刘聪KeyL / 周延GAI :
大家走起来才真行 百家争鸣
真的爱 给拿着mic的mc 默默耕耘
没学会放弃 听你放屁
惟楚有材我要天下 才对你们客气
把那些敌人全都杀光 远走他乡
哪有人就哪有江湖 相持相扶
keep it real 是我的开山刀
来自0734 混迹0731
我们像飓风般刮过 这文化的沙漠
将火苗传到他心里 shot
不能再出什么差错 转眼又一年花落
刘聪KeyL / 周延GAI :
混迹在湘江一带 哥从小以此为荣
江湖中自成一派 才不管红或没红
当机会和危险都伺机而动 通宵达旦
要沉住一口气让雷打不动 才能划算
都想从中受益 但也难免受气
再让我跌几个跟头 我也重新来过
切莫急功近利 小心前功尽弃
要专攻我的术业 而去告别那些负面
江湖路远 不见月黑风高
学海无涯 我只求悟出此道
勒天地山水 真心都日月可鉴
用槟榔配烟 所以法力无边
刘聪KeyL / 周延GAI :
英文个人简历范文:网页设计师Career Objective:
To obtain a challenging position as a Senior Web Designer where I can utilize my graphic and web designing skills for the growth of the organization
Personal Details:
Name: xxx
Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX
Marital Status: Single
Employment Status: Permanent
Mr Hennery Smith
Web Designer Specialist
SSPL Web and Graphic Design Centre, Boston
Cell: 145-675-0734
Possess eight years of professional experience in web designing
Extensive knowledge of current web standards, CSS and HTML
Familiar with designing layout for various web pages
In-depth knowledge of creating workable links between different portions of pages
Effective written and verbal munication skills
Ability to identify core requirements of a successful web page navigation
Possess good organizational and management skills
Goal oriented and ability to work effectively with a number of clients
Technical Skills:
Extensive knowledge of PageMaker, CorelDraw, Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and Microsoft FrontPage
Familiar with JavaScript, HTML, Perl, Windows 95/98, Macro Media DreamWeaver, Windows XP and Illustrator
Educational Qualification:
Bachelor's degree in puter Science from XYZ Science College, University of Boston, Boston in the year 1997
Master's degree in puter Science from university of Boston, Boston in the year 2001
Certification Course:
Certification Course in Web Designing, System Web Designing Centre, Boston 1997
Work Experience:
Web Designing Solutions Co Inc, Boston
2005 till date
Senior Web Designer
Assigned the tasks of developing and maintaining internet and intranet by using Dream weaver, Photoshop, HTML and Flash
Handled the responsibilities of designing user-friendly interface for on-line programmers like web-driven e-mail and multimedia
Responsible for creating graphics like logos and icons by using Photoshop and Fireworks
Assigned the tasks of administering Internet e-mail accounts for clients
Conducted training sessions regarding the use of programmers like Dream Weaver and Fireworks
Responsible for installing shopping carts by using CGI scripts for client websites
Globe Software Centre, Boston
2003 to 2005
Web Designer
Responsible for creating corporate portals, websites and large scale-web applications
Handled the tasks of designing and optimizing graphics for corporate clients sites
Assigned the responsibilities of reviewing rmation architecture and creative design for feasibility
Responsible for designing and coding on user forms for website that require user registration
Designed interactive web pages for e-merce sites
Handled other tasks under the instructions of the Senior web designer
Areas of Interest:
To apply new software tools in designing web and adapt to the changing environment
Ability to adapt visual designs into dynamic websites and websites templates
To contribute my best web designing skills in creating original designs for web
