

做网站有时会处理一些上传下载的文件 可能会用到加解密功能 以下是一个加解密方法


import java io File

import java io FileInputStream

import java io FileOutputStream

import java io IOException

import nf Conf

import mon time TimeHandler


* 加解密单元

* @author lupingui

* : :


public class EncryptDecrypt {

//加解密KEY 这个不能变动 这里可以由任意的字符组成 尽量用特殊字符

static final byte[] KEYVALUE = getBytes()


static final int BUFFERLEN =


static final String TRANSIT_DIR_ENC =


static final String TRANSIT_DIR_DEC =


* 文件加密

* @param oldFile 待加密文件

* @param saveFileName 加密后文件保存路径

* @return

* @throws IOException


public static boolean encryptFile(File oldFile String saveFileName) throws IOException{


if (!oldFile exists() || !oldFile isFile()){

return false


FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(oldFile)


File file = new File(saveFileName)

if (!file exists()){

return false



FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)

int c pos keylen

pos =

keylen = KEYVALUE length

byte buffer[] = new byte[BUFFERLEN]

while ((c = in read(buffer)) != ) {

for (int i = i <ci++) {

buffer[i] ^= KEYVALUE[pos]

out write(buffer[i])


if (pos == keylen){

pos =




in close()

out close()

return true



* 文件加密

* @param oldFile:待加密文件

* @param saveFile 加密后的文件

* @return

* @throws IOException


public static boolean encryptFile(File oldFile File saveFile) throws IOException{


if (!oldFile exists() || !oldFile isFile() || !saveFile exists() || !saveFile isFile()){

return false


FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(oldFile)


FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(saveFile)

int c pos keylen

pos =

keylen = KEYVALUE length

byte buffer[] = new byte[BUFFERLEN]

while ((c = in read(buffer)) != ) {

for (int i = i <ci++) {

buffer[i] ^= KEYVALUE[pos]

out write(buffer[i])


if (pos == keylen){

pos =




in close()

out close()

return true



* 文件加密

* @param oldFile 待加密文件

* @return

* @throws IOException


public static File encryptFile(File oldFile) throws IOException{


if (!oldFile exists() || !oldFile isFile()){

return null


FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(oldFile)


File dirFile = new File(TRANSIT_DIR_ENC)


if (!dirFile exists() || !dirFile isDirectory()){

return null



File file = new File(dirFile enc_ + TimeHandler getInstance() getTimeInMillis() + _ + oldFile getName())

if (!file exists()){

file createNewFile()



FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)

int c pos keylen

pos =

keylen = KEYVALUE length

byte buffer[] = new byte[BUFFERLEN]

while ((c = in read(buffer)) != ) {

for (int i = i <ci++) {

buffer[i] ^= KEYVALUE[pos]

out write(buffer[i])


if (pos == keylen){

pos =




in close()

out close()


return file



* 文件加密

* @param oldFileName 待加密文件路径

* @return

* @throws IOException

* @throws Exception


public static File encryptFile(String oldFileName) throws IOException {


if (oldFileName == null || oldFileName trim() equals( )){

return null



File oldFile = new File(oldFileName)


if (!oldFile exists() || !oldFile isFile()){

return null



return encryptFile(oldFile)



* 文件解密

* @param oldFile 待解密文件

* @return

* @throws IOException


public static File decryptFile(File oldFile) throws IOException{


if (!oldFile exists() || !oldFile isFile()){

return null


FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(oldFile)


File dirFile = new File(TRANSIT_DIR_DEC)


if (!dirFile exists() || !dirFile isDirectory()){

return null



File file = new File(dirFile dec_ + TimeHandler getInstance() getTimeInMillis() + _ + oldFile getName() substring(oldFile getName() lastIndexOf( )))

if (!file exists()){

file createNewFile()



FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)

int c pos keylen

pos =

keylen = KEYVALUE length

byte buffer[] = new byte[BUFFERLEN]

while ((c = in read(buffer)) != ) {

for (int i = i <ci++) {

buffer[i] ^= KEYVALUE[pos]

out write(buffer[i])


if (pos == keylen){

pos =




in close()

out close()


return file



* 文件解密

* @param oldFileName 待解密文件路径

* @return

* @throws Exception


public static File decryptFile(String oldFileName) throws Exception {


if (oldFileName == null || oldFileName trim() equals( )){

return null



File oldFile = new File(oldFileName)


if (!oldFile exists() || !oldFile isFile()){

return null



return decryptFile(oldFile)




1.BASE64 严格地说,属于编码格式,而非加密算法

2.MD5(Message Digest algorithm 5,信息摘要算法)

3.SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm,安全散列算法)

4.HMAC(Hash Message Authentication Code,散列消息鉴别码)

按 照RFC2045的定义,Base64被定义为:Base64内容传送编码被设计用来把任意序列的8位字节描述为一种不易被人直接识别的形式。(The Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in a form that need not be humanly readable.)

常见于邮件、http加密,截取http信息,你就会发现登录 *** 作的用户名、密码字段通过BASE64加密的。



MD5 -- message-digest algorithm 5 (信息-摘要算法)缩写,广泛用于加密和解密技术,常用于文件校验。校验?不管文件多大,经过MD5后都能生成唯一的MD5值。好比现在的ISO校验,都 是MD5校验。怎么用?当然是把ISO经过MD5后产生MD5的值。一般下载linux-ISO的朋友都见过下载链接旁边放着MD5的串。就是用来验证文 件是否一致的。


HMAC(Hash Message Authentication Code,散列消息鉴别码,基于密钥的Hash算法的认证协议。消息鉴别码实现鉴别的原理是,用公开函数和密钥产生一个固定长度的值作为认证标识,用这个 标识鉴别消息的完整性。使用一个密钥生成一个固定大小的小数据块,即MAC,并将其加入到消息中,然后传输。接收方利用与发送方共享的密钥进行鉴别认证 等。


BASE64 严格地说,属于编码格式,而非加密算法

MD5(Message Digest algorithm 5,信息摘要算法)

SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm,安全散列算法)

HMAC(Hash Message Authentication Code,散列消息鉴别码)


DES(Data Encryption Standard,数据加密算法)

PBE(Password-based encryption,基于密码验证)

RSA(算法的名字以发明者的名字命名:Ron Rivest, AdiShamir 和Leonard Adleman)


DSA(Digital Signature Algorithm,数字签名)

ECC(Elliptic Curves Cryptography,椭圆曲线密码编码学)



* BASE64加密


* @param key

* @return

* @throws Exception


public static String encryptBASE64(byte[] key) throws Exception {

return (new BASE64Encoder()).encodeBuffer(key)



* MD5加密


* @param data

* @return

* @throws Exception


public static byte[] encryptMD5(byte[] data) throws Exception {

MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance(KEY_MD5)


return md5.digest()



* SHA加密


* @param data

* @return

* @throws Exception


public static byte[] encryptSHA(byte[] data) throws Exception {

MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance(KEY_SHA)


return sha.digest()




* 初始化HMAC密钥


* @return

* @throws Exception


public static String initMacKey() throws Exception {

KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(KEY_MAC)

SecretKey secretKey = keyGenerator.generateKey()

return encryptBASE64(secretKey.getEncoded())



* HMAC加密


* @param data

* @param key

* @return

* @throws Exception


public static byte[] encryptHMAC(byte[] data, String key) throws Exception {

SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(decryptBASE64(key), KEY_MAC)

Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(secretKey.getAlgorithm())


return mac.doFinal(data)




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