Given a circular array C of integers represented by A
,find the maximum possible sum of a non-empty subarray of C.
Here,a circular array means the end of the array connects to the beginning of the array. (Formally, C[i] = A[i]
when 0 <= i < A.length
,and C[i+A.length] = C[i]
when i >= 0
Also,a subarray may only include each element of the fixed buffer A
at most once. (Formally,for a subarray C[i],C[i+1],...,C[j]
,there does not exist i <= k1,k2 <= j
with k1 % A.length = k2 % A.length
Example 1:
input: [1,-2,3,-2]Output: 3 Explanation: Subarray [3] has maximum sum 3
Example 2:
input: [5,-3,5]Output: 10 Explanation: Subarray [5,5] has maximum sum 5 + 5 = 10
Example 3:
input: [3,-1,2,-1]Output: 4 Explanation: Subarray [2,3] has maximum sum 2 + (-1) + 3 = 4
Example 4:
input: [3,-3]Output: 3 Explanation: Subarray [3] and [3,2] both have maximum sum 3
Example 5:
input: [-2,-1]Output: -1 Explanation: Subarray [-1] has maximum sum -1
-30000 <= A[i] <= 30000
1 <= A.length <= 30000
给定一个由整数数组 A
表示的环形数组 C
,求 C
在此处,环形数组意味着数组的末端将会与开头相连呈环状。(形式上,当0 <= i < A.length
时 C[i] = A[i]
,而当 i >= 0
时 C[i+A.length] = C[i]
此外,子数组最多只能包含固定缓冲区 A
中的每个元素一次。(形式上,对于子数组 C[i],C[j]
,不存在 i <= k1,k2 <= j
其中 k1 % A.length = k2 % A.length
示例 1:
输入:[1,-2]输出:3解释:从子数组 [3] 得到最大和 3
示例 2:
输入:[5,5]输出:10解释:从子数组 [5,5] 得到最大和 5 + 5 = 10
示例 3:
输入:[3,-1]输出:4解释:从子数组 [2,3] 得到最大和 2 + (-1) + 3 = 4
示例 4:
输入:[3,-3]输出:3解释:从子数组 [3] 和 [3,2] 都可以得到最大和 3
示例 5:
输入:[-2,-1]输出:-1解释:从子数组 [-1] 得到最大和 -1
-30000 <= A[i] <= 30000
1 <= A.length <= 30000
96 ms
1 class Solution { 2 func maxSubarraySumCircular(_ A: [Int]) -> Int { 3 if A == nil || A.count == 0 {return 0} 4 var preSumMin:Int = 0 5 var preSumMax:Int = 0 6 var preSum = 0 7 var sumMin = Int.max 8 var sumMax = Int.min 9 let count = A.count10 for i in 0..<count11 {12 preSum += A[i]13 sumMax = max(preSum - preSumMin,sumMax)14 if i != (count - 1)15 {16 sumMin = min(preSum - preSumMax,sumMin)17 }18 preSumMin = min(preSumMin,preSum)19 preSumMax = max(preSumMax,preSum)20 }21 return max(sumMax,preSum - sumMin)22 }23 }总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的[Swift]LeetCode918. 环形子数组的最大和 | Maximum Sum Circular Subarray全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决[Swift]LeetCode918. 环形子数组的最大和 | Maximum Sum Circular Subarray所遇到的程序开发问题。