已克隆成功,绝大多数补体蛋白的基因在染色体上的定位已被确定,并通过对它们的核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列的分析,发现许多补体蛋白的基因在染色体上相连锁,在结构上具有共同性。 补体蛋白结构的共同性
通过对补体系统的蛋白结构进一步探查,表现了一些颇具特色的结构功能域(module),并根据它们在氨基酸序列上的同源性,将它们归为几个不同的蛋白家族。同一家族中的各个成员通常具有相类似的结构和功能。此外,根据不同补体蛋白基因间的同源性,提示每个家族的成员可能是由一个共同的祖基因复制而来,出现结构上的多样性,进而使各种补体蛋白又具有各自特定的功能。 在补体固有成分和调节蛋白中,共有6个丝氨酸蛋白酶(原)。即:C1r、C1s、C2、B因子(Bf)、D因子和I因子。它们除彼此在氨基酸序列上有同源性外,还与非补体性丝氨酸蛋白酶(如胰蛋白酶和糜蛋白酶)高度同源。但C2和Bf的催化部位比常见的丝氨酸蛋白酶约多210个氨基酸残基。在6个补体性丝氨酸蛋白酶中,C1r和C1s,C2和Bf又具有更大的相似性。
C2和Bf均为单肽链糖蛋白,它们除在形成两条补体激活途径中和C3转化酶方面十分相似外,在合成部位、合成途径、分子大小、亚单位结构、半胱氨酸位置及数目,以及保守残基替代及活性部位等方面也有很大的相似性。C2和Bf分子中相同的结构功能域是均有3个CSR、1个与vonWillebrand因子(vWF)共同的氨基酸序列和1个丝氨酸蛋白酶结构功能域。 末端补体分子C6,C7,C8和C9是构成膜攻击复合体(MAC)引起靶细胞溶解破坏的重要组成成分。功能
上的相似性反映了它们结构上的共同性。均具有420kDa的I型凝血敏感蛋白重复序列(thrombospondin type I repeat,TSP-1),而且与TSP-1特有的β片层、和β螺旋结构的立体配体也是类似的。此种结构单位也存在于备解素(properdin)和疟原虫的羧箕末端。除TSP-1外,它们还具有1个拷贝的低密度脂蛋白受体结构功能域(low density lipoprotein receptor module,LDL-R),1个表皮生长因子前体结构功能域(EGf precusor module)。在肽链的中央还有1个半胱酸贫乏区与细胞毒性细胞和NK细胞释放的perforin的结构具有相似性(图5-19)。其中C6和C7具有更大的同源性。二者除上述的结构功能域外,在C端还存在着富含半胱氨酸的重复序列,即为2个CSR和2个与I因子重链中有一个区具有同源性的结构功能域(factor I module,FIM)。二者的分子量也相近似,分别为128kDa和121kDa。显著的差别仅仅是C6的N端多1个由59个氨基酸组成的TSP-1。 补体的遗传多态性(genetic polymorphism)是指在同一集团中,两个或两个以上非连续性突变体或基因型(称型态),以极小的频率有规律地同时发生的现象。补体成分的多态性是Alpert和Propp1986年在人的C3中首次发现的。此后,已从基因型和表型水平获得有关不同种内补体缺陷与补体多态性的知识,并从四个水平研究了补体的多态性:①通过对血清中天然补体成分同种型的分析(表型水平);②通过确定它们的亚单位组成(亚表型水平);③通过建立群体遗传学和形式遗传学(即同种异型的频率和各个基因等位基因的频率与分离);④通过对它们DNA结构的定位和测序,提示限制性片段长度多态性
(restriction fragment lenght polymorphism,RFLP)。已发现许多补体分子具有多态性,其中以C2、Bf、C4、C3和C6最为显著。 有许多证据表明,C2、C4和Bf由位于MHCI、Ⅲ类基因间一段长80kb的DNA所编码。C2和Bf基因的500kb之中有一部分相重合。C4由2个紧密连锁的位点上的基因C4A(22kb)和C4B(16kb)所编码。纯合性的Bf缺陷尚末见报道,但偶可见一纯合性C4和C2的缺陷。并常与SLE或SLE样疾病相关联。约有2/3纯合性C2缺陷的个体是健康的,说明C2的缺陷至少有一部分可被无缺陷的C4所补偿。C2和Bf均具有多态性。人的C2主要由三个等位基因(C2A、C2B和C2C)所编码。在补体成分的缺陷中,C2的遗传性缺陷所占比使例较高,为常染色体共显性遗传。C2缺陷者发生免疫复合物病及SLE的危险性较大。Bf的遗传多态性最常见的表型为S(slow)和F(fast),另外还发现近20种罕见型,基因频率均<0.02-0.03。B因子的多态性与某些自身免疫病和感染性疾病有关。C4A和C4B则具有复杂的多态性,已发现有30多个同种异型,分别有15和14个等位基因。由C4A和C4B基因编码的两种蛋白有99%的序列同源性,但二者在功能上却有明显的差别。两种同型的差别只是1个决定簇的不同。如将1101位的亮氨酸置换为脯氨酸,在SDS-PAGE上即可出现2kDa的表观分子量的改变;若将1106位的天冬氨酸置换为组氨酸,可使基溶血活性出现3-4倍的变化。另有2个位点含有所谓的Null基因称为:“零基因”(C4quantitativezero,C4QO)或静息基因,检不出基因产物的频率为10-20%,系由于基因的缺失、基因转换或不表达所致。C4A和C4B在功能上的送别表现为:①溶血活性不同,C4B明显高于C4A,因C4B与羟因形成酯键的速度大于C4A的10倍,而C4A与氨基形成酰胺键的速度大于C4B的100倍。②C4A在抑制免疫沉淀中的作用较C4B大1.7倍,对腮腺炎病毒的中和作用较C4B大10倍;③抗原性上也有差别;几乎所有C4A分子中都含Rodgers血型抗原,而C4B则含有ChidO血型抗原。C4A缺陷与多种疾病的关联,如SLE、RA、全身性硬化、亚急性硬化性全脑炎(SSPE)、慢性多发性关节炎、重症肌无力、内脏利什曼病、普通变异型肾小球肾炎、麻风、巴西芽生菌病、IgA缺陷、胰岛素依赖的糖尿病(IDDS)、恰加氏病(非洲锥虫病)和艾滋病。
1. 演员罗恩的英文介绍鲁珀特.格林特 英文名: Rupert Grint ,1988年8月24日生于英格兰伦敦附近的赫特福郡。
因首次出演《哈利·波特与魔法石》赢得了全球影评人及影迷们的褒扬,并曾获得英国影评人协会最佳新人奖的提名。 在BBC电视台节目《全球新闻》上看到了《哈利·波特》的选角启事之后,鲁伯特便参加了角色罗恩·韦斯莱的选角面试。
自从出演第一部哈利·波特电影后,他在彼得·休伊特执导的《神屁太空人》中扮演了一位年轻搞笑的教授,和西蒙·卡娄和斯蒂芬·弗瑞同台表演。他当然又在《哈利·波特与密室》和《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》还有《哈利·波特与火焰杯》 《哈利·波特与凤凰社》,《哈利·波特与混血王子》中再度扮演了罗恩·韦斯莱。
2006年他又出演了电影驾驶课(Driving Lessons)而《驾驶课》一部电影,现已杀青,DVD等也以在英、美等地发售,有意者也可买来看看^-^ 由“罗恩”鲁伯特·格林特(Rupert Grint)主演的新片《驾驶课》(Driving Lessons)新近发布三张剧照。 该片是剧作家杰瑞米·布洛克斯(Jeremy Brocks)的导演处女作,故事主要围绕着一个跟着母亲(劳拉·林妮)生活的羞怯的男孩(鲁伯特·格林特)展开,他的生活在遇到一个息影的女演员(朱莉·沃特斯)后发生了变化。
影片根据杰瑞米·布洛克斯自己的经历创作,将参与角逐今年的纽约翠贝卡电影节(Tribeca Film Festival)。 除了鲁伯特·格林特外,该片还荟集了朱莉·沃特斯(Julie Walters)以及奥斯卡提名演员劳拉·林妮(Laura Linney)等。
该片上映日期暂未确定。 鲁伯特是家里七个孩子中最小的儿子。
在赢得罗恩·韦斯莱这一角色之前,他参加过学校表演队和当地剧团合作演出。包括在《安妮》中饰演小流氓 Rooster,参演《小飞侠》(Peter Pan)、参演《彼得·潘》。
以及在《格林童话》(Grimm Tales) 中扮演 Rumplestiltskin 。在学校里他曾在《格里姆传说》中饰演角色“高跷皱皮”,还曾在一次才艺表演中出演了“神秘梅格”。
