Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(一)--环境准备

Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(一)--环境准备,第1张

概述Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装文档:Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(一)--环境准备Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(二)--使用图形界面安装Oracle 12cR1 RA

Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装文档:
Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(一)--环境准备
Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(二)--使用图形界面安装
Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(三)--静默安装



*** 作系统版本RedHat6.7




临时磁盘空间至少1GB的 /tmp 空间
--至少为GrID home分配8GB的空间。Oracle建议分配100GB,为后续打补丁预留出空间
--至少为GrID base分配12GB的空间,GI base主要用于存放Oracle cluster和Oracle ASM的日志文件
--在GI Base下预留10GB的额外空间,用于存放TFA数据





服务器名称公网IP地址(public IP)虚拟IP地址(VIP)SCAN IP地址私网IP地址








[root@template ~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/network




#进入网卡配置目录cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/#修改eth0的网卡配置vim ifcfg-eth0DEVICE=eth0HWADDR=00:0c:29:f8:80:bbTYPE=EthernetONBOOT=yesIPADDR=


[root@node1 ~]# service network restart






[root@node1 ~]# vim /etc/hosts127.0.0.1   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6   node110.12   node210.13   node1-vip10.14   node2-10.10   node-scan10.10.10.11     node1-priv10.12     node2-priv


#临时关闭,重启主机后恢复原来的状态service iptables stop#永久关闭,重启生效chkconfig iptables off




[root@node1 ~]# vim /etc/selinux/config
# This file controls the state of SElinux on the system.# SEliNUX= can take one of these three values:#     enforcing - SElinux security policy is enforced.#     permissive - SElinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.#     Disabled - No SElinux policy is loaded.SEliNUX=Disabled# SEliNUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.SEliNUXTYPE=targeted





/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1000 oinstall/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1020 asmadmin/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1021 asmdba/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1022 asmoper/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1031 dba/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1032 operuseradd -u 1100 -g oinstall -G asmadmin,asmdba,asmoper,oper,dba grIDuseradd -u 1101 -g oinstall -G dba,oper oracle


mkdir -p /u01/app/12.1.0/grIDmkdir -p /u01/app/mkdir /u01/app/oraclechown -R grID:oinstall /u01chown oracle:oinstall /u01/app/chmod -R 775 /u01/



[grID@node1 ~]$ vi .bash_profile# 在文件结尾添加如下内容export TMP=/tmpexport TMPDIR=$TMP export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1   export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/grIDexport ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/grIDexport PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH export LD_liBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib export CLAsspATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib umask 022

执行命令“source .bash_profile”使环境变量生效。



[oracle@node1 ~]$ vim .bash_profile#在文件结尾添加一下内容export TMP=/tmp export TMPDIR=$TMP export ORACLE_SIDtestdb1     export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/db_1export TNS_admin=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin export PATH=/usr/022

执行命令“source .bash_profile”使环境变量生效。




(1)配置 *** 作系统的内核参数


kernel.msgmnb = 65536 kernel.msgmax =  kernel.shmmax = 68719476736 kernel.shmall = 4294967296 fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576 fs.file-max = 681574420971522002012160kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500 net.core.rmem_default = 262144 net.core.rmem_max = 4194304 net.core.wmem_default =  net.core.wmem_max = 1048586 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 262144  net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4194304 kernel.panic_on_oops = 1

sysctl -p生效。



grID soft nproc 2047 grID hard nproc 16384 grID soft nofile 1024 grID hard nofile  oracle soft nproc  oracle hard nproc  oracle soft nofile  oracle hard nofile 65536


session    required




binutils- (x86_64)compat-libcap1-1.10- (x86_64)compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-69.el6 (x86_64)compat-libstdc++-.el6 (i686)gcc-4.4.4-13.el6 (x86_64)gcc-c++-.el6 (x86_64)glibc-2.12-1.7.el6 (i686)glibc-.el6 (x86_64)glibc-devel-.el6 (i686)kshlibgcc-.el6 (i686)libgcc-.el6 (x86_64)libstdc++-.el6 (i686)libstdc++-devel-.el6 (x86_64)libstdc++-devel-.el6 (i686)libaio-0.3.107-10.el6 (x86_64)libaio-.el6 (i686)libaio-devel-.el6 (x86_64)libaio-devel-.el6 (i686)libXext-1.1 (x86_64)libXext- (i686)libXtst- (x86_64)libXtst- (i686)libX11-1.3 (x86_64)libX11- (i686)libXau-5 (x86_64)libXau- (i686)libxcb-1.5 (x86_64)libxcb- (i686)libXi- (x86_64)libXi- (i686)make-3.81-19.el6sysstat-9.0.11.el6 (x86_64)

