The enCoding works flawlessly on ipad 1 and iphone 3gs/4 for both ios 4 and 5. However,for dual-core devices (iphone 4s,ipad 2) the third call to ExtAudiofileWrite crashes the enCoding thread with no stack trace and no error code.
After much frustration and no help from Apple,my co-worker figured out the problem. Apparently on the newer iOS devices (iPad 2 and iPhone 4S),44.1 kHz is not a valID sample rate for AAC enCoding,at least using External Audio file Services. 48 kHz works just fine. I've filed this to Apple as a BUG,hopefully they will take care of it
I had a very similar problem where I was attempting to use Extended Audio file Services in order to stream PCM sound into an m4a file on an iPad 2. Everything appeared to work except that every call to ExtAudiofileWrite returned the error code -66567 (kExtAudiofileError_MaxPacketSizeUnkNown). The fix I eventually found was to set the "Codec Manufacturer" to software instead of harDWare. So place
UInt32 codecManf = kAppleSoftwareAudioCodecManufacturer;ExtAudiofileSetProperty(fileToWrite,kExtAudiofileProperty_CodecManufacturer,sizeof(UInt32),&codecManf);总结