


一、 适当跳槽,到大公司工作:


二、 如果你技术很牛,多指导帮助新人:











我自己介绍一下:本人96年西点毕业,学的是无线通信,柳传志是我的校友,后来分配到北京巨龙做交换机,98年去了深圳中兴,当时看到中兴日益强大,和华为的崛起当时,感到做通信的发展太大了,很简单,利润高,99 年我到上海出差,看到上海的一些小厂自己贴牌子OEM台湾的ISDN设备,光端机,交换机,我自己和两个非常要好的销售,心头一热,就开始想做了,当时, 国内也很鼓励创业,我们主要是做私活,一个销售把单子谈下来,我们就自己做,挣了不少黑钱,一次我给邮局卖了60端口的中继,1300多门的电话,说实话,有了钱胆子就大了,和几个销售就成立了一个公司,当时,我们在深圳成立,后来觉得,深圳这类公司太多,干脆来北京。

2000年公司在中关村挂牌,胆子奇大,跟台湾一个厂家谈了OEM合作,由于没有做任何市场调查,就开始跑客户,很兴奋,因为我们代理的是ADSL产品,大家想象一下,当时ADSL是新出来的,电信虽然没有牌照,但是有很多集团单位根本就不需要,只要能用,由于我们的思路出现了问题----没有考虑:ADSL与电信的合作方式,在项目的推广中遇到了巨大的挫折,什么挫折呢,你可以给集团用户装,但是电信不给你做接入,所以我们的产品只能组局域网,不能上公网,要上公网必须通过CISCO的路由器来实现,我们的客户就为难我们,最后没有办法,我们免费给用户提供路由器,一个项目40多万,利润只有4万多,没有办法最后调整思路,做代理,代理 CISCO,北电的产品,和一些好的厂家的ISDN,光端机产品,免免强强做到02年,

我本人技术非常的好,在公司重大项目中有决定权,问题就出在自己太主动,太自以为是,不做任何调查,以为什么难题都可以用钱去打动,最后陷入困境,以为能牵客户的鼻子,却不知道客户才最终要牵你的鼻子,因为市场上有很多因素要考虑,我2000年才25岁,太年轻了, 2000 年的时候,象我公司这么没有调查就开公司的很多,在宽带通信公司,当时北京有一家公司也很艰难,但是老板非常有钱,是亿万富翁,在南银大厦做EDSL,比 ADSL要好,采用ETH OVER DSL技术,能实现双向对等传输,但是他们老板很希望我做他们的代理,我哪个时候明白了,没有电信的支持,你再好的技术都没有话语权,他们化了很多的钱才拿下了电信的入网牌照,即使是这样,并不意味电信支持你,这就是为什么电信这个行业门槛高的原因,他们的产品非常牛,就是跑不上公网,只能用广域网技术来实现局域网,和我们一样,只是我很清楚,公司小临时转行了,不是大转而是小转。

2000下半年瞄准路由器和ISDN,光端机等设备,做的非常辛苦,创业时候有40多万资金,转眼就变成10多万了,我们3人一路来到江苏,浙江,做了几个小项目,马马乎乎过了一年,过年后,有一个销售就不干了,我们马上面临散伙,没有办法,两人继续干吧,于是什么都开始代理,什么都做,一点都没有方向,过了半年,资金越来越少,而且客户的回款越来越难拿回,没有办法,我离开公司1个月到江苏,河南,浙江求爷爷告奶奶,要到了10多万元,然后把房租结了,把公司地址变更到自己住房,可怜啊,我和另外一个销售开始总结下一步如何做,最后确定,还要做,战线不要拉的太长,不压货,销售力度要加大,回款一定要快,我们请了一个好朋友,给我们专门负责回款(他是中兴通信的大区经理), 由于他工作方便,能说的上话,给他一定的回扣,总算把公司做活了