其中x86_64代表64位 *** 作系统,i686代表32位 *** 作系统,只需安装对应版本即可。


yum install -y binutils*install -y compat-libcap1*install -y compat-libstdc++*install -y gcc*gcc-c++*install -y glibc*install -y glibc-devel*install -y kshinstall -y libgcc*install -y libstdc++*install -y libstdc++-devel*install -y libaio*install -y libaio-devel*install -y libXext* install -y libXtst*install -y libX11* install -y libXau* install -y libxcb* install -y libXi* make*install -y sysstat*




投票具有外部冗余的文件1每个投票文件卷至少300 MB
具有外部冗余的Oracle Cluster Registry(OCR)和GrID Infrastructure Management Repository1包含GrID Infrastructure Management Repository(5.2 GB + 300 MB表决文件+ 400 MB OCR)的OCR卷至少为5.9 GB,对于超过四个节点的集群,每个节点加500 MB。
例如,六节点群集分配应为6.9 GB。
Oracle Clusterware文件(OCR和投票文件)和GrID Infrastructure Management Repository,由Oracle软件提供冗余3

每个OCR卷至少400 MB
每个投票文件卷至少300 MB
2 x 5.2 GB(normal redundancy):
对于5个节点及更高节点,为每个其他节点添加500 MB。

例如,对于6节点群集,大小为14.1 GB:
GrID Infrastructure Management Repository = 2 x(5.2 GB + 500 MB + 500 MB)GB = 12.4 GB
2个OCR(2 x 400 MB)= 0.8 GB
3个投票文件(3 x 300 MB)= 0.9 GB
= 14.1 GB



OCR310GB存放OCR及GI management repository






# 在节点1上格式化,以/dev/sdb为例:[root@node1 ~]# fdisk /dev/sdbThe number of cylinders for this disk is set to 3824.There is nothing wrong with that,but this is larger than ,and Could in certain setups cause problems with:1) software that runs at boot time (e.g.,old versions of liLO)2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs   (e.g.,DOS FdisK,OS/ FdisK)Command (m for help): nCommand action   e   extended   p   primary partition (1-4)pPartition number (4): First cylinder (3824,default ): Using default value Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (): Command (m for help): wThe partition table has been altered!Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.Syncing disks.


[root@node1 ~]# vi /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules # 在后面添加ACTION=="add",KERNEL==sdb1/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw1 %N"ACTION==sdc1/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw2 %Nsdd1/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw3 %Nsde1/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw4 %Nsdf1/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw5 %Nsdg1/bin/raw /dev/raw/raw6 %NKERNEL==raw[1]0660grIDasmadminKERNEL==raw[2]raw[3]raw[4]raw[5]raw[6]"


[root@node1 ~]# start_udev


[root@node1 ~]# raw -qa/dev/raw/raw1:    bound to major 8,minor 17/dev/raw/raw2:    bound to major 33/dev/raw/raw3:    bound to major 49/dev/raw/raw4:    bound to major 65/dev/raw/raw5:    bound to major 81/dev/raw/raw6:    bound to major 97




echo options=--whiteListed --replace-whitespace" >> /etc/scsi_ID.config


for i b c d e f g ;> do > KERNEL==\"sd*\",BUS==\"scsi\",PROGRAM==\"/sbin/scsi_ID --whiteListed --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/$name\",RESulT==\"`/sbin/scsi_ID --whiteListed --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/sd$i`\",name=\"asm-disk$i\",OWNER=\"grID\",GROUP=\"asmadmin\",MODE=\"0660\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/99-oracle-asmdevices.rules> done


[root@node1 ~]# cd /etc/udev/rules.d/[root@node1 rules.d]# more asmdevices.rules KERNEL==sd*scsi/sbin/scsi_ID --whiteListed --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/$name36000c293f718a0dcf1f7b410fb9fd1d9asm-diskb36000c296f46877bf6cff9febd7700fb9asm-diskc36000c2902c030ca8a0b0a4a32ab547c7asm-diskd36000c2982ad4757618bd0d06d54d04b8asm-diske36000c29872b79e70266a992e788836b6asm-diskf36000c29b1260d00b8faeb3786092143aasm-diskg"


[root@node1 rules.d]# start_udevStarting udev: [ OK ]


