


'Enable = False

'Interval = 1000


'Caption = "开始"


'Caption = "0"

Dim LostSecond As Double

Private Sub Command1_Click()

With Command1

If Caption = "开始" Then Caption = "停止" Else Caption = "开始"

End With

LostSecond = CDbl(Now)

Timer1Enabled = Not Timer1Enabled

If Timer1Enabled = False Then Label1 = "0"

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Label1 = Format(CDbl(Now) - LostSecond, "h:mm:ss")

End Sub

Dim s As Integer, m As Integer, h As Integer, n As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()

Command1Caption = "Start"

Label1Caption = "00:00:00"

Label1Alignment = 2

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

n = n + 1

If n = 1 Then

Timer1Interval = 1000

Command1Caption = "Close"

End If

If n = 2 Then

Timer1Interval = 0

Command1Caption = "Reset"

End If

If n = 3 Then

Label1Caption = "00:00:00"

Command1Caption = "Start"

n = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

s = s + 1

If s = 60 Then

m = m + 1

s = 0

End If

If m = 60 Then

h = h + 1

m = 0

End If

Label1Caption = Right("0" & h, 2) & ":" & Right("0" & m, 2) & ":" & Right("0" & s, 2)

End Sub

Timer 控件

通过引发 Timer 事件,Timer 控件可以有规律地隔一段时间执行一次代码。

Timer 事件

在一个 Timer 控件的预定的时间间隔过去之后发生。该间隔的频率储存于该控件的 Interval 属性中,它以千分之一秒为单位指定时间的长度。语法:Private Sub object_Timer([index As Integer])

Timer 事件语法包括下列部分:

部分 描述

object 一个对象表达式,其值是“应用于”列表中的一个对象。

index 一个整数,用来唯一地标识一个在控件数组中的控件。


使用 Timer 事件时,可用此事件在每次 Timer 控件时间间隔过去之后通知 Visual Basic 应该做什么:

Interval 属性以千分之一秒为单位指定 Timer 事件之间的间隔。

无论何时,只要 Timer 控件的 Enabled 属性被设置为 True 而且 Interval 属性大于 0,则 Timer 事件以 Interval 属性指定的时间间隔发生。




Private Sub Form_Load()

picClockMove (MeScaleWidth - 8 210) / 2, (MeScaleHeight - 315) / 2, 8 210, 315

Dim i&

For i = 0 To 7

picClockPaintPicture picNumberPicture, i 210, 0, 210, 315, IIf((i = 2) Or (i = 5), 12, 10) 210, 0, 210, 315

Next i

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Dim cNow$, i&

cNow = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss")

For i = 0 To 7

If Mid(cNow, i + 1, 1) <> ":" Then

picClockPaintPicture picNumberPicture, i 210, 0, 210, 315, Val(Mid(cNow, i + 1, 1)) 210, 0, 210, 315

End If

Next i

End Sub



Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1Enabled = True

Timer1Interval = 300

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Label1 = Now

End Sub


Dim a As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click() &&开始


Timer1Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() &&停止

Timer1Enabled = false

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Text1Text = Format(Str(a \ 3600) + ":" + Str(a \ 60 - (a \ 3600) 60) + ":" + Str(a - (a \ 60) 60), "hh:mm:ss")

a = a + 1

End Sub




接着运行就ok了我试了就用一个timer和 line就行,只是要把line 在属性里改 index=0

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1Interval = 1000

Form1Width = 4000

Form1Height = 4000

Form1Left = ScreenWidth \ 2 - 2000

Form1Top = (ScreenHeight - Height) \ 2

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()

Dim i, Angle

Static flag As Boolean

If flag = False Then

flag = True


For i = 0 To 14

If i > 0 Then Load Line1(i)'这里容易出错,要在line属性里设置index=0

Line1(i)Visible = True

Line1(i)BorderWidth = 5

Line1(i)BorderColor = RGB(0, 128, 0) '设置Line的粗细和颜色

Next i

End If

Scale (-1, 2)-(1, -2)

For i = 0 To 14

Angle = i 2 Atn(1) / 3

Line1(i)X1 = 09 Cos(Angle)

Line1(i)Y1 = 09 Sin(Angle)

Line1(i)X2 = Cos(Angle)

Line1(i)Y2 = Sin(Angle)

Next i

End Sub

Private Sub timer1_Timer()

Const HH = 0

Const MH = 13

Const SH = 14

Dim Angle

Angle = 05236 (15 - (Hour(Now) + Minute(Now) / 60)) '设置时针

Line1(HH)X1 = 0

Line1(HH)Y1 = 0

Line1(HH)X2 = 03 Cos(Angle)

Line1(HH)Y2 = 03 Sin(Angle)

Angle = 01047 (75 - (Minute(Now) + Second(Now) / 60)) '设置分针

Line1(MH)BorderWidth = 3

Line1(MH)X1 = 0

Line1(MH)Y1 = 0

Line1(MH)X2 = 07 Cos(Angle)

Line1(MH)Y2 = 07 Sin(Angle)

Angle = 01047 (75 - Second(Now)) '设置秒针

Line1(SH)BorderWidth = 1

Line1(SH)X1 = 0

Line1(SH)Y1 = 0

Line1(SH)X2 = 08 Cos(Angle)

Line1(SH)Y2 = 08 Sin(Angle)

Form1Caption = Str(Now()) '窗口显示精确的日期和数字化的时间now=date+time怎样显示星期几weekday?

End Sub



原文地址: https://outofmemory.cn/zz/10081964.html

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