我做了一个最大的项目,140万,换了2波技术人员,我一不哄,二不骗,我想大家都是技术人员,塌实就可以了,谁知道来了一批半个月就走了, 2003 年我读了一个MBA班,结识了一些同仁,才发现很多起步才2年的公司做的都比我大,汗颜啊,其中一个浙江人自己说开发了一套网络过滤软件,这家伙能说会道,在浙江卖了好几百套,现在北京又有3家代理,他告诉我,你得会给你的所有的人描绘一个蓝图,空手也能套白狼,说深圳腾讯QQ也不是自己开发的,为什么别人能做这么好这就是道理,你不一定要在技术上超越别人,但你一定要让人有所"图",这就是蓝图,做生意,管理都一样。


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讲 故事 几乎是世界上最古老的一门艺术,既是一种和人类生存发展攸关的 文化 娱乐活动,又是一种鲜活的即兴创作 教育 。我精心收集了适合大学生的 英语故事 ,供大家欣赏学习!

适合大学生的英语故事:It Was an Worthless Clock

It was an old clock, but it still told the correct time The face had a faded picture of Andy’s parents taken when they were newlyweds Aside from some photos, the clock was the only mementoAndy had of his mom and dad

His father died of cancer in 1964 Then his mom moved to a private nursing home She had many friends there The nursing home, however, went bankrupt They moved her into a state nursing home She hated it there

She asked Andy to help her move into a private nursing home again She had spent most of her husband’s savings on living expenses at the first nursing home Andy said he would try

But Andy had no savings He was a sergeant in the Army, and all his money went to his wife and three kids He called his older brother Frank, who was single and had a great job Frank was anavid deep-sea fisherman and was interested in buying a large boat for weekend use

“Frank, I don’t have the money now, but you do,” Andy pleaded “Just pay for Mom and I’ll owe you for half of the nursing home costs”

“You’ll owe me You don’t have two nickels to rub together, and probably never will I’ll get stuck for the whole bill What about my boat”

“What boat”

“Never mind Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you”

Frank never did send his mom the money to move into a private nursing home Alone and unhappy, she died in the state nursing home only a year later Andy never forgave his brother

Many years went by Frank’s health declined He called up Andy one day “Andy, I feel really bad about not helping out Mom I was too interested in getting that boat The older I’ve gotten, the more guilt I feel My days are numbered, Andy I was wondering if you would send me that clock, just for a little while I want to beg Mom to forgive me”

Andy was very reluctant to part with his clock, but he did feel a little sorry for Frank

Frank died ten months later One of Frank’s nieces, Flo, was the executor of his estate Flo had hired a lawyer to help her Uncle Frank rewrite his will in his dying days Strangely enough, Flo got everything

She made sure Uncle Frank was buried a day after his death No announcement was made about his funeral, which Flo kept private—at the 20-minute service, Flo was the only mourner Flo sold Uncle Frank’s house, car, and boat within the week Everything of lesser value went to a charity His cash and stocks, of course, were already safely in her name

When Andy discovered that his brother had died, he called Flo to ask about his clock “Oh,” she said, “that went to charity with everything else You didn’t really want that old thing, did you, Uncle Andy Uncle Andy Hello” Well, that was rude, she thought

适合大学生的英语故事:Collecting Seashells

aria and Lisa were best friends They shared a two-bedroom apartment in Hollywood Maria was a clerk at a clothing store, and Lisa was a clerk at a supermarket Their hours varied, so they didn’t get to spend a whole lot of time together But last weekend both were off work “Let’s go to the beach,” suggested Maria

“That’s a good idea,” agreed Lisa “Which one”

“Well, I would prefer an uncrowded beach, because I think I’ve put on a few pounds recently I don’t want any boys seeing my fat”

“Oh, please,” said Lisa “You eat so little Ounces don’t turn into pounds How about Zuma Beach That’s pretty far north of Santa Monica Beach, so it’s just right—not too crowded and not too empty”

“That sounds good,” said Maria

The drive to the beach took more than an hour When they got there, the hot and sunny Hollywood weather had become cool, windy, and overcast beach weather Both of them had been to the beach many times before, so they were not surprised by the change in weather They put on their jackets, shoes, and socks, and headed north to hunt for seashells

Within an hour they had collected about 20 beautiful shells into a plastic bag They were still walking slowly north when they heard a roar They turned around to see a four-wheel All Terrain Vehicle coming rapidly toward them The driver braked at the last moment Sand flew onto the two girls They both screamed