[root@node1 rules.d]# cd /dev[root@node1 dev]# ls -l asm*brw-rw---- 1 grID asmadmin 16 Aug 13 05:31 asm-diskbbrw-rw---- 32 Aug diskcbrw-rw---- 48 Aug diskdbrw-rw---- 64 Aug diskebrw-rw---- 80 Aug diskfbrw-rw---- 96 Aug 31 asm-diskg



oracle在安装包已经提供了grID和oracle ssh节点互信配置的工具,直接使用配置非常方便


(1.1)解压grID安装包,在节点1执行[grID@node1 ~]$ unzip -q linuxamd64_12102_grID_1of2. [grID@node1 ~]$ unzip -q linuxamd64_12102_grID_2of2.grID


[grID@node1 sshsetup]$ pwd/home/grID/grID/sshsetup[grID@node1 sshsetup]$[grID@node1 sshsetup]$ ./ -hosts node1 node2" -user grID -advanced


  1 The output of this script is also logged into /tmp/sshUserSetup_2019-08-13-06-12-30.log  2 Hosts are node1 node2  3 user is grID  4 Platform:- linux   5 Checking if the remote hosts are reachable  6 Ping node1 (10.11) 56(84) bytes of data.  7 64 bytes from node1 (10.11): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.014 ms  8 2 ttl=0.043  9 3 ttl=0.032 10 4 ttl=0.040 11 5 ttl=0.042 12  13 --- node1 Ping statistics --- 14 5 packets transmitted,1)">5 received,1)">0% packet loss, 3999ms 15 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.014/0.034/0.043/0.011 16 Ping node2 (10.12)  17 64 bytes from node2 (10.12): icmp_seq=3.05 18 0.716 19 0.807 20 1.37 21 0.704 22  23 --- node2  24  4007ms 25 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.704/1.331/3.053/0.896 26 Remote host reachability check succeeded. 27 The following hosts are reachable: node1 node2. 28 The following hosts are not reachable: . 29 All hosts are reachable. Proceeding further... 30 firsthost node1 31 numhosts 2 32 The script will setup SSH connectivity from the host node1 to all 33 the remote hosts. After the script is executed,the user can use SSH to run 34 commands on the remote hosts or copy files between this host node1 35 and the remote hosts without being prompted  passwords or confirmations. 36  37 NOTE : 38 As part of the setup procedure,this script will use ssh and scp to copy 39 files between the local host and the remote hosts. Since the script does not 40 store passwords,you may be prompted  the passwords during the execution of 41 the script whenever ssh or  is invoked. 42  43 NOTE  44 AS PER SSH REQUIREMENTS,THIS SCRIPT WILL SECURE THE USER HOME DIRECTORY 45 AND THE .ssh DIRECTORY BY REVOKING GROUP AND WORLD WRITE PRIVILEDGES TO THESE 46 directorIEs. 47  48 Do you want to continue and let the script make the above mentioned changes (yes/no)? 49 yes 50  51 The user chose yes 52 Please specify if you want to specify a passphrase for the private key this script will create for the local host. Passphrase is used to encrypt the private key and makes SSH much more secure. Type 'yes' or no' and then press enter. In case you press ',you would need to enter the passphrase whenever the script executes .  53 The estimated number of times the user would be prompted for a passphrase is 4. In addition,1)">if the private-public files are also newly created,the user would have to specify the passphrase on one additional occasion.  54 Enter '. 55  56  57  58 Creating .ssh directory on local host,1)"> not present already 59 Creating authorized_keys  on local host 60 Changing permissions on authorized_keys to 644 61 Creating kNown_hosts  62 Changing permissions on kNown_hosts to  63 Creating config  64 If a config file exists already at /home/grID/.ssh/config,it would be backed up to /home/grID/.ssh/config.backup. 65 Removing old private/public keys on local host 66 Running SSH keygen on local host 67 Enter passphrase (empty  no passphrase):         备注:输入回车  68 Enter same passphrase again:  备注:输入回车   69 Generating public/private rsa key pair. 70 Your IDentification has been saved in /home/grID/.ID_rsa. 71 Your public key has been saved 72 The key fingerprint is: 73 a0:48:eb:ab:7d:39:0d:cf:d2:29:49:cd:f0:a0:85:9d grID@node1 74 The keys randomart image is: 75 +--[ RSA 1024]----+ 76 |                 | 77 |                 | 78 |  .o ..          | 79 | ..oE. .         | 80 |  oo.*  S        | 81 | .. o +          | 82 |  .. O .         | 83 | . .B *          | 84 |..o. +           | 85 +-----------------+ 86 Creating . directory and setting permissions on remote host node1 87 THE SCRIPT WOulD ALSO BE REVOKING WRITE PERMISSIONS FOR group AND others ON THE HOME DIRECTORY FOR grID. THIS IS AN SSH REQUIREMENT. 88 The script would create ~grID/.ssh/config file on remote host node1. If a config file exists already at ~grID/. 89 The user may be prompted  a password here since the script would be running SSH on host node1. 90 Warning: Permanently added node1, (RSA) to the List of kNown hosts. 91 grID@node1s password:   备注:输入节点1 grID的密码   92 Done with creating . directory and setting permissions on remote host node1. 93 Creating . directory and setting permissions on remote host node2 94  95 The script would create ~grID/.file on remote host node2. If a config  96 The user may be prompted  a password here since the script would be running SSH on host node2. 