鲁伯特在幼年时(大概只有几岁的时候),演出过电影《霹雳神裤》,在其中扮演一个小小发明家。 演员作品 剪刀手爱德华Edward Scissorhands(1990) 哈利·波特与魔法石Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001) 哈利·波特与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) 哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) 哈利·波特与火焰杯 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) 哈利·波特与凤凰社Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix(2007) 哈利·波特与“混血王子”Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince(2009) 神屁太空人 Thunderpants (2002) 驾驶课 Driving Lessons(2006) 樱桃炸d Cherrybomb (2009) 《狂野目标》Wild Target (2009-2010) 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上部) (2009)2010.11上映 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下部) (2010)2011.7上映。
2. 跪求哈利波特里的人物描写,要英文版的最爱斯内普教授
Severus Snape is a fictional character in the Harry Potter book series written by J.K. Rowling. In the first novel of the series, he is hostile toward Harry and is built up to be the primary antagonist until the final chapters. As the series progresses, Snape's character bees more layered and plex. Rowling does not fully reveal the details of his true loyalties until the end of the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Over the course of the series, Snape's portrayal evolves from that of a malicious and partisan teacher to that of a pivotal character of considerable plexity and moral ambiguity. Snape primarily teaches Potions at Hogwarts, though in the sixth novel he teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts, a position which he was known to have desired throughout the series. He ultimately bees Headmaster of Hogwarts in the final novel. Rowling has described him as "a gift of a character".
3. 哈利波特英语作文Myfavouritegreatbook名字:My favorite great book My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.It bolongs to Harry Potter which have seven books and it's one of them.the writer of these books is J.K.Rowling who is an great Bratain writer. The content of this book is about that how Harry made friends,Hermione and Ron in Hogwarts .And how he fighted against the You Know Who,Voldenort.With the help of his friends ,Harry stopped Voldenort taking away the PHIlosopher's Stone. The theme of this story is about growing,friendship and courage among the children. In my opinion,the reason of why this book became such popular,is of the funny words and interesting magic and so on. Those are all about my favorite book.。
4. 求用英语说介绍一下《哈利波特》里赫敏Hermione personal files: full name Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson April 1990, was born in Britain by 15 at school. She has starred in several play, she also took part in the other school stage in the shooting. Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone is her first film, is also the first time she show his audience to the world (I became her loyal fans), and many in the petition of girl, Emma finally won the Hermione this role. In the movie, Emma like hockey. Although in the play her hair is brown, but in fact she's a real blond hair. In a Halloween she dressed as of a witch, and she didn't think she will soon, in the harry potter stars in a real witch. Emma parents is a lawyer, unfortunately they divorced, Emma at present and brother Alex with the mother lives.Emma: a life than her *** all three years old brotherEmma hope in other roles opportunity: "I play a delicate, outrageous and beautiful Hermione, now I like to act for a pletely different roles, such as the United States in a university of an ordinary girl. I like to play any type of character, can now look I still had to stay in the harry potter crew for a while."Have o cats with Domino BubblesLike hockey and tennisLike most of the harry potter series novel is the third harry potter and the prisoner of azkabanAs the judges took part in the 2004 Leicester Square in London specifically for teenagers held a ceremony of the First Light Film, her side and famous Film star Pierce brosnan, etc.In her have just had 13 years old birthday o months after that, were crammed into the most popular girl star top 10.Take the second time in his wrist.Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban with professor Trelawney plays in the same birthday and both are called Emma.The most difficult shot the scene is a when Neville (Neville) with his toad to Trevor Emma said: "you want to and it to say good night?" every time when spotted this, Emma always cannot help laughing. "I know I should put a pair I hated you of facial expression, but I just can't control yourself, this scene probably took eight times until it is over." Emma said.My friends are really care about my reputation, but they just very curious, often with I asked this ask that.For her, she plays hermione evaluation way: "she is a crazy girl and temper is not very well but very strong."That is a good thing, they always ask you the same question, and I just stand there to answer the same answer to the line, don't need to think, they like a broken record only issued the same voice like that." the media always ask the same question, Emma said.= = = = = = = = = = = = =Ruburt materialEverybody else: rupert grintEnglish name: Rupert GrintDon't: male sexBorn day: 1988-8-24Profile:"Harry potter" series after the British little boy is relying on a plete the department known as the fairy tale and famous, and before this, he just attended a school performing on stage, but he still bravely took part in this he is very like film of auditions, no doubt, he is very lucky, because he said he beat hundreds of petitors than he looks beautiful.In the first film since harry potter film, he directed in Peter hewitt "god fart astronaut" in play a young professor of funny, and Simon Kane Lou and Stephen eph red to pete on the show. He recently and of course in "harry potter and the chamber of secrets" and "harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban" in again played RON weasleyActor worksHarry Potter and the Goblet Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)God fart astronauts Thunderpants (2002)Harry Potter: Behind the Magic (2001)Rupert grint starred in a school drama, and had XiJuTuan cooperation with local performance. His recent performance including in "Annie portrayal of gangsters" rooster ", and works in "Peter pan". In the school he had in the Gerry legend's portrayal of role "stilts wrinkled skin", had a talent show appeared in "mysterious Meg"In the BBC television show "global news" see harry potter casting announcement later, ruburt took part role "RON weasley" casting interview.Rupert is home five children in the largest one. In winning RON weasley this role, he attended the school before theater and local group performance. Including: in "Annie" (Annie) Rooster plays *** all rascal, works in "Peter Pan" (Peter Pan precusors and in the green fairy tale "(Grimm Tales) Rumplestiltskin play。
5. 哈利波特英语作文My favorite great book
My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.It bolongs to Harry Potter which have seven books and it's one of them.the writer of these books is J.K.Rowling who is an great Bratain writer.
The content of this book is about that how Harry made friends,Hermione and Ron in Hogwarts .And how he fighted against the You Know Who,Voldenort.With the help of his friends ,Harry stopped Voldenort taking away the PHIlosopher's Stone.
