DS31256 -- T3E3 MUXDS3112 Ha

DS31256 -- T3E3 MUXDS3112 Ha,第1张

Abstract: ApplicaTIon Note 3344 shows how to configure the hardware connecTIons that can be uTIlized with various Dallas Semiconductor devices. It includes the HDLC Controller, Framer, MUX and Line Interface Unit.

OverviewThis applicaTIon note shows a normal configuration between the DS3112 E13 MUX and the devices to which it would normally connect. Figure 1 details the DS3112 pin connections to the Dallas Semiconductor E1 Framer, the DS21FF44. The same connections would apply to the Dallas T1 Framer, the DS21FF42. A solution to multiplex 28 T1s to one DS3 would require both the DS21FF42 (16 framer device) and the DS21FT42 (12 framer device). Only the DS21FF44 (16 framer device) is required to go from E1 to E3 because 16 E1 lines are needed for a single E3 line. Also, connections are shown from the DS21FF44 to the DS31256, which illustrate the use of Interleaved Bus Operation (IBO) on the DS21FF44. Figure 2 demonstrates the configuration of the DS3112 to the Dallas T3/E3 LIU, the DS3150.

DS31256 -- T3E3 MUXDS3112 Ha,Figure 1. Example OF typical connections.,第2张
Figure 1. Example OF typical connections.

DS31256 -- T3E3 MUXDS3112 Ha,Figure 2. Connections to the DS3/E3 LIU.,第3张
Figure 2. Connections to the DS3/E3 LIU. ConclusionThis application note has shown different hardware connections that can be utilized with various Dallas Semiconductor devices.

If you have further questions about our HDLC controller products, please contact the Telecommunication Applications support team via email [email protected] or call 972-371-6555.


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/dianzi/2510360.html

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