97 Warning: Permanently added node2, 98 grID@node2s password:   备注:输入节点2 grID的密码   99 Done with creating . directory and setting permissions on remote host node2.100 copying local host public key to the remote host node1101 The user may be prompted for a password or passphrase here since the script would be using SCP  host node1.102 grID@node1s password:  备注:输入节点1 grID的密码  103 Done copying local host public key to the remote host node1104 copying local host public key to the remote host node2105 The user may be prompted  host node2.106 grID@node2s password:  备注:输入节点2 grID的密码 107 Done copying local host public key to the remote host node2108 Creating keys on remote host node1 if they do not exist already. This is required to setup SSH on host node1.109 110 Creating keys on remote host node2  not exist already. This is required to setup SSH on host node2.111 Generating public/112 Your IDentification has been saved in .113 Your public key has been saved 114 115 3e:55:4b:9f:63:a3:6c:1f:4c:ca:aa:d2:d1:93:97:46 grID@node2116 The key117 +--[ RSA 118 |                 |119 |                 |120 |            o    |121 |           oEo . |122 |        S..o..B  |123 |       ...+o+* o |124 |       .o. +* o  |125 |      . .. o . . |126 |       ....   .  |127 +-----------------+128 Updating authorized_keys  on remote host node1129 Updating kNown_hosts 130 The script will run SSH on the remote machine node1. The user may be prompted for a passphrase here in case the private key has been encrypted with a passphrase.131 Updating authorized_keys  on remote host node2132 Updating kNown_hosts 133 The script will run SSH on the remote machine node2. The user may be prompted 134 cat: /home/grID/.ssh/kNown_hosts.tmp: No such  or directory135 ssh/authorized_keys.tmp: No such 136 SSH setup is complete.137 138 ------------------------------------------------------------------------139 Verifying SSH setup140 ===================141 The script will Now run the date command on the remote nodes using ssh142 to verify if  is setup correctly. IF THE SETUP IS CORRECTLY SETUP,143 THERE SHOulD BE NO OUTPUT OTHER THAN THE DATE AND SSH SHOulD NOT ASK FOR144 PASSWORDS. If you see any output other than date or are prompted  the145 password,1)"> is not setup correctly and you will need to resolve the146 issue and set up  again.147 The possible causes  failure Could be:148 1. The server settings in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file do not allow 149  user grID.150 . The server may have Disabled public key based authentication.151 3. The clIEnt public key on the server may be outdated.152 4. ~grID or ~grID/. on the remote host may not be owned by grID.153 5. User may not have passed -shared option  shared remote users or154 may be passing the -shared option for non-shared remote users.155 6. If there is output in addition to the date156 it may be a security alert shown as part of company policy. Append the157 additional text to the <OMS HOME>/sysman/prov/resources/ignoreMessages.txt 158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------159 --node1:--160 Running /usr/bin/ssh -x -l grID node1  to verify SSH connectivity has been setup from local host to node1.161 IF YOU SEE ANY OTHER OUTPUT BESIDES THE OUTPUT OF THE DATE COMMAND OR IF YOU ARE PROMPTED FOR A PASSWORD HERE,IT MEANS SSH SETUP HAS NOT BEEN SUCCESSFul. Please note that being prompted for a passphrase may be OK but being prompted  a password is ERROR.162 The script will run SSH on the remote machine node1. The user may be prompted 163 Tue Aug 06:12:55 HKT 2019164 ------------------------------------------------------------------------165 --node2:--166 Running /usr/bin/ssh -x -l grID node2  to verify SSH connectivity has been setup from local host to node2.167 IF YOU SEE ANY OTHER OUTPUT BESIDES THE OUTPUT OF THE DATE COMMAND OR IF YOU ARE PROMPTED FOR A PASSWORD HERE,1)">168 The script will run SSH on the remote machine node2. The user may be prompted 169 Tue Aug 58 HKT 170 ------------------------------------------------------------------------171 ------------------------------------------------------------------------172 Verifying SSH connectivity has been setup from node1 to node1173 IF YOU SEE ANY OTHER OUTPUT BESIDES THE OUTPUT OF THE DATE COMMAND OR IF YOU ARE PROMPTED FOR A PASSWORD HERE,IT MEANS SSH SETUP HAS NOT BEEN SUCCESSFul.174 Tue Aug 175 ------------------------------------------------------------------------176 ------------------------------------------------------------------------177 Verifying SSH connectivity has been setup from node1 to node2178 179 Tue Aug 59 HKT 180 ------------------------------------------------------------------------181 -Verification from complete-182 SSH verification complete.
VIEw Code




