Internet of Things 也叫 Internet of Objects,就是把不同类型编码的物品通过射频识别(RFID)或其他传感器等设备将其所有信息采集起来,从而实现所有物品的关联,并可进行定位、追踪、监管等的网络Family things networking
Intelligent household
Health tracking
The old man care
Material and information
System tree2009年以来,物联网概念在国内乃至全球都成为了热潮,物联网被成为继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业第三次浪潮。
The concept of internet of things has been a craze domestically as well as globally ever since 2009; it follows the computer and internet to become the third wave in the information industry of the world
This article begins with an introduction to the definition of internet of things, and elaborates on its development here and abroad; then it explains the critical technologies of the internet of things, and on this basis, the article proposes some feasible solutions to a series of problems encountered during the course of its development