

1 It is a really good movie to teach kids to accept people of who they are and to be happy to be you This also teaches how the bullys always lose and to have good sportsmanship and not cheat Just saw it today and Mike is a excellent role model to live your dreams and fulfill your goals even through life obstacles

2 It's a perfect movie That its ambitions are modest shouldn't be a reason to penalize it; it's the animated equivalent of one of those variety show guests on the old Ed Sullivan show that kept six plates spinning while riding a unicycle


"Monsters University" is the sort of film that's easy to undervalue It's not deep, nor is it trying to be, but its goals are numerous and varied, and it achieves every of them with grace If you've ever seen a sports picture, you know how things have to go, and the movie hits every beat you'd expect; but it never arrives via the most obvious route, and it's so attuned to the way modern audiences watch genre films that there are times when it seems to anticipate our objections and tease them out so that it can answer them later, to our satisfaction and delight (When a moment feels a bit off, there's a reason for its off-ness)

The script is filled with lines that are quotable not just because they're funny (though many are) but because they're wise, such as Mike telling Sully, during an inspirational trip to watch the professionals at Monsters Incorporated, "The best scarers use their differences to their advantage," and Mike's follow-up, a reaction to watching a legendary and now very old scaremaster do his thing, "He doesn't have the speed anymore, but his technique is flawless" My former colleague Manohla Dargis was right to object to Pixar's decision to tell yet another guy-centric story after releasing the quietly revolutionary "Brave" — but considering the warmth and intelligence radiating from every frame of this film, it's far from a dealbreaker There's a decency and lightness of spirit to "Monsters University" which, in a time of tediously "dark" and "gritty" entertainment, is as bracing as a cannonball-dive into a pool on a hot summer's day



影片由皮克斯导演丹·斯坎隆(Dan Scanlon)执导,英文版由好莱坞喜剧演员比利·克里斯托(Billy Crystal)、约翰·古德曼(John Goodman)配音,中文版则邀来中国的徐峥与何炅献声。


1、你从小学四年级起初就嫉妒我长得帅。You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth

2、“欢迎来上惊吓入门课程”“吓人根本不用学,放胆去吓就好啦!”“wele toscare an introductory course on” “scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!”

3、如果你不吓人,那算哪门子怪兽?if you don't scary, that kind of monster

4、我的特长是多长了个脚趾,但没带在身上。how long is my specialty is a toe,but didn't bring in the body

5、发自内心,你才能凶相毕露。from the heart, you can be various

6、自古以来,全世界的孩子都知道,怪物就躲在他们的柜子里。但他们不知道的是,这些怪物并不总是那么吓人。Since ancient times, children all over the world know, monsters hiding in their cupboard But they don't know is that thesemonsters are not always so scary

7、我不能去上学,衣服还没穿嘛,他们必须先去上大学。I can't go to school, the clothes haven't wear well, they have to go to college

8、哈哈,很好笑,苏利文你看上去很棒,大眼仔如果你想恶作剧,就来一些有创意的。Ha ha, very funny, you look great, Sullivan large seed, if you want to trick is to some creative

9、我爱死大学了。I love the university

10、怪兽大学站!有下车的吗?The monster university station! Have to get off

11、我这辈子都盼著这一天,我终于要成为惊吓专员了。I are looking forward to this day, in my life I finally to bee frightened missioner

12、蜗牛:糟糕,我可不能开学第一天就迟到(努力奔跑,原地不动)。The snail: oh,I'm not the first day of school is late (running hard, stands motionless)

13、我的手和脸一样大。my face and hands as big

14、真想按住那个万事通来擦地板。Really want to hold the know-it-all to mop the floor

15、你一点也不可怕,但是你无所畏惧。you are not scary at all, but you are fearless

16、我要成为惊吓专员。I want to be scared missioner




自幼憧憬惊吓专员职业的大眼仔麦克·华斯基(比利·克里斯托 Billy Crystal 配音),终于如愿考入曾走出过无数传奇人物的怪兽大学惊吓学院。对于这个相貌讨喜、丝毫没有任何恐怖气场的小怪物来说,死啃书本似乎是实现梦想的唯一途径。与之相对,系出惊吓名门的同学毛怪詹姆士·苏利文(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 配音)天生是周围同学关注的焦点,完全一副什么都无所谓的浪荡公子哥做派。

倒霉的是这两个脾气完全不合的家伙惹到了极其严格的院长迪安·哈德斯克莱博(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 配音),结果在期中考试时被三振出局,驱逐出惊吓学院。不甘失败的大眼仔抓住一线机会,集结团队报名参加兄弟会举办的惊吓游戏,只要获胜的话便有机会重返惊吓学院。而在高手云集的赛场上,大眼仔与毛怪即将迎接前所未有的挑战……                             



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/langs/8777817.html

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