select t.sno,sname,avg(grade) as 平均分,count(cname) as 选课门数
from student t,sc c,course e
where t.sno=c.sno and c.cno=e.cno and t.sno=
(select top 1 t1.sno from student t1,sc c1,course e1 where t1.sno=c1.sno and c1.cno=e1.cno and e1.cname='数据结构' order by c1.grade desc)
group by t.sno,sname
再根据学号得到平均分agv和选课门数 count
SELECT student.sno AS `学号`,student.sname AS `姓名`,MAX(grade) AS `最高分`,MIN(grade) AS `最低分`,AVG(grade) AS `平均分`
FROM sc JOIN student ON sc.sno = student.sno GROUP BY sc.sno