高中英语语法:高中英语语法 It 所构成的20个句型详解

高中英语语法:高中英语语法 It 所构成的20个句型详解,第1张























《高中英语语法 It 所构成的20个句型详解》由英语我整理,更多请访问:>

unit id question answer

1 1 It's been 10 years since _______________________(我上次见到你) I saw you last

1 2 I was able to travel and _______________________(长见识,见世面) see the world

1 3 And I never got stuck _________________________!(当个家庭妇女) being a housewife

1 4 Things are going _____________________________(近来我过得很开心) great for me these days

1 5 I finally settled down and ________________(找到一份实在的工作) got a real job

1 6 Now I work 9 to 5 _______________________(在邻里的一家商店里) at a neighborhood store

1 7 Life has sure treated __________(对我很好) me well

1 8 I put myself _______________(自己付学费上完学) through school

1 9 I was able to work _______________________(在一家公司里步步升迁) my way up in a company

1 10 And then I started _____________________(我自己的公司;自己干) my own business

2 1 I'm pretty sure that people _____________________(喜欢的是我这个人) like me for who I am

2 2 I'm just a typical,__________________________(普普通通,安分守己的女孩) ordinary, regular girl

2 3 I'm just _____________________(像其他人一样) like everybody else

2 4 I'm really into _____________________(在俱乐部里跳舞) dancing at clubs

2 5 I spend really late nights _____________________________(和朋友出去玩) going out with my friends

2 6 Now I'm getting _____________________(工作耽误下来) behind in my work

2 7 I've got a chance _____________________ (做点十分重要的事情) to do something big

2 8 I could go pro, _____________________(当职业运动员去参加巡回赛) go on the pro tour

2 9 But I need to _____________________(辍学) drop out of school

2 10 Well, I gotta _____________________(做我自己该做的事) do what I gotta do

3 1 Dorm life has ______________________(一些不足之处) some major negatives

3 2 The other students _____________________(让我整夜都没合眼) keep me up all night

3 3 And my roommate ___________________________(一点空间都没给我留下) doesn't give me any space

3 4 My new roommate ___________________________(没烦得我难受) doesn't drive me crazy

3 5 She never _______________________________________(四处乱扔食品和衣物) leaves her food or clothes all over the place

3 6 She never ______________________________________(不经同意就拿我的东西) takes my things without asking

3 7 My dad's rules _____________________(实在太苛刻) are way too strict

3 8 He won't let me _________________________________________(打电话超过十分钟) use the phone for more than 10 minutes

3 9 And I have to ____________________________________(按规定晚上9点以前回家) be back by a 9 pm curfew

3 10 I know it's because _________________________________(他关心我) he's concerned about me

4 1 I'm trying to __________________________(注意我的支出) watch my spending

4 2 But this sweater may ____________________________________!(再不会这么便宜) never be this cheap again

4 3 Oh, well, that's what ___________________________(用xyk的好处) credit cards are for

4 4 If only I could ______________________________(买得起这么漂亮的套装) afford this killer dress

4 5 I guess ____________________________________________(我得等它打了折再说) I'll have to wait until it's on sale

4 6 In the meantime, I'll ____________________________________(我得努力攒够钱) try to save up enough money

4 7 This style is really ___________________(今年正流行) in this year

4 8 It's the ___________________(当下最流行) latest thing

4 9 I know I'm ____________________________________(只是因为品牌才要买) just paying for the designer's name

4 10 But it's so me I've just _________________________(一定要买一件) got to have one

5 1 Sometimes I have trouble ________________________________(听懂当地人讲的英语) understanding native speakers

5 2 That's because native speakers _____________________________(大量使用俚语) use a lot of slang

5 3 I wish I ____________________________________(更流利地讲英语) could speak English more fluently

5 4 I want a teacher who is _______________________________(母语为英语) a native speaker of English

5 5 And I think everyone should learn ___________________________(标准的美式英语) standard American English

5 6 It would make communication easier if we all ______________(用相同的说话方式) spoke the same way

5 7 English is the language _________________________________(国际间的交流) of international communication

5 8 People who speak English ________________________________(来自四面八方) come from all over the place

5 9 Everyone who speaks English has _____________________________(口音都不太一样) an accent of some kind

5 10 Sometimes you have to get used to ___________________________(别人的讲话方式) how someone else speaks

6 1 I know ____________________(他就是我理想中的爱人) he is the one

6 2 He's ___________________________________(愿意照顾我一辈子) ready for a lifetime commitment

6 3 He is someone _________________________(我真正值得依赖的人) I can really trust

6 4 I had doubts at first about ____________________(这种关系) the relationship

6 5 He was divorced once already but _______________________(想尝试再恋爱一次) wanted to try again

6 6 Then I discovered that we _________________________(有许多共同的爱好) like the same things

6 7 She ___________________________________(她的魅力使我一见倾心) swept me away with her personality

6 8 She has a _________________________(富有幽默感) great sense of humor

6 9 She's easy to talk to and fun __________________(在一起) to be with

6 10 And she's ______________________(与我合得来) my type

7 1 My husband got ___________________________________(被调到国外其它分公司) transferred across the country

7 2 My son is _________________________________(觉得有点无依无靠) feeling kind of bummed out

