testStrsplit(" ");\x0d\ \x0d\ //输出单词个数\x0d\ Systemoutprintln("该字符串一共有" + wordslength + "个单词!");\x0d\ \x0d\ //输出每一个单词\x0d\ for (int i = 0; i 回答于 2022-12-11
public class VariableTypeResolver {
private final String symbol;
private final ASTNode minScope;
private boolean methodLevel = true;
private boolean typeLevel = true;
The found result
private SimpleName declSN;
private final ASTVisitor visitor = new ASTVisitor() {
public boolean visit(SimpleName sn) {
if (found()) {
return false;
if (sngetIdentifier()equals(symbol) && sngetParent() instanceof VariableDeclaration) {
declSN = sn;
return false;
return true;
Starts resolving with the requested symbol
@param varSymbolNode the variable symbol node to resolve (node must be in the AST)
public VariableTypeResolver(SimpleName varSymbolNode) {
thissymbol = varSymbolNodegetIdentifier();
thisminScope = varSymbolNode;
public VariableTypeResolver(String varSymbol, ASTNode minScope) {
thissymbol = varSymbol;
thisminScope = minScope;
public VariableTypeResolver disableMethodLevel() {
methodLevel = false;
return this;
public VariableTypeResolver disableTypeLevel() {
typeLevel = false;
return this;
Node's parent is instance of {@link VariableDeclarationFragment} or {@link SingleVariableDeclaration}
@return the SimpleName node of declaration
public SimpleName resolveDeclSimpleName() {
if (!found()) {
return declSN;
private void resolve() {
if(found()) {return;}
if (methodLevel) {
if(found()) {return;}
if (typeLevel) {
AbstractTypeDeclaration typeScope = FindUpperabstractTypeScope(minScope);
if(found()) {return;}
for (TypeDeclaration superClass : superClasses(typeScope)) {
if(found()) {return;}
private boolean found() {
return declSN != null;
private void apply(ASTNode scope) {
if (scope == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
private void applyInFields(AbstractTypeDeclaration typeScope) {
for (Object bd : typeScopebodyDeclarations()) {
if (bd instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
apply((ASTNode) bd);
private List<TypeDeclaration> superClasses(AbstractTypeDeclaration atd) {
if (atd instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
return AstUtilssuperClasses((TypeDeclaration) atd);
else {
return CollectionsEMPTY_LIST;
实际是两个问题:控制台命令解析和文件 *** 作。
命令解析这种简单的就要字符串 *** 作检查就行了,以后要做更复杂的可以用词法分析程序来作。
文件 *** 作部分设计个接口,包括CRUD方法,以及必要的参数,每个方法里分别对文件进行遍历查找对应数据进行修改。更好的做法是把用户数据放在数据库里。