我正在从exponential distribution中抽取一些样本.在我的第一个实验中,我正在绘制1000个样本,而在第二个实验中,我正在从该分布中抽取10,000个样本. (使用numpy.random.exponential)
我想直观地比较两次实验的最大似然估计的差异. (因为这是指数分布,MLE将只是样本均值,所以在我的第二个实验中,MLE应该更接近真实密度).
最佳答案鉴于评论中的评论,我想以下是您正在寻找的内容:import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef plot_exponential_density(mu,xmax,fmt,label): x = np.arange(0,0.1) y = 1/mu * np.exp(-x/mu) plt.plot(x,y,label=label)def sample_and_plot(N,color): # first sample N valus samples = np.zeros( (N,1) ) for i in range(0,N): samples[i] = np.random.exponential() # determine the mean mu = np.mean(samples) print("N = %d ==> mu = %f" % (N,mu)) # plot a histogram of the samples (n,bins) = np.histogram(samples,bins=int(np.sqrt(N)),density=True) plt.step(bins[:-1],n,color=color,label="samples N = %d" % N) xmax = max(bins) # plot the density according to the estimated mean plot_exponential_density(mu,color + "--",label="estimated density N = %d" % N) return xmax# sample 100 values,draw a histogram,and the density according to# the estimated meanxmax1 = sample_and_plot(100,'r')# do the same for 1000 samplesxmax2 = sample_and_plot(10000,'b')# finally plot the true densityplot_exponential_density(1,max(xmax1,xmax2),'k',"true density")# add a legendplt.legend()# and show the plotplt.show()
我使用了100和10,000个样本,因为有1,估计已经相当不错了.但是仍然只有100个样本,我有点惊讶于平均值和密度的估计有多好.鉴于直方图没有知道样本是从指数分布中提取的,我不确定我会在这里识别出指数分布…… 总结