import numpy as npimport scipy as spfrom scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSplineimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport bisectdata = np.loadtxt('test_C12H26.dat')TmID = 800.0print "TmID",TmIDnmID = bisect.bisect(data[:,0],TmID)fig = plt.figure()plt.plot(data[:,data[:,7],ls='',marker='o',markevery=20)npts = len(data[:,0])#print "npts",nptsw = np.ones(npts)w[0] = 100w[nmID] = 100w[npts-1] = 100spline1 = UnivariateSpline(data[:nmID,data[:nmID,s=1,w=w[:nmID])coeffs = spline1.get_coeffs()print coeffsprint spline1.get_knots()print spline1.get_resIDual()print coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * (data[0,0] - data[0,0]) \ + coeffs[2] * (data[0,0])**2 \ + coeffs[3] * (data[0,0])**3,\ data[0,7]print coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * (data[nmID,0]) \ + coeffs[2] * (data[nmID,0])**2 \ + coeffs[3] * (data[nmID,\ data[nmID,7]print TmID,data[-1,0]spline2 = UnivariateSpline(data[nmID-1:,data[nmID-1:,w=w[nmID-1:])print spline2.get_coeffs()print spline2.get_knots()print spline2.get_resIDual()plt.plot(data[:,spline1(data[:,0]))plt.plot(data[:,spline2(data[:,0]))plt.savefig('test.png')
这是由此产生的情节.我相信每个区间都有有效的样条线,但看起来我的样条方程不正确…我找不到任何关于scipy文档中应该是什么的引用.有人知道吗?谢谢 !
解决方法 关于如何获取系数并手动生成样条曲线,scipy documentation没有任何说法.但是,有可能从现有的B样条文献中找出如何做到这一点.以下函数bspleval显示了如何构造B样条基函数(代码中的矩阵B),通过将系数与最高阶基函数相乘并求和,可以很容易地生成样条曲线:def bspleval(x,knots,coeffs,order,deBUG=False): ''' Evaluate a B-spline at a set of points. Parameters ---------- x : List or ndarray The set of points at which to evaluate the spline. knots : List or ndarray The set of knots used to define the spline. coeffs : List of ndarray The set of spline coefficIEnts. order : int The order of the spline. Returns ------- y : ndarray The value of the spline at each point in x. ''' k = order t = knots m = alen(t) npts = alen(x) B = zeros((m-1,k+1,npts)) if deBUG: print('k=%i,m=%i,npts=%i' % (k,m,npts)) print('t=',t) print('coeffs=',coeffs) ## Create the zero-order B-spline basis functions. for i in range(m-1): B[i,:] = float64(logical_and(x >= t[i],x < t[i+1])) if (k == 0): B[m-2,-1] = 1.0 ## Next iteratively define the higher-order basis functions,working from lower order to higher. for j in range(1,k+1): for i in range(m-j-1): if (t[i+j] - t[i] == 0.0): first_term = 0.0 else: first_term = ((x - t[i]) / (t[i+j] - t[i])) * B[i,j-1,:] if (t[i+j+1] - t[i+1] == 0.0): second_term = 0.0 else: second_term = ((t[i+j+1] - x) / (t[i+j+1] - t[i+1])) * B[i+1,:] B[i,j,:] = first_term + second_term B[m-j-2,-1] = 1.0 if deBUG: plt.figure() for i in range(m-1): plt.plot(x,B[i,k,:]) plt.Title('B-spline basis functions') ## Evaluate the spline by multiplying the coefficIEnts with the highest-order basis functions. y = zeros(npts) for i in range(m-k-1): y += coeffs[i] * B[i,:] if deBUG: plt.figure() plt.plot(x,y) plt.Title('spline curve') plt.show() return(y)
x = array([-273.0,-176.4,-79.8,16.9,113.5,210.1,306.8,403.4,500.0])y = array([2.25927498e-53,2.56028619e-03,8.64512988e-01,6.27456769e+00,1.73894734e+01,3.29052124e+01,5.14612316e+01,7.20531200e+01,9.40718450e+01])x_nodes = array([-273.0,-263.5,-234.8,-187.1,-120.3,-34.4,70.6,194.6,337.8,500.0])y_nodes = array([2.25927498e-53,3.83520726e-46,8.46685318e-11,6.10568083e-04,1.82380809e-01,2.66344008e+00,1.18164677e+01,3.01811501e+01,5.78812583e+01,9.40718450e+01])## Now get scipy's spline fit.k = 3tck = splrep(x_nodes,y_nodes,k=k,s=0)knots = tck[0]coeffs = tck[1]print('knot points=',knots)print('coefficIEnts=',coeffs)## Now try scipy's object-orIEnted version. The result is exactly the same as "tck": the knots are the## same and the coeffs are the same,they are just querIEd in a different way.uspline = UnivariateSpline(x_nodes,s=0)uspline_knots = uspline.get_knots()uspline_coeffs = uspline.get_coeffs()## Here are scipy's native spline evaluation methods. Again,"ytck" and "y_uspline" are exactly equal.ytck = splev(x,tck)y_uspline = uspline(x)y_knots = uspline(knots)## Now let's try our manually-calculated evaluation function.y_eval = bspleval(x,deBUG=False)plt.plot(x,ytck,label='tck')plt.plot(x,y_uspline,label='uspline')plt.plot(x,y_eval,label='manual')## Next plot the knots and nodes.plt.plot(x_nodes,'ko',markersize=7,label='input nodes') ## nodesplt.plot(knots,y_knots,'mo',markersize=5,label='tck knots') ## knotsplt.xlim((-300.0,530.0))plt.legend(loc='best',prop={'size':14})plt.figure()plt.Title('difference')plt.plot(x,ytck-y_uspline,label='tck-uspl')plt.plot(x,ytck-y_eval,label='tck-manual')plt.legend(loc='best',prop={'size':14})plt.show()总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的python – 从UnivariateSpline对象获取样条方程全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决python – 从UnivariateSpline对象获取样条方程所遇到的程序开发问题。