oracle用户的节点互信与grID类似, 工具在oracle的安装包下面

[oracle@node1 sshsetup]$ ./sshUserSetup." -user oracle -advanced




[root@node1 grID]# cd grID/rpm/[root@node1 rpm]# cvuqdisk-9-.rpm[root@node1 rpm]# rpm -ivh cvuqdisk-.rpm Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]Using default group oinstall to install package   1:cvuqdisk               ########################################### [100%]



[root@node1 grID]# su - grID[grID@node1 ~]$ cd grID/[grID@node1 grID]$ lsinstall  response  rpm  runcluvfy.  runInstaller  sshsetup  stage  welcome.HTML[grID@node1 grID]$ ./ stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2 -fixup -verbose>check.log


  1 Performing pre-checks  cluster services setup   2 Checking node reachability...  4   5 Check: Node reachability from node node1"  6   Destination Node                      Reachable?                7   ------------------------------------  ------------------------  8   node1                                 yes                       9   node2                                 yes                      10 Result: Node reachability check passed from node  11  13 Checking user equivalence... 14  15 Check: User equivalence for user  16   Node name                             Status                   17   ------------------------------------  ------------------------ 18   node2                                 passed                   19   node1                                 passed                   20 Result: User equivalence check passed  21  22 Checking node connectivity... 23  24 Checking hosts config ... 25  26   ------------------------------------  ------------------------ 29  30 Verification of the hosts config  successful 31  32  33 Interface information for node  name   IP Address      subnet          Gateway         Def. Gateway    HW Address        MTU    35  ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------ 36  eth0   10.11   10.0         0.1     00:0C:29:F8:80:BB 1500   37  eth1   10.11     10.0      80:C5  38  eth2   0.109   0.0     80:CF  39  40  41 Interface information node2 42  43  ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------ 44  eth0   10.12   38:0B:FC  45  eth1   10.12     38:0B:06  46  eth2   0.108   10  48  49 Check: Node connectivity of subnet 50   Source                          Destination                     Connected?       51   ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------- 52   node1[10.11]            node2[]            yes              53 Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet  with node(s) node1,node2 54  55  56 Check: TCP connectivity of subnet  57   Source                          Destination                     Connected?       58   ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------- 59   node1 : 10.11           node1 :            passed           60   node2 : 10.12           node1 :  61   node1 : 10.11           node2 :  62   node2 : 10.12           node2 :  63 Result: TCP connectivity check passed  64  65  66 Check: Node connectivity of subnet 67   Source                          Destination                     Connected?       68   ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------- 69   node1[10.11]              node2[]              yes              70 Result: Node connectivity passed  71  72  73 Check: TCP connectivity of subnet  74   Source                          Destination                     Connected?       75   ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------- 76   node1 : 10.11             node1 :              passed           77   node2 : 10.12             node1 :  78   node1 : 10.11             node2 :  79   node2 : 10.12             node2 :  80 Result: TCP connectivity check passed  81  82  83 Check: Node connectivity of subnet 84   Source                          Destination                     Connected?       85   ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------- 86   node1[0.109]            node2[0.108 87 Result: Node connectivity passed  88  89  90 Check: TCP connectivity of subnet  91   Source                          Destination                     Connected?       92   ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------- 93   node1 : 0.109           node1 : 0.109 94   node2 : 0.108           node1 :  95   node1 : 0.109           node2 :  96   node2 : 0.108           node2 :  97 Result: TCP connectivity check passed  98  99 100 Interfaces found on subnet " that are likely candIDates  VIP are:101 node1 eth2:0.109102 node2 eth2:0.108103 104 Interfaces found on subnet  a private interconnect are:105 node1 eth0:10.11106 node2 eth0:10.12107 108 Interfaces found on subnet 109 node1 eth1:110 node2 eth1:111 Checking subnet mask consistency...112 subnet mask consistency check passed 113 subnet mask consistency check passed 114 subnet mask consistency check passed 115 subnet mask consistency check passed.116 117 Result: Node connectivity check passed118 119 Checking multicast communication...120 121 Checking subnet " for multicast communication with multicast group Check of subnet  passed.123 124 Check of multicast communication passed.125 126 Check: Total memory 127   Node name     Available                 required                  Status    128   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------129   node2         3.729GB (3910180.0KB)     4GB (.0KB)         Failed    130   node1         131 Result: Total memory check Failed132 133 Check: Available memory 135   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------136   node2         3.4397GB (3606804.0KB)    50MB (51200.0KB)          passed    137   node1         3.1282GB (3280116.0KB)    50MB (138 Result: Available memory check passed139 140 Check: Swap space 141 142   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------143   node2         3.8594GB (4046844.0KB)    3910180.0KB)     passed    144   node1         145 Result: Swap space check passed146 147 Check: Free disk space for node2:/usr,node2:/var,node2:/etc,node2:/sbin" 148   Path              Node name     Mount point   Available     required      Status      149   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------150   /usr              node2         /             44.1611GB     65MB          passed      151   /var              node2         /             152   /etc              node2         /             153   /sbin             node2         /             154 Result: Free disk space check passed 155 156 Check: Free disk space node1:/usr,node1:/var,node1:/etc,node1:/sbin157 158   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------159   /usr              node1         /             43.4079GB     65MB          passed      160   /var              node1         /             161   /etc              node1         /             162   /sbin             node1         /             163 Result: Free disk space check passed 164 165 Check: Free disk space node2:/tmp166 167   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------168   /tmp              node2         /tmp          .1611GB     1GB           passed      169 Result: Free disk space check passed 170 171 Check: Free disk space node1:/tmp173   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------174   /tmp              node1         /tmp          .4062GB     1GB           passed      175 Result: Free disk space check passed 176 177 Check: User existence   Node name     Status                    Comment                 179   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------180   node2         passed                    exists(1100)            181   node1         passed                    exists(182 183 Checking for multiple users with UID value 1100184 Result: Check  passed 185 Result: User existence check passed 186 187 Check: Group existence oinstall188 189   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------190   node2         passed                    exists                  191   node1         passed                    exists                  192 Result: Group existence check passed 193 194 Check: Group existence dba195 196   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------197 198 199 Result: Group existence check passed 200 201 Check: Membership of user in group  [as Primary]202   Node name         User Exists   Group Exists  User  Group  Primary       Status      203   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------204   node2             yes           yes           yes           yes           passed      205   node1             yes           yes           yes           yes           passed      206 Result: Membership check  [as Primary] passed207 208 Check: Membership of user 209   Node name         User Exists   Group Exists  User  Group  Status          210   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------211   node2             yes           yes           yes           passed          212   node1             yes           yes           yes           passed          213 Result: Membership check  passed214 215 Check: Run level 216   Node name     run level                 required                  Status    217   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------218   node2         5                         3,1)">                       passed    219   node1         220 Result: Run level check passed221 222 Check: Hard limits maximum open file descriptors223   Node name         Type          Available     required      Status          224   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------225   node2             hard          65536                  passed          226   node1             hard          227 Result: Hard limits check passed 228 229 Check: Soft limits 230 231   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------232   node2             soft          1024                    passed          233   node1             soft          234 Result: Soft limits check passed 235 236 Check: Hard limits maximum user processes237 238   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------239   node2             hard          16384         240   node1             hard          241 Result: Hard limits check passed 242 243 Check: Soft limits 244 245   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------246   node2             soft          2047          247   node1             soft          248 Result: Soft limits check passed 249 250 Check: System architecture 251 252   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------253   node2         x86_64                    x86_64                    passed    254   node1         x86_64                    x86_64                    passed    255 Result: System architecture check passed256 257 Check: Kernel version 258 259   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------260   node2         2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64     32                    passed    261   node1         262 Result: Kernel version check passed263 264 Check: Kernel parameter semmsl265   Node name         Current       Configured    required      Status        Comment     266   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------267   node1             250           250268   node2             269 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 270 271 Check: Kernel parameter semmns272 273   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------274   node1             32000         32000275   node2             276 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 277 278 Check: Kernel parameter semopm279 280   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------281   node1             100           100282   node2             283 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 284 285 Check: Kernel parameter semmni286 287   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------288   node1             128           289   node2             290 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 291 292 Check: Kernel parameter shmmax293 294   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------295   node1             2002012160        passed          296   node2             297 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 298 299 Check: Kernel parameter shmmni300 301   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------302   