The theme of this story is about growing,friendship and courage among the children.
In my opinion,the reason of why this book became such popular,is of the funny words and interesting magic and so on.
Those are all about my favorite book.
6. 英语作文人物描写My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it es to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies. My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings. My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon. 姥爷很疼爱我。”
我们都很想他,我希望不久就能见到他。 My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man. He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill, he took good care of me. He showed great concern. Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings. Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon. 我姥爷70多岁了,他是一位和蔼、热心的老人。
我希望不久就能见到他。4、介绍兵坛名将(邓亚萍)Deng Yaping, 28, from Henan Province, is a talented woman player f table tennis. She was the table tennis champion of the 1 l th Asian Games nd the 41st World Table Tennis Championship. And in the 25th Olympic ames she won o gold medals. Why can she make such brilliant chievements with the disadvantage of her Short figure? Her hard work and etermination to succeed helped her to overe many disadvantages. At the age of 4, she began to play table tennis under the guidance of her father. When she was 8, she won the championship in the national petition of the *** sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success, she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything. 邓亚萍,女,28岁,河南人,一位杰出的乒乓球运动员。
Deng Yaping, 28, is a world-famous woman player of table tennis.She es from Henan Province. At the age of 4, she began to play ping-pong under her father's instructions. When she was 8 years old, she won the championship in the national petition of the *** sports school. In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another, including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games' Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and o gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games. Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only 1.5 meters in height, which is her disadvantage. However, she overcame it by hard work and perservance.Her success proves where there is a will, there is a way. 邓亚萍,女,28岁,世界著名乒乓球运动员,河南人。4岁时,在父亲指导下开始打乒乓球。
她的成功证明.有志者事竟成。5、介绍妈妈的XX My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. 。
7. 求哈利波特主要角色英文简介 200词左右 请英语好的同学帮帮忙 要有赫敏Emma Watson 出生日期: 1990年4月15日 出生地点: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK 原名: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson 昵称: Em 身高: 165cm Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England on April 15, 1990. At school, she took the lead role in several plays, including 'Arthur: The Young Years' and 'The Happy Prince'. Along with plays, Emma participated in many other school productions, including the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition, in which she won first place for her year at age seven. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001), is Emma's debutinto the world of professional acting. Competing against many other girls for the role of Hermione Granger, she didn't expect to get the part.Away from the cinematic world, Emma enjoys playing hockey most of all, and she also likes debating. Although her hair is brown in the movie, she's naturally a blonde. She once dressed up as a witch for Halloween, but she had no idea that years later, she would be playing one in the Harry Potter movie. Her parents, Jacqueline and Chris, who are lawyers, are divorced. Emma lives with her mother and younger brother Alex. Her role models are Julia Roberts, Goldie Hawn, John Cleeseand Sandra Bullock. 