丁可 - Orange歌词是什么?

丁可 - Orange歌词是什么?,第1张

丁可 - Orange歌词是什么?
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  • Orange
  • 演唱:丁可

  • Tried to touch the orange sky
  • Tried to love the snow-white you
  • Fade my heart
  • Grow snow-white
  • Change my life
  • Live alone
  • Think so touch your soul
  • Touch your skin in night
  • I can't say goodbye after meet you night
  • wait for you come back
  • look at dry inside
  • in the end where home
  • kissing you at night

  • Tried to touch the orange sky
  • Tried to love the snow-white you
  • Fade my heart
  • Grow snow-white
  • Change my life
  • Live alone
  • Think so touch your soul
  • Touch your skin in night
  • I can't say goodbye after meet you night
  • wait for you come back
  • look at dry inside
  • in the end where home
  • kissing you at night
  • 欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出

    原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/bake/4533347.html

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