IoT是Internet of Things的缩写,字面翻译是"物体组成的因特网",准确的翻译应该为"物联网"。物联网(Internet of Things)又称传感网,简要讲就是互联网从人向物的延伸。
用于物联网终端系统平台的 *** 作系统,就是IoT OS
移动物联网是通过装置在中国移动各类物体上的SIM卡、传感器、二维码等,经过接口与无线网络相连,给物体赋予智能,可以实现人与物体间和物体与物体间的沟通和对话。这种将物体连接起来的网络被称为“物联网”。物联网具备规模性、流动性、安全性三个特点。移动物联网基于移动网络提供个性化、智能化、信息化的移动物联网应用。IOT becomes the third wave of the development of world's information industry since the emergence of computer and Internet IOT is short for Internet of Things, which means the internet between things IOT is the extension of Internet, giving people a more convenient life In a sense we can say, it is a new way to deal with the connections between people and people, people and things Its emergence better implements the network of information, intelligence and remote management control