The driver was wearing a jacket that said Beach Patrol He got off the ATV and started yelling at them “What are you two doing here Can’t you read The signs say Private Property They say NoTrespassing Get out of here before I write you a ticket and have you arrested”

“What’s your name” Maria stood defiantly “I’m going to report you to the police You’re not a real patrol officer This is a public beach Those signs are phony signs put up by homeowners who think they own the beach”

“My name is John Smith Report me to whoever you want Now get out of here or you’ll be sorry”

“You can’t make us leave This is a public beach!” yelled Maria

The man got back onto his ATV and started driving in circles around the women The ATV was spraying sand and water all over them He was laughing They started running back south When the ATV driver saw that they were leaving, he drove off

“John Smith A phony name to go with a phony uniform,” said Maria when they slowed down to a walk “We’re going to the police station and make a complaint I hope they put him in jail”

A few minutes later, Lisa asked, “Where are the shells”

“Oh, gee, in all the excitement I left them back there I’m sorry”

“No problem,” replied Lisa “There’s plenty of seashells in the sea”

“Yeah, just like there’s plenty of jerks on the shore”

适合大学生的英语故事:Schoolboys Get Five-Finger

Travis and Paul were best friends and in the ninth grade They didn’t like anything about school except the girls and the baseball They were both on the junior high baseball team Both wanted to be major league baseball players when they grew up

On Thursday, baseball practice lasted for two hours after school After practice, Travis and Paul were hungry and thirsty Between them, they had $205 There was a small grocery store three blocks from the school

“What can we buy for only $2” asked Travis

“We could split a soda and a candy bar,” replied Paul

“That’s going to be hard to do, since I like orange soda and you like root beer,” said Travis “And I hate peanuts in candy bars and you love them,” said Paul

As they approached the store, they were still thinking about their problem One solution, of course, was for one of them to pick the soda and the other to pick the candy bar The problem with that solution would be that one of them would still be thirsty and the other would still be hungry

“Wait a minute,” said Paul “I’ve got an idea” They stopped, and Paul told Travis his idea

Mr Cobb was the store owner He had no use for kids They were little people with little money His eyes narrowed as he saw the boys approaching the store

After they entered the store, Travis walked over to the big cooler that was filled with ice andsodas Paul walked over to the candy bar section

“Mr Cobb, you don’t have any orange soda,” Travis said

“Yes, I do Just dig a little You’ll find one”

Travis dug for a minute

“I still can’t find one”

“Are you blind I’ll be right there”

Mr Cobb started digging through the ice Paul immediately put two candy bars into his trousers’baggy pockets He patted the pockets down a little bit

“Look! Orange soda! What did I tell you”

“Thank you, sir,” Travis said

As Travis was paying for the orange soda and the root beer, Mr Cobb looked at Paul

“You’re not buying anything”

“No, sir We just wanted some sodas”

“Then why were you looking at the candy bars”

“Just to see if you got any new brands, sir” Mr Cobb’s narrow eyes got narrower as they moved slowly from Paul’s eyes to his shirt, to his pants, and to his shoes

“If I ever catch you stealing from me, I’ll chop off your hands, you hear me” For emphasis, Mr Cobb reached down beneath the countertop and pulled out a butcher knife, sharp and shiny

Both boys were startled They ran out of the store

“Come back here You forgot your change!” Mr Cobb yelled at them


NCIS、NCIS:LA、Criminal Minds,还有所有的CSI,这些侦破队伍里基本都有IT高手,还是超强的那种。

现在还可以再加个 Scorpion,一群高智商天才用IT技术拯救世界。

和 Intelligence,大脑里植入芯片的超级电脑人,也在拯救世界。

少儿英语小故事:这是我的包It’s My Bag

It’s Sunday There are many people in the bus And an old man is looking here and there He wants to find an empty seat Then he finds one He goes to it A small bag is on the seat And a young man is beside it


“Is this seat empty” asks the old man


“No, it’s for an old woman She went to buy some bananas,” says the man “Well, let me sit here, please, I’ll leave here when she comes back”


The bus starts “She hasn’t come, but her bag is here Let me give her the bag ” Then the old man throws the bag out


The young man shouts, “Don’t throw it! It’s may bag!”