英文个人简历范文:建筑师Jason Bond
FOT 1011
1209 2nd Avenue south
Birmingham, AL 35294
Telephone No: 205-592-1019
Sept 1980 - Dec 1982
Masters of Architecture
ABC University Oakland, California
Fall 'Plan Off' petition winner
Graduated with honors
Sept 1975 - June 1979
Bachelor of Environmental Design
XYZ University Brighton, New York
Student Body President
New York Future Architect Association Clinton, New York
March 1990 – present
Staff Architect
ABC & Son Engineers, Buffalo, New York
Residential and mercial design, site inspections, working drawings, MiniCad, renderings
September 1984 - February 1990
Architectural Assistant
XX & XX Associates Los Angeles, California
Model preparation, preliminary design, AutoCAD
January 1983 - August 1984
Architectural Assistant
XYZ Engineering San Jose, California
Responsible for all phases of project planning and design from initial site visit to as built and drafting
Additional Skills
puters & Internet
fortable in IBM / clone or Mac environments
Extensive use of Microsoft Office Suite and web design software
Developed personal and several other web pages
Knowledge of puter networking that includes prior work with Microsoft NT 40 and Novell 312, 40
英文个人简历范文:专案经理Personal rmation
Gender: Male
Year of Birth: 1984
Mobile: +86 151 4182 5776
Email: xuexila
QQ: 359513995
Wechat: wujian82313
Ethnic Group: Han Chinese
Political Status: Member of munist
Present Address: Shenyang,Liaoning
Marital Status: Married
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Career Objective
Desired Position: Project Manager
Desired Remuneration: Discuss personally
Desired Job Location: Liaoning,Shanghai,Beijing
Work Experiences
201204 — Present
Shenyang GatherView Tech co,Ltd
Job Location: Shenyang of Liaoning
Department: IT Department
Reporting to: CEO
No of Subordinates: 10
201111 — 201204
Dandong Zhurong shenye co,Ltd
Project Manager
201009 — 201110
Fuxin agate vocational school
puter teacher
1 A teacher in charge of a class
2 Teaching students puter
3 Building school website
200906 — 201008
Dalian hengsheng tech co,Ltd
Project Leader
1 Building pany website
2 Customer munication
200706 — 200906
Dalian allruan Group
1 Customer munication
2 Write OA program
200509 — 200807
Dalian University of Technology
Major: puter rmation management
Degree Achieved: Bachelor
200409 — 200707
Liaoning Police Academy
Major: puter Software
Degree Achieved: Junior College/Diploma
Language Skills
Read/Write: Beginner
Listen/Speak: Beginner
Read/Write: Good
Listen/Speak: Good
Relevant Skills
Management Good
Jqurey Skilled
Apache Skilled
Linux Good
Mysql Skilled
PHP Skilled
Self Evaluation
Hi, I'm very glad that you can see my resume I have six years of work experience and have management experience I have managed all teams before I'm honest and kind, and passionate about my work
I have been involved in Internet start-ups for many years I understand how to run a pany I will be happy to work for panies I admire I will work hard and create value for our pany
If you like my resume , please contact me
Swimming,Traveling,play basketball,reading
衡阳市教育局纪委电话是 0734 8811350,我打过。
我们是地道的农家子女,多年了,我们呼号上访,我们在向市委和湖南日报,湖南hnol网,衡阳电视台,纪委不断反映情况,请求学校发放扣押我们多年的毕业z书。。。。。。。现在衡阳经济贸易学校合并进入了新成立的湖南衡阳技师学院,而畜生伍敬云因为领导无方把学校搞的乌烟瘴气,学生接连惨死,伍敬云问题多多,被就地撤职,已经离开学校 (据查,伍敬云现在在衡阳市教育局做督学) 伍敬云被就地撤职, 为何还在教育局任职督学?为何学院还用畜生伍敬云伪造的东西来继续欺骗衡阳市委政府从而扣发我们的毕业z书?
