刚刚安装了Silverlight3.0, 赶紧看一下SDK里的Changs.docx 看看有什么新增功能没,结果发现只有4个改变:
1. OpenfileDialog.ShowDialog() can Now only be opened from a user initiated event
2. Hyperlinkbutton Now navigates the entire window and not just the iframe that Silverlight is in
3. Mouse events insIDe a Popup Now give positions relative to the pop-up not the entire application
4. ReadonlyObservableCollection moved from System.windows.Controls.Data.dll to System.windows.dll
Oh!我的天啊。 这算什么改变啊,还好意思叫3.0的。下次还是不要下载Beta版的了,要下也得先了解清楚。
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Silverlight 2.0 到 3.0 的改变全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Silverlight 2.0 到 3.0 的改变所遇到的程序开发问题。