多少钱用英语怎么说(51talk英语怎么样 学费多少钱)

多少钱用英语怎么说(51talk英语怎么样 学费多少钱),第1张

多少钱英语怎么说(51talk英语怎么样 学费多少钱)


How much the TV costs? 或者How much do you pay for the TV?


How much money这种没法用复数哦


how much do you get?how much money do you have?how much money do you have?How much money do you have?How much money do you have?how much money do you have?how much money do you have?谢谢!你有多少钱’

You how much money 'How much money do you have?how much money do you haveHow much money do you have?“你有多少钱?”希望可以帮到你,谢谢how much money do you have?how much do you own/have?how much money do you have?how much money do you have?或what about the amount of the money you have?只不过后者一般是比较大的数目,很少在生活中用。前者比较常用,用于很好的朋友。一般情况最好还是不要问的这么直接,How much money do you have?How much money do you have?How much money do you have?How much money do you have?How much money have you got?

How much money do you have?How much moeny do you have ?how much do you have ?hao much do you have ?????How much money you havehow much money do you have?你有多少钱’用英语说'You how much money'You how much money 'how much money do you have?How much money you haveHow much do you have?how much money do you have?how much in your pocket?how much money do you have?How much money do you have?How much money on you ?How much money do you have?How much money do you haveYou how much moneyHow much moeny do you have

你有多少钱用英语怎么说,How much money do you have 对吗?

没错,就是这样说。我认为应该不用money了,how much do you have 就行了。加了money觉得有点画蛇添足,显得不地道。a


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/3195065.html

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