1 5926 5358 9793 2384 6264 3383 2795 0288 4197 1693 9937 5105 8209 7494 4592 3078 1640 6286 2089 9862 8034 8253 4211 7067 9821 4808 6513 2823 0664 7093 8446 0955 0582 2317 2535 9408 1284 8111 7450 2841 0270 1938 5211 0555 9644 6229
4895 4930 3819 6442 8810 9756 6593 3446 1284 7564 8233 7867 8316 5271 2019 0914 5648 5669 2346 0348 6104 5432 6648 2133 9360 7260 2491 4127 3724 5870 0660 6315 5881 7488 1520 9209 6282 9254 0917 1536 4367 8925 9036 0011 3305 3054
8820 4665 2138 4146 9519 4151 1609 4330 5727 0365 7595 9195 3092 1861 1738 1932 6117 9310 5118 5480 7446 2379 9627 4956 7351 8857 5272 4891 2279 3818 3011 9491 2983 3673 3624 4065 6643 0860 2139 4946 3952 2473 7190 7021
7986 0943 7027 7053 9217 1762 9317 6752 3846 7481 8467 6694 0513 2000 5681 2714 5263 5608 2778 5771 3427 5778 9609 1736 3717 8721 4684 4090 1224 9534 3014 6549 5853 7105 0792 2796 8925 8923 5420 1995 6112 1290 2196 0864
0344 1815 9813 6297 7477 1309 9605 1870 7211 3499 9999 8372 9780 4995 1059 7317 3281 6096 3185 9502 4459 4553 4690 8302 6425 2230 8253 3446 8503 5261 9311 8817 1010 0031 3783 8752 8865 8753 3208 3814 2061 7177 6691 4730
3598 2534 9042 8755 4687 3115 9562 8638 8235 3787 5937 5195 7781 8577 8053 2171 2268 0661 3001 9278 7661 1195 9092 1642 0198 9380 9525 7201 0654 8586 3278 8659 3615 3381 8279 6823 0301 9520 3530 1852 9689 9577 3622 5994
1389 1249 7217 7528 3479 1315 1557 4857 2424 5415 0695 9508 2953 3116 8617 2785 5889 0750 9838 1754 6374 6493 9319 2550 6040 0927 7016 7113 9009 8488 2401 2858 3616 0356 3707 6601 0471 0181 9429 5559 6198 9467 6783 7449
4482 5537 9774 7268 4710 4047 5346 4620 8046 6842 5906 9491 2933 1367 7028 9891 5210 4752 1620 5696 6024 0580 3815 0193 5112 5338 2430 0355 8764 0247 4964 7326 3914 1992 7260 4269 9227 9678 2354 7816 3600 9341 7216 4121
9924 5863 1503 0286 1829 7455 5706 7498 3850 5494 5885 8692 6995 6909 2721 0797 5093 0295 5321 1653 4498 7202 7559 6023 6480 6654 9911 9881 8347 9775 3566 3698 0742 6542 5278 6255 1818 4175 7467 2890 9777 7279 3800 0816
4706 0016 1452 4919 2173 2172 1477 2350 1414 4197 3568 5481 6136 1157 3525 5213 3475 7418 4946 8438 5233 2390 7394 1433 3454 7762 4168 6251 8983 5694 8556 2099 2192 2218 4272 5502 5425 6887 6717 9049 4601 6534 6680 4988
6272 3279 1786 0857 8438 3827 9679 7668 1454 1009 5388 3786 3609 5068 0064 2251 2520 5117 3929 8489 6084 1284 8862 6945 6042 4196 5285 0222 1066 1186 3067 4427 8622 0391 9494 5047 1237 1378 6960 9563 6437 1917 2874 6776
4657 5739 6241 3890 8658 3264 5995 8133 9047 8027 5900 9946 5764 0789 5126 9468 3983 5259 5709 8258 2262 0522 4894 0772 6719 4782 6848 2601 4769 9090 2640 1363 9443 7455 3050 6820 3496 2524 5174 9399 6514 3142 9809 1906