node1             4096          303   node2             304 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 305 306 Check: Kernel parameter shmall307 308   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------309   node1             2097152       391018        passed          310   node2             311 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 312 313 Check: Kernel parameter file-max314 315   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------316   node1             6815744              passed          317   node2             318 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 319 320 Check: Kernel parameter ip_local_port_range321 322   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------323   node1             between 9000 & 65500  between 65535  passed          324   node2             between 325 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 326 327 Check: Kernel parameter rmem_default328 329   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------330   node1             262144        331   node2             332 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 333 334 Check: Kernel parameter rmem_max335 336   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------337   node1             4194304       338   node2             339 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 340 341 Check: Kernel parameter wmem_default342 343   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------344   node1             345   node2             346 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 347 348 Check: Kernel parameter wmem_max349 350   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------351   node1             1048586       352   node2             353 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 354 355 Check: Kernel parameter aio-max-nr356 357   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------358   node1             1048576       359   node2             360 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 361 362 Check: Kernel parameter panic_on_oops363 364   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------365   node1             1             366   node2             367 Result: Kernel parameter check passed 368 369 Check: Package existence binutils370 371   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------372   node2         binutils-5.43.el6  binutils-      passed    373   node1         binutils-374 Result: Package existence check passed 375 376 Check: Package existence compat-libcap1377 378   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------379   node2         compat-libcap1-1     compat-libcap1-1.10       passed    380   node1         compat-libcap1-381 Result: Package existence check passed 382 383 Check: Package existence compat-libstdc++-33(x86_64)384 385   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------386   node2         compat-libstdc++-33(x86_64)-69.el6  compat-libstdc++-  passed    387   node1         compat-libstdc++-388 Result: Package existence check passed 389 390 Check: Package existence libgcc(x86_64)391 392   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------393   node2         libgcc(x86_64)-7-23.el6  libgcc(x86_64)-394   node1         libgcc(x86_64)-395 Result: Package existence check passed 396 397 Check: Package existence libstdc++(x86_64)398 399   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------400   node2         libstdc++(x86_64)-23.el6  libstdc++(x86_64)-   passed    401   node1         libstdc++(x86_64)-402 Result: Package existence check passed 403 404 Check: Package existence libstdc++-devel(x86_64)405 406   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------407   node2         libstdc++-devel(x86_64)-23.el6  libstdc++-devel(x86_64)-408   node1         libstdc++-devel(x86_64)-409 Result: Package existence check passed 410 411 Check: Package existence sysstat412 413   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------414   node2         sysstat-27.el6      sysstat-             passed    415   node1         sysstat-416 Result: Package existence check passed 417 418 Check: Package existence gcc419 420   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------421   node2         23.el6                           passed    422   node1         423 Result: Package existence check passed 424 425 Check: Package existence gcc-c++426 427   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------428   node2         23.el6      429   node1         430 Result: Package existence check passed 431 432 Check: Package existence ksh433 434   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------435   node2         ksh                       ksh                       passed    436   node1         ksh                       ksh                       passed    437 Result: Package existence check passed 438 439 Check: Package existence make440 441   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------442   node2         20.el6          3.81443   node1         444 Result: Package existence check passed 445 446 Check: Package existence glibc(x86_64)447 448   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------449   node2         glibc(x86_64)-1.212.el6_10.3  glibc(x86_64)-2.12        passed    450   node1         glibc(x86_64)-451 Result: Package existence check passed 452 453 Check: Package existence glibc-devel(x86_64)454 455   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------456   node2         glibc-devel(x86_64)-3  glibc-devel(x86_64)-457   node1         glibc-devel(x86_64)-458 Result: Package existence check passed 459 460 Check: Package existence libaio(x86_64)461 462   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------463   node2         libaio(x86_64)-10.el6  libaio(x86_64)-107    passed    464   node1         libaio(x86_64)-465 Result: Package existence check passed 466 467 Check: Package existence libaio-devel(x86_64)468 469   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------470   node2         libaio-devel(x86_64)-10.el6  libaio-devel(x86_64)-471   node1         libaio-devel(x86_64)-472 