丁可 - Baby I Love You So歌词是什么?

丁可 - Baby I Love You So歌词是什么?,第1张

丁可 - Baby I Love You So歌词是什么?
  • Baby I Love You So
  • 丁可
  • Island

  • Baby I Love You So - 丁可
  • 词:丁可
  • 曲:丁可

  • Baby my soul stay in your soul

  • Shining you is my soul i control

  • In the snowing shining raining

  • In the story i saw i control

  • Baby i love you so

  • Baby i miss you so much baby

  • I can't find you shall we

  • I can't make mine your soul

  • I can't get the story now
  • I am sorry
  • Kissing now you and me

  • Baby my soul stay in your soul

  • Shining you is my soul i control

  • In the snowing shining raining

  • In the story i saw i control

  • Baby i love you so

  • Baby i miss you so much baby

  • I can't find you shall we

  • I can't make mine your soul

  • I can't get the story now
  • I am sorry
  • Kissing now you and me

  • Baby my soul stay in your soul

  • Shining you is my soul i control
  • 欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出

    原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/bake/4533353.html

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