5925 0937 2216 9646 1515 7098 5838 7410 5978 8595 9772 9754 9893 0161 7539 2846 8138 2686 8386 8942 7741 5599 1855 9252 4595 3959 4310 4997 2524 6808 4598 7273 6446 9584 8653 8367 3622 2626 0991 2460 8051 2438 8439 0451
2441 3654 9762 7807 9771 5691 4359 9770 0129 6160 8944 1694 8685 5584 8406 3534 2207 2225 8284 8864 8158 4560 2850 6016 8427 3945 2267 4676 7889 5252 1385 2254 9954 6667 2782 3986 4565 9611 6354 8862 3057 7456 4980 3559
3634 5681 7432 4112 5150 7606 9479 4510 9659 6094 0252 2887 9710 8931 4566 9136 8672 2874 8940 5601 0150 3308 6179 2868 0920 8747 6091 7824 9385 8900 9714 9096 7598 5261 3655 4978 1893 1297 8482 1682 9989 4872 2658 8048
5756 4014 2704 7755 5132 3796 4145 1523 7462 3436 4542 8584 4479 5265 8678 2105 1141 3547 3573 9523 1134 2716 6102 1359 6953 6231 4429 5248 4937 1871 1014 5765 4035 9027 9934 4037 4200 7310 5785 3906 2198 3874 4780 8478
4896 8332 1445 7138 6875 1943 5064 3021 8453 1910 4848 1005 3706 1468 0674 9192 7819 1197 9399 5206 1419 6634 2875 4440 6437 4512 3718 1921 7999 8391 0159 1956 1814 6751 4269 1239 7489 4090 7186 4942 3196 1567 9452 0809
5146 5502 2523 1603 8819 3014 2093 7621 3785 5956 6389 3778 7083 0390 6979 2077 3467 2218 2562 5996 6150 1421 5030 6803 8447 7345 4920 2605 4146 6592 5201 4974 4285 0732 5186 6600 2132 4340 8819 0710 4863 3173 4649 6514
5390 5796 2685 6100 5508 1066 5879 6998 1635 7473 6384 0525 7145 9102 8970 6414 0110 9712 0628 0439 0397 5951 5677 1577 0042 0337 8699 3600 7230 5587 6317 6359 4218 7312 5147 1205 3292 8191 8261 8612 5867 3215 7919 8414
8488 2916 4470 6095 7527 0695 7220 9175 6711 6722 9109 8169 0915 2801 7350 6712 7485 8322 2871 8352 0935 3965 7251 2108 3579 1513 6988 2091 4442 1006 7510 3346 7110 3141 2671 1136 9908 6585 1639 8315 0197 0165 1511 6851
7143 7657 6183 5155 6508 8490 9989 8599 8238 7345 5283 3163 5507 6479 1853 5893 2261 8548 9632 1329 3308 9857 0642 0467 5259 0709 1548 1416 5498 5946 1637 1802 7098 1994 3099 2448 8957 5712 8289 0592 3233 2609 7299 7120
8443 3573 2654 8938 2391 1932 5974 6366 7305 8360 4142 8138 8303 2038 2490 3758 9852 4374 4170 2913 2765 6180 9377 3444 0307 0746 9211 2019 1302 0330 3801 9762 1101 1004 4929 3215 1608 4244 4859 6376 6983 8952 2868 4783
1235 5265 8213 1449 5768 5726 2433 4418 9303 9686 4262 4341 0773 2269 7802 8073 1891 5441 1010 4468 2325 2716 2010 5265 2272 1116 6039 6665 5730 9254 7110 5578 5376 3466 8206 5310 9896 5269 1862 0564 7693 1257 0586 3566
2018 5581 0072 9360 6598 7648 6117 9104 5334 8850 3461 1365 7686 7532 4944 1668 0396 2657 9787 7185 5608 4552 9654 1266 5408 5306 1434 4431 8586 7697 5145 6614 0680 0700 2378 7765 9134 4017 1274 9470 4205 6223 0538 9945