Result: Package existence check passed 473 474 Check: Package existence nfs-utils475 476   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------477   node2         nfs-utils-1.2.64.el6    nfs-utils-15478   node1         nfs-utils-479 Result: Package existence check passed 480 481 Checking availability of ports 6200,6100" required for component Oracle Notification Service (ONS)482   Node name         Port Number   Protocol      Available     Status          483   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------484   node2             6200          TCP           yes           successful      485   node1             486   node2             6100487   node1             488 Result: Port availability check passed for ports 489 490 Checking availability of ports 42424Oracle Cluster Synchronization Services (CSSD)491 492   ----------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------493   node2             42424         TCP           yes           successful      494   node1             495 Result: Port availability check passed 496 497 Checking 0498 Result: Check 0499 500 Check: Current group ID 501 Result: Current group ID check passed502 503 Starting check  consistency of primary group of root user504 505   ------------------------------------  ------------------------506 507 508 509 Check for consistency of root users primary group passed510 511 Starting Clock synchronization checks using Network Time Protocol(NTP)...512 513 Checking existence of NTP configuration file /etc/ntp.conf across nodes514   Node name                             file exists?            515   ------------------------------------  ------------------------516 517 518 The NTP configuration  is available on all nodes519 NTP configuration  existence check passed520 No NTP Daemons or Services were found to be running521 PRVF-5507 : NTP daemon or service is not running on any node but NTP configuration  exists on the following node(s):522 523 Result: Clock synchronization check using Network Time Protocol(NTP) Failed524 525 Checking Core  name pattern consistency...526 Core  name pattern consistency check passed.527 528 Checking to make sure user " is not in root group529 530   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------531   node2         passed                    does not exist          532   node1         passed                    does not exist          533 Result: User " is not part of  group. Check passed534 535 Check default user  creation mask536   Node name     Available                 required                  Comment   537   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------538   node2         0022                      0022                      passed    539   node1         540 Result: Default user  creation mask check passed541 Checking integrity of /etc/resolv.conf542 543 Checking the " to make sure only one of domain' and search entrIEs is defined544 545 WARNING: 546 PRVF-5640 : Both ' entrIEs are present  on the following nodes: node1,1)">547 548 Check for integrity of 549 550 Check: Time zone consistency 551 Result: Time zone consistency check passed552 553 Checking integrity of name service switch configuration /etc/nsswitch.conf ...554 Checking if hosts" entry  is consistent across nodes...555 Checking make sure that only one  entry is defined556 More than one " entry does not exist in any file557 All nodes have same " entry defined 558 Check for integrity of name service switch configuration 559 560 561 Checking daemon avahi-daemon is not configured and running562 563 Check: Daemon  not configured564   Node name     Configured                Status                  565   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------566   node2         no                        passed                  567   node1         no                        passed                  568 Daemon not configured check passed for process 569 570 Check: Daemon  not running571   Node name     Running?                  Status                  572   ------------  ------------------------  ------------------------573 574 575 Daemon not running check passed 576 577 Starting check for /dev/shm mounted as temporary  system ...578 579 Check  system passed580 581 Starting check for /boot mount582 583 Check 584 585 Starting check  zeroconf check ...586 587 ERROR: 588 589 PRVE-10077 : NOZEROCONF parameter was not  specifIEd or was not set to ' /etc/sysconfig/network" on node 590 PRVE-591 592 Check  zeroconf check Failed593 594 Pre-check  cluster services setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes. 595 596 ******************************************************************************************597 Following is the List of fixable prerequisites selected to fix  this session598 ******************************************************************************************599 600 --------------                ---------------     ----------------    601 Check Failed.                 Failed on nodes     Reboot required?    602 --------------                ---------------     ----------------    603 zeroconf check                node2,node1         no                  604 605 606 607 Execute /tmp/CVU_12." as root user on nodes  to perform the fix up operations manually608 609 Press ENTER key to continue after execution of " has completed on nodes 610 611 Fix: zeroconf check 612 613   ------------------------------------  ------------------------614   node2                                 Failed                  615   node1                                 Failed                  616 617 618 PRVG-9023 : Manual fix up command " was not issued by root user on node 619 620 PRVG-621 622 Result: zeroconf check" Could not be fixed on nodes 623 Fix up operations for selected fixable prerequisites were unsuccessful on nodes "
VIEw Code



后续:安装GrID infrastructure和RDBMS,以及创建数据库,见文档:

Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(二)--使用图形界面安装


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(一)--环境准备全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Oracle 12cR1 RAC集群安装(一)--环境准备所遇到的程序开发问题。




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