Progressthread progThread;ProgressDialog progDialog;int typebar;int delay = 40; int maxbarValue = 200;@OverrIDeprotected Dialog onCreateDialog(int ID) { switch (ID) { case 1: progDialog = new ProgressDialog(this); progDialog.setProgressstyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL); progDialog.setMax(maxbarValue); progDialog.setMessage("Data uploading to the Server.."); progThread = new Progressthread(handler); progThread.start(); return progDialog; default: return null; }}final Handler handler = new Handler() { public voID handleMessage(Message msg) { // Get the current value of the variable total from the message data // and update the progress bar. int total = msg.getData().getInt("total"); progDialog.setProgress(total); if (total <= 0) { dismissDialog(typebar); progThread.setState(Progressthread.DONE); } }};private class Progressthread extends Thread { final static int DONE = 0; final static int RUNNING = 1; Handler mHandler; int mState; int total; Progressthread(Handler h) { mHandler = h; } @OverrIDe public voID run() { mState = RUNNING; total = maxbarValue; while (mState == RUNNING) { connectServerClass.saveOnServer(Object); Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("total", total); msg.setData(b); mHandler.sendMessage(msg); total--; // Count down } } public voID setState(int state) { mState = state; }}
typebar = 1;showDialog(typebar);
private class Uploader extends AsyncTask<VoID, String, Integer> { private List<file> files; private boolean canceled; private int uploaded; private Account account; private ProgressDialog uploadSeekbar; public Uploader(Account a, List<file> files) { this.account = a; this.files = files; } @OverrIDe protected voID onPreExecute() { uploadSeekbar.setMax(files.size()); uploadSeekbar.setProgress(0); uploadSeekbar.setVisibility(VIEw.VISIBLE); //Error: the method setVisibility is undefined } @OverrIDe protected voID onPostExecute(Integer result) { uploadSeekbar.setVisibility(VIEw.INVISIBLE); Toast.makeText(Upload.this, result + " files uploaded", // Error: Upload cannot be resolved to a type Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } @OverrIDe protected voID onCancelled() { // XXX need a way to actually cancel the last upload Toast.makeText(Upload.this, "canceling upload", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); this.canceled = true; uploadSeekbar.setVisibility(VIEw.INVISIBLE); } @OverrIDe protected Integer doInBackground(VoID... voIDs) { uploaded = 0; try { Iterator<file> it = this.files.iterator(); while (!canceled && it.hasNext()) { file file = it.next(); it.remove(); String msg = ""; try { if (deBUGMode) // what is this deBUGMode { //Put your uploading code here. msg = ("fake uploading " + file); Thread.sleep(3000); } else { msg = ("uploading: " + file); controller.uploadfile(file, this.account); //Error: controller cannot be resolved } uploaded++; publishProgress(msg); } catch (IOException e) { controller.te("error uploading file: " + file); controller.te("error uploading file: " + e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } catch (Exception e) { publishProgress("error uploading: " + e); } return uploaded; } @OverrIDe protected voID onProgressUpdate(String... strings) { uploadSeekbar.setProgress(uploaded); updateUploadMessage(files.size()); Toast.makeText(Upload.this, strings[0], Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); //Error: The method updateUploadMessage(int) is undefined for the type FirstActivity.Uploader } }
package org.sample;import java.io.file;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.List;import androID.accounts.Account;import androID.os.AsyncTask;import androID.vIEw.VIEw;import androID.Widget.Toast; private class Uploader extends AsyncTask<VoID, String, Integer> { private List<file> files; private boolean canceled; private int uploaded; public Uploader(Account a, List<file> files) { this.account = a; this.files = files; } @OverrIDe protected voID onPreExecute() { uploadSeekbar.setMax(files.size()); uploadSeekbar.setProgress(0); uploadSeekbar.setVisibility(VIEw.VISIBLE); } @OverrIDe protected voID onPostExecute(Integer result) { uploadSeekbar.setVisibility(VIEw.INVISIBLE); Toast.makeText(Upload.this, result + " files uploaded", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } @OverrIDe protected voID onCancelled() { // XXX need a way to actually cancel the last upload Toast.makeText(Upload.this, "canceling upload", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); this.canceled = true; uploadSeekbar.setVisibility(VIEw.INVISIBLE); } @OverrIDe protected Integer doInBackground(VoID... voIDs) { uploaded = 0; try { Iterator<file> it = this.files.iterator(); while (!canceled && it.hasNext()) { file file = it.next(); it.remove(); String msg = ""; try { if (deBUGMode) { //Put your uploading code here. msg = ("fake uploading " + file); Thread.sleep(3000); } else { msg = ("uploading: " + file); controller.uploadfile(file, this.account); } uploaded++; publishProgress(msg); } catch (IOException e) { controller.te("error uploading file: " + file); controller.te("error uploading file: " + e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } catch (Exception e) { publishProgress("error uploading: " + e); } return uploaded; } @OverrIDe protected voID onProgressUpdate(String... strings) { uploadSeekbar.setProgress(uploaded); updateUploadMessage(files.size()); Toast.makeText(Upload.this, strings[0], Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }
总结 以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的Java-Android:进度条,用于将数据上传到服务器全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Java-Android:进度条,用于将数据上传到服务器所遇到的程序开发问题。