

Dim a(1 To 100) As String

Dim i As Integer, x As Integer

Const n = 3 'n的值可根据实际需要赋予不同的变量

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Timer1Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Timer1Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Randomize '初始化随机数生成器

a(1) = "富士康" '以此将n个人的姓名保存在数组a中

a(2) = "庞麦郎"

a(3) = "非主流"

For i = 1 To n

List1AddItem a(i)


Timer1Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

x = Rnd() n + 1 '产生一个[1,n]中的随机整数并存入变量x中

Label2Caption = a(x) '在标签Label2中显示下标变量a(x)的值(第x个人的姓名)

End Sub

Option Base 1

Dim xm ,xmOk 'xmOk用来保存对应的姓名有没有被选中

Dim i As Integer

Private Sub form_load()

xm = Array("张三", "李四", "王麻子", "二娃", "大妞")


End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click() '命令按钮1的单击事件

Timer1Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub command2_click()

Timer1Enabled = flase

End Sub

Private Sub timer1_timer()

i = Int(Rnd 5) + 1

if xmOk(i)=1 then

Label1Caption = xm(i)



end if

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Text3(0) = ""

Text3(1) = ""

Text3(2) = ""

Text3(3) = ""

Text3(4) = ""

Text3(5) = ""

Text3(6) = ""

Text3(7) = ""

Text3(8) = ""


For a = 0 To 2

For n = 10 To 130

x = Int(Rnd n) - 30 '产生随机整数

Next n

For b = -15 To 30

y = x - b

Next b

If 80 < x Or 0 < x < 20 Or -20 < x < 0 Or x < -80 Or x = 0 Then

Text1(a) = ""

End If

If 20 < x < 80 Or -80 < x < -20 Then

Text1(a) = y 10 ^ -2

End If

If Text2(0) = "" Then

Text2(0) = 0

Text2(1) = 0

Text2(2) = 0

Text1(a) = 0

End If

Next a

For m = 3 To 5

For n = 10 To 130

x = Int(Rnd n) - 30 '产生随机整数

Next n

For b = -15 To 30

y = x - b

Next b

If 80 < x Or 0 < x < 20 Or -20 < x < 0 Or x < -80 Or x = 0 Then

Text1(m) = ""

End If

If Text2(3) = "" Then

Text2(3) = 0

Text2(4) = 0

Text2(5) = 0

Text1(m) = 0

End If

If 20 < x < 80 Or -80 < x < -20 Then

Text1(m) = y 10 ^ -2

End If

Next m

For k = 6 To 8

For n = 10 To 130

x = Int(Rnd n) - 30 '产生随机整数

Next n

For b = -15 To 30

y = x - b

Next b

If 80 < x Or 0 < x < 20 Or -20 < x < 0 Or x < -80 Or x = 0 Then

Text1(k) = ""

End If

If 20 < x < 80 Or -80 < x < -20 Then

Text1(k) = y 10 ^ -2

End If

If Text2(6) = "" Then

Text2(6) = 0

Text2(7) = 0

Text2(8) = 0

Text1(k) = 0

End If

Next k

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If Text1(0) < 0 Then

Text1(0) = -Text1(0)

Text3(0) = Text2(0) - Text1(0)


Text3(0) = Text2(0) + Text1(0)

End If

If Text1(1) < 0 Then

Text1(1) = -Text1(1)

Text3(1) = Text2(1) - Text1(1)


Text3(1) = Text2(1) + Text1(1)

End If

If Text1(2) < 0 Then

Text1(2) = -Text1(2)

Text3(2) = Text2(2) - Text1(2)


Text3(2) = Text2(2) + Text1(2)

End If

If Text1(3) < 0 Then

Text1(3) = -Text1(3)

Text3(3) = Text2(3) - Text1(3)


Text3(3) = Text2(3) + Text1(3)

End If

If Text1(4) < 0 Then

Text1(4) = -Text1(4)

Text3(4) = Text2(4) - Text1(4)


Text3(4) = Text2(4) + Text1(4)

End If

If Text1(5) < 0 Then

Text1(5) = -Text1(5)

Text3(5) = Text2(5) - Text1(5)


Text3(5) = Text2(5) + Text1(5)

End If

If Text1(6) < 0 Then

Text1(6) = -Text1(6)

Text3(6) = Text2(6) - Text1(6)


Text3(6) = Text2(6) + Text1(6)

End If

If Text1(7) < 0 Then

Text1(7) = -Text1(7)

Text3(7) = Text2(7) - Text1(7)


Text3(7) = Text2(7) + Text1(7)

End If

If Text1(8) < 0 Then

Text1(8) = -Text1(8)

Text3(8) = Text2(8) - Text1(8)


Text3(8) = Text2(8) + Text1(8)

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

Text2(0) = ""

Text2(1) = ""

Text2(2) = ""

Text2(3) = ""

Text2(4) = ""

Text2(5) = ""

Text2(6) = ""

Text2(7) = ""

Text2(8) = ""

Text3(0) = ""

Text3(1) = ""

Text3(2) = ""

Text3(3) = ""

Text3(4) = ""

Text3(5) = ""

Text3(6) = ""

Text3(7) = ""

Text3(8) = ""

Text1(0) = ""

Text1(1) = ""

Text1(2) = ""

Text1(3) = ""

Text1(4) = ""

Text1(5) = ""

Text1(6) = ""

Text1(7) = ""

Text1(8) = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)


End Sub


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原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zz/9527482.html

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