




     With the development of science and technology, single-chip technology in the products of human-computer interaction design play an increasingly important role In this paper, based on single-chip ZH-502 display module time synchronization system is studied ZH-502 Wuhan, Central China Huadian Corporation is the independent research and development of time synchronization system, mainly used in power systems

     In this paper, single-chip microcomputer as the core of MSP430 devices, the design of the completion of ZH-502 time synchronization system display module First of all, a great deal of information available, in-depth understanding and knowledge of the MSP430 MCU and application of the internal structure Combination of common usage of the circuit, given the entire display module and the overall design of the diagram; LM6060CBY then focussed on the study of the LCD module, EPC-755A and X5043 encoder watchdog timer control theory and design to complete the entire circuit schematic and the PCB Hardware circuit is complete, use the C language as a language to control the software shows the whole block

     This article also describes the MSP430-based C language development environment, self-completed part of program code and compile, download, the entire system default function: display menu; real-time display of time by satellite; through the button in the menu to change the time synchronous system output of the baud rate, have been successful debugging

Key words: MSP430 LM6060CBY LCD EPC-755A encoder C language

X25045是带有串行E2PROM的CPU监控器。现在型号改为X5045,性能相同。看你的编程器列表里边有没有支持这个型号。另外,一般这种器件是和MCU接口,在应用程序中存取数据。X5043/45把四种常用的功能:上电复位、看门狗定时器、电源电压监控和块锁(Block Lock TM )保护的串行EEPROM存储器组成在一个封装之内。这种组合降低了系统成本、减少了电路板空间和增加了可靠性。 向器件加电时激活了上电复位电路,它保持RESET/RESET有效一段时间。这可使电源和振荡器稳定,然后微处理器再执行代码。看门狗定时器对微控制器提供了一个独立的保护机制。当系统故障时,在可选的超时时间(time-outinterval)之后,器件将激活RESET/RESET信号,用户可以从三个预置的值中选择一个超时时间。一旦选定,即使在断电后重启电源时也不会改变。 器件的低VCC 检测电路,可以保护系统免受低电压之影响,当VCC 降到最小VCC 转换点以下时,系统复位。复位一直持续到VCC 回到正常工作电平并且稳 定为止。有5个工业标准的转换电压门限Vtrip 可以选用,并且Xicor独特的电路允许对门限编程以满足用户的需要或者对高精度应用的精细调整的需要。 X5043/45的存储器部份是具有Xicor块锁保护的CMOS 4Kb串行EEPROM。该阵列内部的组织是×8。器件具有SPI接口的特性,其软件协议允许工作在一个简单四线总线上。器件利用了Xicor公司专有的Direct Write TM 晶片,提供最小为1000000次擦写和最少为100年的数据保存期



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/9515965.html

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