




'建一个Picture1控件,在它的属性对话框内设置Appearance=0 AutoRedraw=True AutoSize=True BorderStyle=0,然后在它的Picture中加载蝴蝶图片

'再建一个Picture2控件,在它的属性对话框内设置Appearance=0 AutoRedraw=False AutoSize=False BorderStyle=0,其他默认属性都不得改变



Private Const Pi = 3.1415926535

Private Declare Function SetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long

Dim x0!, y0!, x1!, x2!, y1!, y2!, foot!, zt% 'x0和y0是图片框长高,(x1,y1)-(x2,y2)是窗体坐标系,foot是蝴蝶移动步长,zt是蝴蝶飞舞的线路标记

Dim k! 'k或1/k是飞行轨迹的斜率

Dim flag As Boolean 'flag判断是顺时针还是逆时针飞舞

Private Sub bmp_rotate(pic1 As PictureBox, pic2 As PictureBox, ByVal theta As Single) '自定义角度旋转图片

Dim c1x As Integer, c1y As Integer

Dim c2x As Integer, c2y As Integer

Dim a As Single

Dim p1x As Integer, p1y As Integer

Dim p2x As Integer, p2y As Integer

Dim n As Integer, r As Integer

c1x = pic1.ScaleWidth / 2

c1y = pic1.ScaleHeight / 2

c2x = pic2.ScaleWidth / 2

c2y = pic2.ScaleHeight / 2

If c2x <c2y Then n = c2y Else n = c2x

n = n - 1

pic1hDC&= pic1.hdc

pic2hDC&= pic2.hdc

For p2x = 0 To n

For p2y = 0 To n

If p2x = 0 Then a = Pi / 2 Else a = Atn(p2y / p2x)

r = Sqr(1&* p2x * p2x + 1&* p2y * p2y)

p1x = r * Cos(a + theta)

p1y = r * Sin(a + theta)

c0&= GetPixel(pic1hDC, c1x + p1x, c1y + p1y)

c1&= GetPixel(pic1hDC, c1x - p1x, c1y - p1y)

c2&= GetPixel(pic1hDC, c1x + p1y, c1y - p1x)

c3&= GetPixel(pic1hDC, c1x - p1y, c1y + p1x)

If c0&<>-1 Then xret&= SetPixel(pic2hDC, c2x + p2x, c2y + p2y, c0&)

If c1&<>-1 Then xret&= SetPixel(pic2hDC, c2x - p2x, c2y - p2y, c1&)

If c2&<>-1 Then xret&= SetPixel(pic2hDC, c2x + p2y, c2y - p2x, c2&)

If c3&<>-1 Then xret&= SetPixel(pic2hDC, c2x - p2y, c2y + p2x, c3&)


t% = DoEvents()


End Sub

Private Sub Place(ByVal picnum As Integer, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single) '控制两个图片框的位置

If picnum = 1 Then

Picture1.Left = x

Picture1.Top = y


Picture2.Left = x

Picture2.Top = y

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Direct(ByVal angle As Integer) '按指定角度旋转图片,angle是角度

angle = angle Mod 360

hudu = (Pi * angle * 1#) / (180 * 1#) '弧度

bmp_rotate Picture1, Picture2, hudu

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()

x1 = 0!

x2 = 10000!

y1 = 0!

y2 = 10000!

Me.Scale (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)


Picture1.ScaleMode = 3

Picture2.ScaleMode = 3

x0 = Picture1.Width

Picture2.Width = x0

y0 = Picture1.Height

Picture2.Height = y0

Picture1.Visible = True

Picture2.Visible = False

x = Int(1000 + (x2 - x1 - x0 - 1000) * Rnd) '蝴蝶出发处的横坐标

y = Int(1000 + (y2 - y1 - y0 - 1000) * Rnd) '蝴蝶出发处的纵坐标

k = y / x 'k为撞向水平边框或离开竖直边框的斜率,1/k则为撞向竖直边框或离开水平边框的斜率

Place 1, -x2, y2 - y0 '将图片框的复制源移出窗体的可见范围,但Visible属性又必须是True,否则复制图片会失败

Place 2, x, y '初始化蝴蝶的出发位置

Timer1.Enabled = True

Timer1.Interval = 100 '定义移动周期

zt = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click()

Timer1.Enabled = Not Timer1.Enabled

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize() '窗体改变大小时,坐标系需要重新定义

x1 = 0!

x2 = 10000!

y1 = 0!

y2 = 10000!

Me.Scale (x1, y1)-(x2, y2)


x0 = Picture1.Width

Picture2.Width = x0

y0 = Picture1.Height

Picture2.Height = y0


If Picture2.Left <x1 Then Place 2, x1, Picture2.Top

If Picture2.Top <y1 Then Place 2, Picture2.Left, y1

If Picture2.Left >x2 - x1 - x0 Then Place 2, x2 - x1 - x0, Picture2.Top

If Picture2.Top >y2 - y1 - y0 Then Place 2, Picture2.Left, y2 - y1 - y0

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub


Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

foot = 100

x = Picture2.Left: y = Picture2.Top

Select Case True

Case (flag = True And zt = 0) Or (flag = False And zt = 2)

Place 2, x + foot, y - k * foot

'Line (x, y)-(x + foot, y - k * foot)

Direct 360

If Picture2.Left >x2 - x1 - x0 - foot Then zt = 1: flag = False '撞到垂直边框,将逆左上

If Picture2.Top <foot Then zt = 1: flag = True '撞到水平边框,将顺右下

Case (flag = True And zt = 1) Or (flag = False And zt = 3)

Place 2, x + foot, y + foot / k

'Line (x, y)-(x + foot, y + foot / k)

Direct 270

If Picture2.Left >x2 - x1 - x0 - foot Then zt = 2: flag = True '撞到垂直边框,将顺左下

If Picture2.Top >y2 - y1 - y0 - foot Then zt = 2: flag = False '撞到水平边框,将逆右上

Case (flag = True And zt = 2) Or (flag = False And zt = 0)

Place 2, x - foot, y + k * foot

'Line (x, y)-(x - foot, y + k * foot)

Direct 180

If Picture2.Left <foot Then zt = 3: flag = False '撞到垂直边框,将逆右下

If Picture2.Top >y2 - y1 - y0 - foot Then zt = 3: flag = True '撞到水平边框,将顺左上

Case (flag = True And zt = 3) Or (flag = False And zt = 1)

Place 2, x - foot, y - foot / k

'Line (x, y)-(x - foot, y - foot / k)

Direct 90

If Picture2.Left <foot Then zt = 0: flag = True '撞到垂直边框,将顺右上

If Picture2.Top <foot Then zt = 0: flag = False '撞到水平边框,将逆左下

End Select

Picture2.Visible = True

End Sub








Dim x As Integer

Dim y As Integer

Dim i As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()

x = 0

y = Me.ScaleHeight

Image1.Move x, y

Image2.Move Image1.Left, Image1.Top, Image1.Width, Image1.Height

Image1.Visible = True

Image2.Visible = False

Timer1.Interval = 200

Timer1.Enabled = True

Timer2.Interval = 80

Timer2.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

x = x + 100

y = y - 100

'Debug.Print x, y

If x >Me.ScaleWidth Or y >Me.ScaleHeight Then

x = 0

y = Me.ScaleHeight

End If

Timer2.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()

Image1.Move x, y

Image2.Move Image1.Left, Image1.Top, Image1.Width, Image1.Height

If i Then

Image1.Visible = False

Image2.Visible = True


Image1.Visible = True

Image2.Visible = False

End If

i = Not i

End Sub


原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/yw/12011919.html

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