7 3 He's my son _____________________________(第一次结婚生的) from my first marriage

7 4 I never get to say _______________________________(自家发生的事情) what goes on in my own house

7 5 I got stuck with _______________________(妈妈加班时我就要照看这对孪生小家伙) taking care of the twin brats while Mom works late

7 6 It's like _____________________________(这里成了动物园) a zoo around here

7 7 My husband can't _________________________________(再不能像往常那样行动自如) get around by himself anymore

7 8 His weight is ___________________________________(使他的腿脚很不灵便) causing him trouble with his legs

7 9 My son and daughter-in-law had to ____________________________(搬回家里帮忙) move back home to help out

7 10 We have _______________________________(求助无门) no one else we can turn to

8 1 I really like ________________________________(这里生活的方方面面,十分安全) the way it is here, how safe it is

8 2 I can't get over ___________________________________(人们如此友善,乐于助人) how friendly and helpful people are

8 3 I would like _____________________________(在这里过一辈子) to live out my life here

8 4 I've gotten ___________________________(习惯了这里的一切) used to it here

8 5 I used to try to figure out ___________________(为什么他们要以那样的方式做事) why they do things a certain way

8 6 But now I never ___________________________(再不想它了) think twice about it

8 7 Sometimes foreigners are ______________________(不太懂变通) too inflexible

8 8 They shouldn't try to _________________________(改变我们去适应他们的办事方式) convert us to their way of doing things

8 9 They should just relax and ______________________(顺应潮流) go with the flow

8 10 Otherwise, they're not going to _________________(长久维持下去) last long

9 1 The solar car of the future_________________________(今天就在眼前) is here today

9 2 This car is right ___________________________________(体现了最先进的科学技术) on the cutting edge of technology

9 3 Be the first ___________________________________(拥有一辆周围人都没有的车) in your neighborhood to have one

9 4 Introducing a revolutionary new product—________________________(私人取款机) the personal cash machine

9 5 It's incredibly convenient and will _______________________(使您的生活更便捷) make your life so easy

9 6 Come visit our website and ________________________(您今天也订购一台) order yours today

9 7 The homework machine is _______________________________(一个大学生的梦想) a college student's dream

9 8 It does ___________________________________(自动为你做好所有的功课) all the work for you automatically

9 9 This new model is ____________________________(非常方便使用) extremely user friendly

9 10 And it's not too ___________________________(升级费用也不高) expensive to upgrade

10 1 Whenever he's stressed out,____________________________(他就抽几支香烟) he has a few cigarettes

10 2 He likes to ___________________________________(为了缓解压力一天要吸两三包烟) smoke two or three packs a day to relax

10 3 He's really got to kick _________________(坏毛病) the habit

10 4 He needs _______________________(专家的帮助) professional help

10 5 He's been __________________________(过于迷恋赌博) gambling way too much

10 6 He's been addicted __________________________(已经有几年了) for a few years now

10 7 She acts too ________________________(有我在的时候很紧张) nervous around me

10 8 She just can't stop ___________________________(咬手指甲) biting her fingernails

10 9 And she's always _____________________________________(摆弄她的发梢) playing with the ends of her hair

10 10 The more she does it, ________________________________(更显得孩子气) the more childish she looks

11 1 I paid for ________________________________(预订的头等舱机票) first-class tickets in advance

11 2 But I ___________________________________________(结果却坐在没有空调的二等舱) ended up in second-class with no air conditioning

11 3 I really felt ___________________(我被人骗了) I had been cheated

11 4 Just after the plane took off,_______________________(我们飞机的引擎出了故障) we had engine trouble

11 5 The pilot had to _____________________________ (实施紧急降落) perform an emergency landing

11 6 But we ________________________________(最终安全降落了) made it down safely in the end

11 7 When we were driving across the country ___________________(我的朋友老是迷路) my friend kept getting lost

11 8 One time we ___________________________________(被困在一个小镇上迷失了方向) got stranded in a little town in the middle of nowhere

11 9 It was the ___________________________(让我再也不能忍受) last straw for me

11 10 I got tired of stopping and ____________________________________(不停地问路) asking for directions all the time

12 1 I have a lot of debts, ____________________________(特别是xyk债务) especially credit-card debt

12 2 And my tuition payments are _______________ (快愁死我了) killing me

12 3 I need to find a ________________________(快速致富的计划) get-rich-quick scheme

12 4 I thought that ________________________________________(买卖股票风险太大了) buying and selling stocks was too risky

12 5 I thought that real estate was one of _______________(你可以做的最稳健的投资) the safest investments you could make

12 6 So I bought a condo, but if I sold it now,_________________(我就会损失一笔钱) I'd lose a bundle

12 7 I'm thinking about ___________________________________(开一家网络公司) setting up an Internet business

12 8 I want to become ________________________(经济上独立) financially independent

12 9 In fact, my goal is to ____________________________________(挣足够多的钱) make more money than I'll ever need

12 10 The bottom line is that I want _______________________(衣食无忧的未来) a worry-free future

以上就是关于IT行业包括那些全部的内容,包括:IT行业包括那些、英语7年级上册go for it 5、6、7、8单元单词、高中英语语法:高中英语语法 It 所构成的20个句型详解等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/8882453.html

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