it is reported that是什么意思

it is reported that是什么意思,第1张




Yesterday when I was walking along the street, I saw an old lady in front of me She wanted to cross the street All of a sudden a bicycle ran against her at a high speed The old woman fell to the ground The cyclist was very frightened and ran away I hurried to help the lady up, called a taxi and sent her to the nearest hospital Luckily she was not badly hurt

We live in a large city which is like a big family We should care for each other



My name is Liming I am studying at college A week ago I saw a traffic accident, which is still vivid in my mind It was at about 9:00 on Saturday morning, June 15th, when I went out of the university to visit a friend of mine at another university I was walking leisurely on the sidewalk when I heard a loud crash of two vehicles just at the T-junction about 10 meters away Two taxis crashed together It was a traffic accident I went up and fimnd that the two taxis were badly damaged Both cars were out of shape One door of a car was knocked off and lying on the road One driver was hlooding and another was shut in the taxi Some people were trying to help the driver get out of the damaged car One man was calling to the traffic policeman station A lot of cars were jammed on the road From the stopping track on the road, it is clear that the two taxis were driving too fast But it is just one of the reasons In my opinion, the taxi drivers are eager to take more passengers and make a little more money On the other hand, both drivers don't show concern for one another Both of them wanted to run in front of another Therefore, the accident is inevltable So far, we should let the drivers keep it in their lnlnd that a little slower, a little safer Taking care of other's lives means taking care of your own life



Yesterday afternoon, I happened to see a traffic accident from the schools in our way to the hotel It was five thirty in the afternoon, I was walking on the way to the hotel When I got to the zebra crossing, traffic light So I stopped, waiting for the vehicle through the dragon

At the same time, heavy load truck roared to a car hit up The results, a car's windshield is broken into pieces, the truck driver suffered a head injury Also, the driver of the car was badly injured, and soon the 110 and 120 are to the scene, the scene of the accident promptly processed

For the cause of the accident, I think, the driver of the truck should bear the responsibility: he should be in the yellow light when decelerating the vehicle; the eager to overtaking This is he broke the occupation drivers with basic elements In addition, part of the reason for the bad weather It's drizzling now, but the road is slippery Finally, drunk driving may be an important factor, but luckily, both drivers did this accident to pay the cost of life



Today is SundayI visited my uncle with my father in the morningIn a traffic light,we saw a car accidentWe were waiting for the traffic lightSuddenly,a motorbike ran the red light and crashed with a carLuckily,the motor driver slowed down the speed and he just fell down from his motorHe could stand up by himselfBut this accident caused a traffic jamI hope drivers can drive under traffic rules







quite和rather都可修饰名词,但须放在不定冠词前。如: That was quite an accident那是一次不太寻常的事故。 It's rather a pity这真是相当遗憾。当名词前有形容时,quite和rather可放在不定冠词后,也可放在不定冠词前。如:They had a quite good time 也可说quite a good time。It is a rather cold day 也可说rather a cold day。所以 最先排除A和D fairly往往含有“褒义”,因此常常跟表示“好”的意思的词连用;rather往往含有“贬义”,常同包含“坏”的意思的词连用。例如可以说fairly good,fairly safe,不可以说fairly bad,fairly dangerous,因为bad和dangerous都表示“坏”的意思,只能同rather连用:rather bad,rather dangerous. impossible有些负面意思,所以排除C里的fairly 综合来说,最后选B

it is reported that是据报道的意思。


It is reported that some modern monks are using computers


It is reported that 20 people were killed in the accident


It is reported that the car accident took place sometime yesterday


It is reported that the coral reefs are being destroyed


It is reported that twenty men were killed in the clash


It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system


It is+过去分词+that„”结构

这种结构多用于固定开头语。此处It是引导词作形式主语,从属连词that引导的是主语从句 。翻译该结构时应注意以下两点:

①这种结构的谓语常常是被动语态,由于汉语不习惯用被 动句来表达,因此翻译时往往需要把主句的谓语译成主动语态。其谓语的译法一般有两种: 一种是不加主语,另一种是加泛指性的主语如“人们”“有人”“大家”等。

②英语中的主 语从句译成汉语时则转译成了宾语从句,这种译法的特点是保留原文句子结构的前后顺序, 先译主句后译从句。例如:

13It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world fu ll of wars and killings据说他从音乐里找到了在充满战争和屠杀的世界里所失去的和平 。

14It is decided that I will meet them at the airport决定让我去机场接他们。

15It is arranged that the class meeting will be held next week根据安排班会于下 周召开。 16It is believed that before writing was developed people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together人们认为,在出现书写之前,中国人 常把石块放在一起来记事。

17It is hoped that the way of Inuit life will be kept alive for many more centuries人们希望因纽特人的生活方式将会保持更多世纪。

18It has been found that all kinds of matter consist of atoms人们已经发现各种物质都是由原子组成的。

从以上几个例句可以看出,例句(13)、(14)和(15)是不加主语的固定开头语。常见的还有It i s reported that„据报道;It is supposed that„据推测„等。例句(16)、(17)和(1 8)是加主语的固定开头语。常见的还有,It is seen that„人们看到;It is known that„众所周知„;It is generally considered that„大家认为„;It is told that „有人曾经说等。

这儿 that 是强调句型 It is/was +(强调部分)+ that+ 其他。

本句是强调的until the accident happened ,然后把主句中的not 前置。


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