6131 4071 1270 0040 7854 7332 6993 9081 4546 6464 5880 7972 7082 6683 0634 3285 8785 6983 0523 5808 9330 6575 7406 7954 5716 3775 2542 0211 4955 7615 8140 0250 1262 2859 4130 2164 7155 0979 2592 3099 0796 5473 7612 5517
6567 5135 7517 8296 6645 4779 1745 0112 9961 4890 3046 3994 7132 9621 0734 0437 5189 5735 9614 5890 1938 9713 1117 9042 9782 8564 7503 2031 9869 1514 0287 0808 5990 4801 0941 2147 2213 1794 7647 7726 2241 4254 8545 4033
2157 1853 0614 2288 1375 8504 3063 3217 5182 9798 6622 3717 2159 1607 7166 9254 7487 3898 6654 9494 5011 4654 0628 4336 6393 7900 3976 9265 6721 4638 5306 7360 9657 1209 1807 6383 2716 6416 2748 8880 0786 9256 0290 2284
7210 4031 7211 8608 2041 9000 4229 6617 1196 3779 2133 7575 1149 5950 1566 0496 3186 2947 2654 7364 2523 0817 7036 7515 9067 3502 3507 2835 4056 7040 3867 4351 3622 2247 7158 9150 4953 0984 4489 3330 9634 0878 0769 3259
9397 8054 1934 1447 3774 4184 2631 2986 0809 9888 6874 1326 0472 1569 5162 3965 8645 7302 1631 5981 9319 5167 3538 1297 4167 7294 7867 2422 9246 5436 6800 9806 7692 8238 2806 8996 4004 8243 5403 7014 1631 4965 8979 4092
4323 7896 9070 6977 9422 3625 0822 1688 9573 8379 8623 0015 9377 6471 6512 2893 5786 0158 8161 7557 8297 3523 3446 0428 1512 6272 0373 4314 6531 9777 7416 0319 9066 5541 8763 9792 9334 4195 2154 1341 8994 8544 4734 5673
8316 2499 3419 1318 1480 9277 7710 3863 8773 4317 7207 5456 5453 2207 7709 2120 1905 1660 9628 0490 9263 6019 7598 8281 6133 2316 6636 5286 1932 6686 3360 6273 5676 3035 4477 6280 3504 5077 7235 5471 0585 9548 7027 9081
4356 2401 4517 1806 2464 3626 7945 6127 5318 1340 7833 0336 2542 3278 3944 9753 8243 7205 8353 1147 7119 9260 6381 3346 7768 7969 5970 3098 3391 3077 1098 7040 8591 3374 6414 4282 2772 6346 5947 0474 5878 4778 7201 9277
1528 0731 7679 0770 7157 2134 4473 0605 7007 3349 2436 9311 3835 0493 1631 2840 4251 2192 5651 7980 6941 1352 8013 1470 1304 7816 4378 8518 5290 9285 4520 1165 8393 4196 5621 3491 4341 5956 2586 5865 5705 5269 0496 5209
8580 3385 0722 4264 8293 9728 5847 8316 3057 7775 6068 8876 4462 4824 6857 9260 3953 5277 3480 3048 0290 0587 6075 8251 0474 7091 6439 6136 2676 0449 2562 7420 4208 3208 5661 1906 2545 4337 2131 5359 5845 0687 7246 0290
1618 7667 9524 0616 3425 22573
圆周率(Pi)是圆的周长与直径的比值,一般用希腊字母π表示,是一个在数学及物理学中普遍存在的数学常数。π也等于圆形之面积与半径平方之比。是精确计算圆周长、圆面积、球体积等几何形状的关键值。 在分析学里,π可以严格地定义为满足sinx = 0的最小正实数x。
圆周率用希腊字母 π(读作pài)表示,是一个常数(约等于3141592654),是代表圆周长和直径的比值。它是一个无理数,即无限不循环小数。
1965年,英国数学家约翰·沃利斯(John Wallis)出版了一本数学专著,其中他推导出一个公式,发现圆周率等于无穷个分数相乘的积。2015年,罗切斯特大学的科学家们在氢原子能级的量子力学计算中发现了圆周率相同的公式 。