typedef struct LNode
int data
struct LNode *next
void CreatList(List *&L,int n)
int k = sizeof(List)
List *P, *S
L = (List *)malloc(k)
L->data = 1
P = L
for (int i = 2 i <= n i++)
S = (List *)malloc(k)
S->data = i
P->next = S
P = S
P->next = L
void Josef(List *&L, int n, int k)//递归,剩余一个数输出,否则继续执行删除 *** 作
List *P, *Q
P = L
for (int i = 1 i < k-1 i++)
P = P->next
Q = P->next
P->next = Q->next
L = P->next//确定起始位置
n -= 1
if (n == 1)
printf("%d", L->data)
Josef(L, n, k)
int main(void)
int n, k
List *L
scanf("%d %d", &n, &k)
CreatList(L, n)
Josef(L, n, k)
return 0
[java] view
package com.njupt.zhb.test
import org.opencv.core.Core
import org.opencv.core.Mat
import org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
import org.opencv.core.Point
import org.opencv.core.Rect
import org.opencv.core.Scalar
import org.opencv.highgui.Highgui
import org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
// Detects faces in an image, draws boxes around them, and writes the results
// to "faceDetection.png".
public class DetectFaceDemo {
public void run() {
System.out.println("\nRunning DetectFaceDemo")
// Create a face detector from the cascade file in the resources
// directory.
//CascadeClassifier faceDetector = new CascadeClassifier(getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath())
//Mat image = Highgui.imread(getClass().getResource("lena.png").getPath())
* Detected 0 faces Writing faceDetection.png libpng warning: Image
* width is zero in IHDR libpng warning: Image height is zero in IHDR
* libpng error: Invalid IHDR data
String xmlfilePath=getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath().substring(1)
CascadeClassifier faceDetector = new CascadeClassifier(xmlfilePath)
Mat image = Highgui.imread(getClass().getResource("we.jpg").getPath().substring(1))
// Detect faces in the image.
// MatOfRect is a special container class for Rect.
MatOfRect faceDetections = new MatOfRect()
faceDetector.detectMultiScale(image, faceDetections)
System.out.println(String.format("Detected %s faces", faceDetections.toArray().length))
// Draw a bounding box around each face.
for (Rect rect : faceDetections.toArray()) {
Core.rectangle(image, new Point(rect.x, rect.y), new Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), new Scalar(0, 255, 0))
// Save the visualized detection.
String filename = "faceDetection.png"
System.out.println(String.format("Writing %s", filename))
Highgui.imwrite(filename, image)
package com.njupt.zhb.test
import org.opencv.core.Core
import org.opencv.core.Mat
import org.opencv.core.MatOfRect
import org.opencv.core.Point
import org.opencv.core.Rect
import org.opencv.core.Scalar
import org.opencv.highgui.Highgui
import org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier
// Detects faces in an image, draws boxes around them, and writes the results
// to "faceDetection.png".
public class DetectFaceDemo {
public void run() {
System.out.println("\nRunning DetectFaceDemo")
// Create a face detector from the cascade file in the resources
// directory.
//CascadeClassifier faceDetector = new CascadeClassifier(getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath())
//Mat image = Highgui.imread(getClass().getResource("lena.png").getPath())
* Detected 0 faces Writing faceDetection.png libpng warning: Image
* width is zero in IHDR libpng warning: Image height is zero in IHDR
* libpng error: Invalid IHDR data
String xmlfilePath=getClass().getResource("lbpcascade_frontalface.xml").getPath().substring(1)
CascadeClassifier faceDetector = new CascadeClassifier(xmlfilePath)
Mat image = Highgui.imread(getClass().getResource("we.jpg").getPath().substring(1))
// Detect faces in the image.
// MatOfRect is a special container class for Rect.
MatOfRect faceDetections = new MatOfRect()
faceDetector.detectMultiScale(image, faceDetections)
System.out.println(String.format("Detected %s faces", faceDetections.toArray().length))
// Draw a bounding box around each face.
for (Rect rect : faceDetections.toArray()) {
Core.rectangle(image, new Point(rect.x, rect.y), new Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), new Scalar(0, 255, 0))
// Save the visualized detection.
String filename = "faceDetection.png"
System.out.println(String.format("Writing %s", filename))
Highgui.imwrite(filename, image)
[java] view
package com.njupt.zhb.test
public class TestMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, OpenCV")
// Load the native library.
new DetectFaceDemo().run()
//Hello, OpenCV
//Running DetectFaceDemo
//Detected 8 faces
//Writing faceDetection.png
package com.njupt.zhb.test
public class TestMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, OpenCV")
// Load the native library.
new DetectFaceDemo().run()
//Hello, OpenCV
//Running DetectFaceDemo
//Detected 8 faces
//Writing faceDetection.png