1The Ox and the Dog

An ox and a dog serve for the same farmerOne day the dog arrogantly says: “How grand I am! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; at night, I guard the house But you…” “Me How about me ” the ox says

“You can only plough or draw a cart,” the dog slightly says “Yes It’s true,” the ox says “But if I don’t plough, what do you guard”


狗骄傲地说着;‘我是多么重要啊!白天我在牧场看护家群,晚上我看家。而你呢…” “我?我怎么啦?“ 牛反问。“你只会犁地或是拉扯。”狗不懈地说。“是的。你说得没有错,”牛回答道。“但是如果没有我犁地,你看护什么呢?”

2 A Good Boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly "Here are two cents more But why are you so interested in the old woman" "She is the one who sells the candy"





“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”


3tooth extraction

“I'm sorry ,Madam ,but I shall have to charge you twenty dollars for pulling your boy's tooth ”

“Twenty d ollars! Why ,I understand you to say that you charged only four dollars for such work!”

“Yes,but this youngster yelled so terribly that he scared four other patients out of the office ”





4 One morning a fox saw a cockHe thought,"This is my breakfast'' He came up to the cock and said,"I know you can sing very wellCan you sing for me''The cock was gladHe closes his eyes and began to singThe fox saw that and caught him in his mouth and carried him away The people in the field saw the foxThey cried,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away'' The cock said to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understandThe people say you are carrying their cock awayTell them it is yoursNot theirs'' The fox opened his mouth and said,"The cock is mine,not yours''Just then the cock ran away from the fox and fled into the tree

一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一只公鸡。他想:这是我的早餐。 他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得非常好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡很高兴。他闭上眼睛开始唱歌。狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。 在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了。”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡。告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的。” 狐狸张开她的嘴说:“公鸡是我的,不是你们的。”就在那时,公鸡逃离了狐狸的嘴巴,跑到了树底下。

5 Making His Mark “刻舟求剑”

A man from the state of Chu was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water carelessly Immediately he made a mark on the side of the boat where the sword dropped, hoping to find it later When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to search for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat As we know, the boat had moved but the sword had not Isn’t this a very foolish way to look for a sword

楚国有个人坐船渡江时,他不小心把自己的一把宝剑掉落江中。他马上掏出一把小刀,在宝剑落水的船舷上刻上一个记号。船靠岸后,那楚人立即从船上刻记号的地方跳下水去捞取掉落的宝剑。他怎么找得到 宝剑呢?船继续行驶,而宝剑却不会再移动。像他这样去找剑,真是太愚蠢可笑了。

6 狗屋 The Dog’ House

英语小故事大道理:It’s easy to put off today what can be done tomorrow 人们总是今天吧今天应做的事拖到明天 In the wintertime, a Dog curled up in as small a space as possible on account of the cold, determined to make himself a house However when the summer returned again, he lay asleep stretched at his full length and appeared to himself to be of a great size Now he considered that it would be neither an easy nor a necessary work to make himself such a house as would accommodate him

英语小故事带翻译: 冬天时,有一只狗由于寒冷,尽可能地把身子蜷成一团,他下决心一定要为自己建一所房子。可是夏天到来的时候,狗伸直了身子躺着睡觉,把身体尽可能伸展开。现在 他觉得为自己建个适合自己的房子来住实在不容易,也没有那个必要。

7Sleeping Pills

Bob was having trouble getting to sleep at night He went to see his doctor, who prescribed some extra-strong sleeping pills Sunday night Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake before he heard the alarm He took his time getting to the office, strolled in and said to his boss: "I didn't have a bit of trouble getting up this morning"

"That's fine," roared the boss, "but where were you Monday and Tuesday"







One day, a father and his little son were going home At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk" "But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"



一天,父亲与小儿子一块儿回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”

9Just after class,a teacher asked to a student"Boy, why have you got cotton in your ear Is it infected You look very pain," "No, sir, but you just told me everything my a ear went in one ear and out so I am trying to stop it"

下课一“孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?它感染了吗?” “没有,老师。可是你昨天说你告诉我的知识都是一个耳朵里进,一个耳朵里出,所以我要把它堵在里面。”






































原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/8780292.html

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