在windows 8 metro 或者windows phone 8 里 silverlight 和XNA被其他技术代替,XNA要被DirectX和本地代码代替,向IOS学习!
silverlight在微软内部已经被终止开发了,死了。用silverlight快速开发比起Jquery强多了,不能和IE捆绑发行,两三下子就被抛弃了,转战windows phone7.
windows Phone 7 有点象silverlight,四五年后又得象silverlight一样抛弃,然后转战windows tablet!
windows Phone 8: What's Microsoft's developer story?url:http://www.zdnet.com/blog/microsoft/windows-phone-8-whats-microsofts-developer-story/12353
windows Phone Secrets author Paul Thurrott states this more directly than the SoftIEs were willing to do:
“The Silverlight-based Windows Phone developer environment is going away in Windows Phone 8, and is being replaced by WinRT-based APIs like those in windows 8. Why? Two reasons.First,Silverlight is dead,cancelled internally by Microsoft. And second,windows Phone 8 is windows 8 for all intents and purposes.”
There’s one other bit worth a mention from the new post,and it’s in the comments. Cliff Simpkins,Senior Product Manager for windows Phone,offered a bit of information about XNA support in windows Phone 8:
“While not explicitly called out,XNA is very much a part of Larry’s statement ‘today’s windows Phone applications and games will run on the next major version of windows Phone.’ XNA is fully supported in the next major version and remains part of the windows Phone family. We remain committed to supporting our developers’ existing skills and code as we move ahead - together.”
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的silverlight 和XNA要死了,Microsoft就是另外一个IBM全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决silverlight 和XNA要死了,Microsoft就是另外一个IBM所遇到的程序开发问题。