罗恩Rupert Grint 出生日期: 1988年8月24日 出生地点: Watton-at-Stone, Hertfordshire, England, UK 原名: Rupert Alexander Grint 身高: 178cm Rupert Alexander Grint was born on August 24, 1988 in Hertfordshire, England, UK. Although only acting in one school play before being cast in the popular wizard series, "Harry Potter", Rupert has already proved himself one of the most recognized actors on the big screen. When he heard that there was going to be auditions for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001), he decided to go for it.Unlike the other children who were auditioning, Rupert came in with a rap that promoted the character he was auditioning for, Ronald Weasley, and was chosen soon afterward. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001) was a big hit, as was the follow-up, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(2002), and he has already filmed episode three, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004), which was released on Friday, June 4, 2004. He's finished filming the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(2005). 哈利的没找到而且200词介绍人物实在是太少了,也就一小段要不你删删吧。
8. 《哈利波特》的主要人物的介绍,英文的哈利 波特 Harry James Potter(the character of the story)very brave and loved by all the people
罗恩 韦斯莱 Ron Billius Weasley (Harry's good friend) a helpful friend
赫敏 格兰杰 Hermione Granger(Harry's good friend) *** art and beautiful but Mud bloods( 泥巴种Mud bloods)
阿不思 邓不利多 Albus Dumbledore(Hogwarts' former headmaster) a grisliness person
米勒娃 麦格 Minerva Mcgonagall (Hogwarts' deputy headmaster) keep a strict hand over the children
西弗勒斯 斯内普 Severus Snape(Hogwarts' headmaster)nobody like him but actually he is a kind person
伏地魔 Lord Voldemort (Tom Riddle) Harry's perfect enemy
康奈利•奥斯瓦尔德•福吉(Cornelius Oswald Fudge):Scrimgeour 魔法部部长。
詹姆 波特James Potter(Harry's father)
莉莉 波特 Lily Potter(莉莉 伊万丝 Lily Evans) (Harry's mother)
西莫 斐尼甘 Seamus Finnigan (Harry's clas *** ate)
迪安 托马斯 Dean Thomas(Harry's clas *** ate)
纳威 隆巴顿 Neville Longbottom (Harry's clas *** ate)
尼法朵拉 唐克斯 Nymphadora Tonks (Lupin's wife)
金妮 韦斯莱 Ginny Weasley (Harry's wife)
小天狼星 布莱克 Sirius Black (Harry's godfather) helped Harry a lot
德拉科 马尔福 Draco Malfoy(Harry's enemy) He es from a wealthy family and always lord it over other people.
9. 《哈利波特》的主要人物的介绍,英文的哈利 波特 Harry James Potter(the character of the story)very brave and loved by all the people罗恩 韦斯莱 Ron Billius Weasley (Harry's good friend) a helpful friend 赫敏 格兰杰 Hermione Granger(Harry's good friend) *** art and beautiful but Mud bloods( 泥巴种Mud bloods)阿不思 邓不利多 Albus Dumbledore(Hogwarts' former headmaster) a grisliness person米勒娃 麦格 Minerva Mcgonagall (Hogwarts' deputy headmaster) keep a strict hand over the children西弗勒斯 斯内普 Severus Snape(Hogwarts' headmaster)nobody like him but actually he is a kind person伏地魔 Lord Voldemort (Tom Riddle) Harry's perfect enemy康奈利•奥斯瓦尔德•福吉(Cornelius Oswald Fudge):Scrimgeour 魔法部部长。
詹姆 波特James Potter(Harry's father)莉莉 波特 Lily Potter(莉莉 伊万丝 Lily Evans) (Harry's mother)西莫 斐尼甘 Seamus Finnigan (Harry's clas *** ate)迪安 托马斯 Dean Thomas(Harry's clas *** ate)纳威 隆巴顿 Neville Longbottom (Harry's clas *** ate)尼法朵拉 唐克斯 Nymphadora Tonks (Lupin's wife)金妮 韦斯莱 Ginny Weasley (Harry's wife) 小天狼星 布莱克 Sirius Black (Harry's godfather) helped Harry a lot德拉科 马尔福 Draco Malfoy(Harry's enemy) He es from a wealthy family and always lord it over other people.。