进入主题,首先先思考算法和逻辑。把圆分为八块,每块45度。正上,正下,正左,正右会被X和Y 平分。一边一半各是22.5度。(PS:开始想用 斜率的,但是发现斜率是tan的图像,也就是无限趋近最大值和最小值的不好做判断最后就用了cos也可用sin)思考计算的过程图如下:
Box_tm:settouchEnabled(true) Box_tm:settouchSwallowEnabled(true) Box_tm:addtouchEventListener(function(event,x,y,prevX,prevY) local x,y = x,y if event == 'began' then elseif event == "moved" then cc,yy = Box:getParent():convertToNodeSpace(ccp(x,y)) -- 变为世界坐标系 --Box_tm:convertToWorldspace(ccp(x,y)) Box_tm:setposition(cc,yy) local up_x,up_y = Box_tm:getposition() local loangle = self:CosAngle(up_x,up_y,Box_x,Box_y) if handle2 == nil then handle2 = scheduler.scheduleGlobal(handler(self,self.touchScheduler),0.1) -- 启动定时器 end if up_y > Box_tm_y then -- 判断在上边 --todo if loangle >= 0 and loangle <= 22.5 then --todo dir_bar = "右" elseif loangle > 22.5 and loangle <= 62.5 then --todo dir_bar = "右上" elseif loangle >67.5 and loangle <= 112.5 then dir_bar = "上" elseif loangle >= 112.5 and loangle < 157.5 then dir_bar = "左上" else dir_bar = "左" end else -- 判断在下面 --todo if loangle >= 0 and loangle <= 22.5 then --todo dir_bar = "右" elseif loangle > 22.5 and loangle <= 62.5 then --todo dir_bar = "右下" elseif loangle >67.5 and loangle <= 112.5 then dir_bar = "下" elseif loangle >= 112.5 and loangle < 157.5 then dir_bar = "左下" else --todo dir_bar = "左" end end elseif event == "ended" then Box_tm:setposition(Box_tm_x,Box_tm_y) self.critSprite:stopAllActions() self.up_bar = 0 self.leftUp_bar =0 self.left_bar =0 self.rightUp_bar =0 self.right_bar =0 self.down_bar = 0 self.leftDown_bar = 0 self.rightDown_bar = 0 scheduler.unscheduleGlobal(handle2) handle2 = nil end return true end)定时器中代码:
function Backpack:touchScheduler() run_x,run_y = self.critSprite:getposition() local speed = 3 if dir_bar == "上" then if self.up_bar == 0 then self:State("上") self.up_bar = 1 self.rightUp_bar = 0 self.right_bar = 0 self.leftUp_bar = 0 self.left_bar = 0 self.down_bar = 0 self.leftDown_bar = 0 self.rightDown_bar = 0 end self.critSprite:setposition(run_x,run_y + speed) elseif dir_bar == "下" then if self.down_bar == 0 then self:State("下") self.down_bar = 1 self.rightUp_bar = 0 self.right_bar = 0 self.leftUp_bar = 0 self.left_bar = 0 self.up_bar = 0 self.leftDown_bar = 0 self.rightDown_bar = 0 end self.critSprite:setposition(run_x,run_y - speed) ………… -- 就这样的不多写了 最好把<span >self:State("下") 中的 汉字改为英文(编码问题要小心)。我这就不改了,大家注意就是。</span>状态:
function Backpack:State(...) local dir = ... if dir == "上" then self:Action(0,8) -- 这里要注意参数是从第几个编号开始,往后多少张图 elseif dir == "下" then self:Action(32,8) elseif dir == "左" then self:Action(48,8) elseif dir == "右" then self:Action(16,8) elseif dir == "左上" then self:Action(56,8) elseif dir == "右上" then self:Action(8,8) elseif dir == "左下" then self:Action(40,8) elseif dir == "右下" then self:Action(24,8) endend
function Backpack:Action(st,la) self.critSprite:removeFromParentAndCleanup(true) self.frames = display.newFrames("000%d.tga",st,la) self.critSprite = display.newSprite(self.frames[1]) :addTo(display:getRunningScene(),SECOND_MENU_Z_ORDER) self.critSprite:setScale(0.6) animation = display.newAnimation(self.frames,1 / 9) Transition.execute(self.critSprite,CCAnimate:create(animation),{ onComplete = function() end}) self.critSprite:playAnimationForever(animation)end
我尽力了,弄了很久 GIF 都发不出去,CSDN 说的是支持GIF 我也小于2M 了发出来还是不动得! 求知道朋友告知一声怎么弄的,在这我先谢谢了!
这篇文章在quick 官方的教程中我也发过,在教程推荐的前几名上过一段时间:http://cn.cocos2d-x.org/tutorial/show?id=2789 有兴趣的可以点进去看下。
博主QQ: 294678265
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